• For Broken Men Who Cross Often

    Efe Paul Azino’s spoken word performances have received critical acclaim from listeners over the years. This book is therefore an expected result of a heightened expectation from many of his fans. For Broken Men Who Cross Often, is a refreshing and brilliant bond of the written and the oral, as it invents aesthetic devices to connect the two mediums which have constantly generated wide debate: spoken word and poetry-on-the-page. The author, in his writing, resonates through his themes of advocacy, love, loss, identity and history, the need for a revisit of the inner self. In Efe Paul Azino, we will always listen to tradition in present-day voice.

  • Thunder Protocol

    Thunder Protocol is a mid-career oeuvre of lively and impressive poems that examine issues ranging from the personal to the global. The diversity of themes in this poetry collection is both refreshing and startling, with language that is sometimes witty and inventive, and other times reflective and simple. This collection, which seems like an uncovering of the poet, may be considered a bearer of a collective understanding on the workings of the world.

  • Aya

    Okornore is a sorceress of words. And in the worlds she has created in this work, the reader is roller-coastered across places and spaces much deeper than the footprints she had splashed across cultures. The issues she scopes out are scheduled in a time capsule of infinite temporalities.

    Soul! is what screams at you when you journey through page after page of this delicious collection. From the heavenly to the banal, from the questions of our time to the quest of ages, Aya provides a sounding board for what it means to be human. These sweet verses, minted from the heart of a cosmopolitan citizen, secrete mystery and creativity

    Sometimes sassy, sometimes philosophical, Okornore nourishes the desire to read on and connect with a soulful source of erudition.

    Aya is a harvest of possibilities.


  • Fynnba Nsem: A Treasury of Poems

    This Treasury contains forty (40) poems which were written to reflect our humanity. The poems take the readers through a contemplation of our earthly habitation and the profound value of what we possess, the beauty around us as well as within us, our potential, responsibilities, personality and human relations. They further solicit a lively introspection on the journey of our lives.

    The treasury also celebrates the lives of great men who have gone ahead of us, to spur us on to live out the greatness within us. Readers will definitely enjoy this book and will be inspired, motivated and challenged.

  • …Power to the People: Reflections on Retrogressive Politics

    Published in 1984…Power to the People is a doctor’s medicine for Ghana’s ills. The pill is occasionally bitter, but is coated with a generous layer of therapeutic laughter, to help its message slide gently into the appropriate organs of the national digestive system.

    Presented in the form of prose, poetry and cartoons, the first part of the book, subtitled The Past, covers the Nkrumah, Kotoka, Afrifa & Ankrah, Busia, Acheampong & Akuffo, Rawlings 1979 and Limann eras. The second part, subtitled The Present, covers the first three years of the second coming of Rawlings.

    In a satirical treatment of our history over almost 30 years, this book sheds a great light onto the paths that Ghana traversed in those heady years, in a form that is easy to read, reflect on and learn.

    In the author’s own words, “in recording these…my hope is that others would be induced to ponder over and question loudly some of those short-comings, lapses and omissions in our national character and situation which are stifling our growth and retarding the country’s progress. If our questions get loud and irritating enough to cause discomfiture in our policy makers, then the reader wouldn’t have been bored for nothing.”

  • Africa’s Vision: A Second Anthology

    In Africa’s Vision: A Second Anthology, Obaze, who deems himself an accidental poet, takes the reader on a journey of eclectic poems, which in the author’s own words are ‘a convenient special-purpose mechanism for the capturing and demythologization of events and people.’

    Like most poets, Obaze plays on time and space and even abstracts, as if painting far-flung scenes and scenarios on a subliminal, yet illuminating canvas. Accordingly, his poems unmask in very uncanny ways, humanity, complete with observed foibles. As he underlines, “these poems and odes on human foibles, nature, rebirth, and society, are analogous to doodling done over time. In that context, the canvas is rich and the paintings rendered in very vivid colours are exquisitely captivating.

    Africa’s Vision – A Second Anthology, Obaze’s second anthology after Regarscent Past – A Collection of Poems (2015), adds vim to the emerging African voices that resort to poetry to render history and capture events, both sublime and the ridiculous. As the richness of Africa’s oral history and folktales, including moonlight tales, wane, poetry such as this finds both space and salutary coveted niche in Africa’s literary world.

  • Kenken Kankan Konkon: Poems To Make You Laugh and Reflect on Life

    This book is a summary of life. It has poems to celebrate mothers, fathers, lovers and the unloved. There are poems on food and work and spirituality. What binds all of these together, however, is the presence of poems that makes the reader think deeply about life through simple but well-woven language to drive meaning home. It makes the reader laugh as they reflect on life.

  • Winning with Wisdom: A Collection of Poems

    Winning with Wisdom is a collection of poems that are deep and soul lifting. In the pages of this book, you will understand the healing power of God, read about His benevolence and ask deep questions about debacles happening around the world. Victor Uwakwe outdid himself on this one.

  • Flood Season

    After over a decade working as a musician under the name Kae Sun, Kwaku Darko-Mensah Jnr. makes a full-blooded return to poetry. His début Flood Season explores diasporic lives, the tensions between who we are and the clichés that surround our nation states, and hybridity. These are poems that carry their weight easily, fizz with the joy of a burst man.

    Flood Season

  • Thoughts From A Wild Dreamer

    “Thoughts From A Wild Dreamer,” is a captivating and thought-provoking book that takes you on a poetic journey through the mind of an entrepreneur. In this collection of chapters, I delve deep into my personal experiences, sharing profound insights and inspiring thoughts to ignite your imagination and fuel your entrepreneurial spirit.

    Chapter by chapter, I explore the highs and lows, the triumphs and challenges of my path. From the exhilarating pursuit of success to the moments of self-doubt and introspection, each chapter unravels a different facet of a dreamer’s wild and untamed world. With a spoken-word poetry style, I invite you to join me as I navigate through the realms of courage, resilience, and self-discovery.

    Are you ready to step into the world of a wild dreamer? Prepare to be inspired, motivated, and transformed. Let the symphony of words and the depth of emotions guide you as we embark on this extraordinary journey together.

    Get ready to unleash your magic and ignite your dreams’ flames. Welcome to “Thoughts From A Wild Dreamer”

  • Hope Lives Here

    Despite my dim musings, I found where hope lived, reached out for hope’s bright light, and wrote poems with magic to inspire people, to make the world kinder, to heal communities, and to unite people from diverse worlds. While writing, a flood of distinct emotions climbed me like a horse and stayed with me. I cried. I laughed. I smiled. I felt anger. I felt love. I felt peace in my soul. My heart was broken. I healed. 

    Hope Lives Here at its heart is about dreams. It is a collection of poems about passion, love, rejection, depression, poverty, self-doubt, possibilities, abuse, suicide, climate change, tolerance, politics, and power that shape human endeavours. Come to this book of poems with your heart and mind as we travel daringly across complex terrains of human realities without sidestepping. Hope Lives Here is inspiring, thought-provoking, and heart-warming.

    Hope Lives Here

  • Birthing Butler’s Bethlehem Beast

    Birthing Butler’s Bethlehem Beast features poems inspired by experiences, ideas, and pictures from life, love, faith, and time. Not unlike the narrative style of Streams of Consciousness, the author chooses to label her style as more consistent with Streams of Spiritedness. With an eclectic mix of the literal, the whimsical and the downright mystical, these poems will cause the reader to wonder during the process of reading, yet, the soul will find within itself, a place of recognition, moments of familiarity, and the eventual arrival at a point where all the different ideas, no matter how alien, fall into place beautifully and cohesively to form a complete and collective quilt of a melody of words. If anything, these poems are bound to mesmerize, challenge, and inspire more thought upon which the art of poetry can be enhanced and nuanced in beauty and complexity.

  • Hɔmɔwɔ: Ga Lalawiemɔi

    Hɔmɔwɔ: Ga Lalawiemɔi is a collection of Ga poetry by thirteen (13) contemporary poets.

    Featuring nineteen (19) poems, the poems cover different themes such as pandemics, Ga heritage, family, memory, childhood and love.

    Written completely in Ga, the book is a groundbreaking addition to the Ga language literary scene.

  • ….and so, She Wrote (A little book of poetry)

    A book of poetry that draws on nature as well as the poet’s personal experiences, conversations and observations, it includes a variety of poems that will elicit tears, laughter and provoke thought

  • SeedTime: Selected Poems I

    In memory of all the Ancestral Voices who prepared the field for our SeedTime…

    SeedTime I brings together Selected Poems from Kofi Anyidoho’s first five collections, beginning in reverse order with poems from AncestralLogic & CaribbeanBlues (1993), A Harvest of Our Dreams (1984), EarthChild (1985), Elegy for the Revolution (1978), and BrainSurgery (1985). BrainSurgery, the earliest of these collections, was never published as a collection until it came out together with EarthChild (Woeli Publishing Services, 1985), even though several of the poems had appeared in various journals, magazines and anthologies.

    SeedTime: Selected Poems I is a backward glance to those magical years of birth waters flowing across a landscape filled at once with danger and hope, with dying and rebirth in the mystery and miracle of new beginnings so soon after countless brushfires. But the doubt returns again so close behind the hope as we offer trembling prayers in new poems from an old loom: See What They’ve Done To Our SunRise. Yet, somehow, we must open our minds and souls to the Forever Promise of New SeedTimes. This world cannot, must not crumble under our watch.

    “Quintessential Anyidoho…a harvest of the master craftman’s gems across time and space. SeedTime brings a refreshing newness to old songs, and, for new ones, a touch of creative genius we have come to associate with the poet’s pedigree; a timeless legacy of a poet-laureate, whose voice waxes even stronger in his twilight years.” − Mawuli Adjei, author, poet and literary scholar

    “A collection of haunting poems in which we SEE the turbulent variety of our history, and HEAR the English language teased to express the many rhythms of the African’s eternal homesickness.” − Prof. A. N. Mensah, Department of English, University of Ghana

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