• Daughter in Exile: A Novel

    The acclaimed author of The Teller of Secrets returns with a gut-wrenching, yet heartwarming, story about a young Ghanaian woman’s struggle to make a life in the US, and the challenges she must overcome.

    Lola is twenty-one, and her life in Senegal couldn’t be better. An aspiring writer and university graduate, she has a great job, a nice apartment, a vibrant social life, and a future filled with possibility. But fate disrupts her world when she falls for Armand, an American Marine stationed at the U.S. Embassy. Her mother, a high court judge in Ghana, disapproves of her choice, but nothing will stop Lola from boarding a plane for Armand and America.

    That fateful flight is only the beginning of an extraordinary journey; she has traded her carefree existence in Senegal for the perilous position of an undocumented immigrant in 1990s America.

    Lola encounters adversity that would crush a less-determined woman. Her fate hangs on whether or not she’ll grow in courage to forge a different life from one she’d imagined, whether she’ll succeed in putting herself and family together again. Daughter in Exile is a hope-filled story about mother love, resilience, and unyielding strength.

  • Treasure Hunt

    Age Range: 10 – 15 years 

    Confidence and Delali have no idea of the danger ahead when they decide to investigate the pit that has appeared in the Woli forest. Following clues, tracking down suspects, and cracking open an ancient riddle, the boys soon find themselves in the middle of a plot that threatens the life of their village. The two friends must now overcome their own fears and face the greatest challenge to befall their village—an evil treasure hunt that puts the very lives of the boys in danger.

    Treasure Hunt

  • Murder in the Interest of the Church

    The Revd Dr Denis M’Passou was an Anglican minister in the Republic of Malawi who worked in the field of Christian Communication for a considerable number of years. He was an editor of several magazines and the author of a number of works of both fiction and non-fiction.

    In this book, Dr M’Passou draws on his vast experience to tell a vivid story which highlights the problem of unconfessed sin. The protagonist, the Revd Chuma, finds himself in circumstances which necessitate saving his reputation and that of the church by any means, fair or foul. The reader is compelled to read on to find how far Mr Chuma’s clever intrigues could take him.

    This is a thought-provoking book which must be read by anyone who cares for the reputation of the church.

  • The God’s Daughter

    Jackie Vance and her daughter Ama visit Ghana at the invitation of Mae Brown, an anthropology professor on sabbatical at the University of Cape Coast Ghana. While touring the female slave quarters at Elmina Castle, the largest castle in Africa built by the Portuguese in 1482, Jackie, channelling an Ashanti princess who was captured during the British-Ashanti war, goes into a reverie about the horrifying experiences of the women who lived there several hundred years ago. Jackie was a proud and hot-tempered Ashanti princess called Nana Yaa who was captured during one of the British-Ashanti wars.

  • Bambulu’s School Days

    Bambulu’s School Days, first serialised in The Mirror, Ghana’s most popular weekly, is the memoir of a Ghanaian School child who had a very uncongenial and difficult childhood because his parents were separated shortly after his birth. He, however, got over that initial puerile traumatic experience; which was, mostly, triggered by his father and stepmother.

    Little Paul, later known as Bambulu, really had a tough and rugged beginning but with a little twist in fortune he, eventually, reconciled with his mother.

    Thanks to his mother’s determination, complimented by an uncle’s generosity, Paul was able to gain admission to the Senior Secondary School. Nonetheless, bullying by senior students, strange teaching methods by some teachers and others do not make life in the Senior Secondary School as attractive as Bambulu would have expected.

    The novel is a rich discovery of the Ghanaian Senior Secondary School system in the 1970s as seen through the unbiased eyes of an innocent school boy.

  • Crossroads at Ankobea

    John Blankson has just finished his studies at the university. Towards the end of his course he had come to a turning point in his life: he had decided to live from that time on under the direction of Jesus.

    When he leaves the campus for Ankobea, he has no idea that he is to be the next chief; but his uncle, Nana Kwesi Mensah III, had died and John discovers he has been chosen to succeed him.

    How would this university graduate, a young Christian, fare as a traditional chief? How would the demands of traditional customary practices affect his Christian faith? Crossroads at Ankobea illustrates the struggles entailed in any effort to wipe out superstition from an African society.

  • A Spell of Good Things

    Longlisted for the 2023 Booker Prize

    A spellbinding novel about family secrets and bonds, thwarted hope and the brutal realities of life in a society rife with inequality. Featured in Stylist’s best fiction of 2023, Ayọ̀bámi Adébáyọ̀, the Women’s Prize shortlisted author of Stay With Me, unveils a dazzling story of modern Nigeria and two families caught in the riptides of wealth, power, romantic obsession and political corruption.

    Ẹniọlá is tall for his age, a boy who looks like a man. His father has lost his job, so Ẹniọlá spends his days running errands for the local tailor, collecting newspapers and begging, dreaming of a big future. Wúràọlá is a golden girl, the perfect child of a wealthy family. Now an exhausted young doctor in her first year of practice, she is beloved by Kúnlé, the volatile son of family friends. When a local politician takes an interest in Ẹniọlá and sudden violence shatters a family party, Wúràọlá and Ẹniọlá’s lives become intertwined.

    In this breathtaking novel, Ayọ̀bámi Adébáyọ̀ shines her light on Nigeria, on the gaping divide between the haves and the have-nots, and the shared humanity that lives in-between.

  • The Boy In Love

    In what could’ve been love or infatuation, his life rose and sunk from as early as 6 years old. His life from that point on was about who loved him and who he loved: to study, eat, dream, make friends, to excel.

    Yes, why would he eat, study or excel at anything when he has had a broken heart or is deeply satisfied with an affection for a certain girl?

    30 years on and looking at Rebecca now, he can finally and clearly tell what he felt then to now. He sees beyond feelings. He sees his capacity to provide for a woman; to understand them and care for them; to reason with them and plan a life worthwhile. And he sees it not in gruesome years of waiting (amidst the impatience) but just a decision away.

    The joy to finally marry in love and with the loved was abounding. But his fear of the emotional turmoil of his past made him doubt his capacity to love and cherish this woman so.

    Only if he had had patience…

    Only if he had waited…

    Only if he had talked to someone…

    The Boy In Love

  • Jennifer

    Due to difficult circumstances beyond her control, Jennifer Hayfron has no other choice than to share the same hotel with Dr Martin when the train on which she is travelling back to school suddenly breaks down at a late hour.

    By a fatal coincidence, Jennifer’s foster father comes around from nowhere and sees her daughter and Dr Martin coming out from the hotel and are about to get aboard a parked vehicle. Mr Hayfron’s hasty conclusion is obvious. There is verbal explosion on the spot, as well as a series of interesting drama in the ensuing days.

    The story, written for young people has been written in simple readable English.


  • In Search of Vengeance

    A very embittered man sets out on a journey of revenge, to seek justice for himself and his deceased mother from two key players in his life: his former girlfriend (for aborting his baby) and his truant doctor father. When the story opens, Sulemana Bashiru has arrived in Sunyani from Northern Ghana and is making enquiries from a druggist about a suitable resthouse from where, as we learn later, he would operate with the assistance of a teenage boy.

    How far does Bashiru go in his search for vengeance? To what extent is he able to visit his wrath on his male- factors and carry out his long-intended destruction? What methods does he use? The pages of this book smell vengeance, conflict, confrontation and pour out bitter venom but they also portray, ultimately, the intervention of mercy and the power of reconciliation.

  • My Strong Tower: The Genesis

    My Strong Tower: The Genesis is an exciting novel, based on the everyday life of the average Ghanaian Christian. Ewuresi, Akosua, Ayele and Kumi are young adults battling with the daily temptations that young Christians are bound to face.

    Ewuresi is a teenager who has completed her secondary school education together with her best friend, Akosua. Although they both portray different personalities, they manage to go through tough times together and still maintain a close relationship. Kumi, their male friend, gets entangled between the two ladies through his witty and sociable attitude. Ayele, the eldest of the lot, provides the spiritual support to get the youth on the right path with their relationship with God.

    Each character represents the different levels of faith that can be seen among the lifestyles of the youth today, as they struggle to maintain a relationship with Jesus Christ. Enjoy this wonderful story as you study the scriptures to get yourself better acquainted with the Lord Almighty.

  • Pastor Kwesi: Trials and Triumphs in Domeabra

    Domeabra, which when translated from the Ghanaian local dialect, Twi, means “if you love me you will come” is the humble ministerial station of Pastor Kwesi Saka.

    Pastor Kwesi, a graduate from Bible School, is faced with two options − further his education or proceed into ministry. He chooses the latter at the expense of increased opportunities for a more comfortable life.

    The trying circumstances associated with his village ministry − a life of deprivation and frugality, a dilapidated chapel and residence, a tight-fisted congregation − do not deter him from literally laying down his life for his congregation and community.

    Read about how this faithfulness is rewarded by divine interventions in his ministry and in the life of his family members to strengthen your own faith to brace life’s challenges.

  • The Compulsive Gambler

    Frank, a brilliant and hardworking young man who just completed high school, had always aspired to become a medical doctor.

    The once hardworking and trustworthy Frank had now turned into a serial gambler. He would defraud and dupe anyone at the slightest chance to get something to gamble. Upon all this, Frank held his reputation in high esteem and would not sacrifice it for anything. What was so fascinating about his cheating lifestyle was how his shenanigans were usually well orchestrated. He would always find a way to squeeze money out of people and still receive laudatory for it.

    How did he get involved with gambling in the first place? Was he able to perpetrate his furtivity on all the innocent victims and get away with it? What could have caused the sudden change in Frank’s character?

    Frank, starting to turn over a new leaf after realizing he was treading the wrong course, managed to obtain a scholarship to study medicine in Cuba due to his intelligence and hard work as a pupil-teacher. What happened to his scholarship? Will he become that medical doctor?

  • The Smooth Illusion

    Age: 18+

    Set in the city of Accra , a young, beautiful and sensual woman is discharged from a hospital where she was brought in unconscious with blunt force trauma to her head. Alone and penniless on the streets of Accra, she resorts to selling herself to men, oblivious to the fact that dangerous people are out looking for her.

    Illustrations available in Black and White

  • Silhouettes of a Treasured Heritage (4th Edition)

    Silhouettes of a Treasured Heritage is a fictional narrative, which examines the consequence of being a person of racially mixed parentage in our world today.  It is a thrilling and critical appreciation of such experiences as told by Miranda the heroine; experiences that will be familiar to many people of similar background.

    The novel uniquely and passionately explores issues from both sides of the racial divide. The novel challenges stereotypical perceptions about power and influence, about love and hate.

    It is a story of healing, of hope and of promise for a racially divided world.  Miranda, in Silhouettes of a Treasured Heritage, takes the reader through her life in Britain, Ghana and the USA. “Am I black or white”, Miranda constantly asks herself.   Silhouettes of a Treasured Heritage is a powerful narrative and compelling guide for persons of mixed-race origins embarking on a search of their ancestral routes.

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