• Revenge from the African Jungle

    When killing others becomes a business, there is no stopping it. Such was the case of Bariki. He killed them without compassion. Out of their agony, he made abundant wealth and fame.

    The pain and the threat of being annihilated by just one man and his dog dominated their daily discourse.

    There seemed to be no survival in this vulnerable situation. Suddenly, the tides turned on one fateful day. They convened in their jungle and mapped out a deadly strategy. It was payback time; it was time for revenge.

    Can Bariki survive?

  • The Einstellung Effect

    We become unable to consider other solutions when we think we already have one that works, even though it may not be accurate or optimal. It leaves us cognitively incapable of differentiating previous experiences with the current problem. So we may solve a problem but we don’t actually INNOVATE.

    Einstelung is a German word that translates to setting, mindset, or attitude. The brain attempts to work efficiently by referring to past solutions without giving the current problem much thought. It’s stuck in a mindset. We apply previous methods to a seemingly similar problem instead of evaluating the problem on its own terms. This effect presents itself across various disciplines and skill levels. Whether we know it or not, we all experience it.

    This book explores INNOVATION like never before.

  • Dating and Satisfied

    Written from the deepest parts of their hearts, Dating and Satisfied (the second of the Waiting and Gaining series) captures the story of how Alex and Gloria’s great friendship metamorphosed into a beautiful love story in the midst of long distance. Each chapter captures a part of their story while extrapolating great principles in the process. This book will expose the reader to truthful, realistic, relevant and practical ideas. It is primarily intended for the single- closed up, ready to mingle, dating or engaged- Christian. Nonetheless, it has a lot to offer any other person too.

  • Reaching Your Expected End

    There is surely a future hope for you and your hope will not be cut off.

    Proverb 23:18 (indicate which Bible version)

    This is a well explained piece of content that looks at the causes of the downfall of man, how the evil one destroys mankind from getting to their desired destination and how man can be made whole again.

    In this book, Chris Quinston-Addo states how God has always had mankind on His heart even after the fall

     Reaching Your Expected End is good for everyone regardless of their background or religion




  • Godly Islam Versus Political Islam

    The “Godly Islam vs Political Islam” highlights the observation and understanding of Islam and distinguishes it between Godly and Political. Don Quixotes and ideologues of political Islam ascribe final authority to their own system of belief and therefore find it justifiable to impose their doctrines on everyone in the fold of Islam or persons within their political space and it emphasizes a worldwide imposition of Islamic rule.

  • 29 Days of Leadership

    In 29 Days of Leadership Author Prince curates a compact, compelling compendium of leadership insights. It is replete with inspiring stories, instructive scriptures, informative sayings, and incisive slogans all nicely garnished with his original reflections. This book is bound to spark a must-do attitude in minds of emerging leaders and focus the power of established ones

  • Single and Satisfied

    Many singles think that the main goal at this season of their lives is to look for someone with whom they can start an exclusive romantic relationship. They actually think that they will experience true satisfaction when they start dating. No wonder many young people are in premature romantic relationships, many of which are unhealthy. Yet, many more young people are still rushing into romantic relationships, although most of these relationships, if not all, fail eventually. Interestingly, however, the season of singleness is a very privileged season that comes with many wonderful opportunities. In Single and Satisfied (the first of the Waiting and Gaining Series), you will be exposed to information that will help you become a satisfied-single young person while giving you the right foundation needed to start a marriage-driven romantic relationship at the right time.

  • Yes I Do (Vol. 2): Living Happily Ever After

    YES I DO Volume II is about building a healthy Christian family which has to be anchored on Christ and on an equally healthy marriage. What a healthy family is and its benefits to members are outlined in this book.

    A novel concept called “THE MYSTICAL TRIPOD” which represents three basic factors (oneness or unity, mutual love and mutual respect) required to sustain Christian marriages has been introduced and used to discuss four major topics which are critical for blissful marriages.

    “Interpersonal relationships” – This tackles how Christian couples can understand and relate to each other as they live together.

    “Managing Family Resources”: This discusses in great detail how family material resources should be jointly owned and shared to ensure optimum use to promote understanding and to eliminate stress.

    “Responsibilities and Roles of Spouses and Children”: The book teaches that with the application of the “Mystical Tripod” the responsibilities should be as mandated by the Holy Scriptures and should make the spouses compete to outdo each other in serving the interest of the family.

    “Sex, Child Bearing and Christian Parenting”: Sex is projected as very central to marriage from the scripture; the details are therefore discussed and mutual support in raising children is encouraged. The principles for effective Christian parenting and step-parenting are also outlined.


  • Yes I Do (Vol. 1): Bone of my Bone – Discovering Your Soul Mate

    “YES I DO” Volume I presents comprehensive teachings, sound pieces of information, advice and safety precautions. The pitfalls in establishing marital relationships have been discussed; exposing fraudsters in the system.

    It does not only seek to build the spirituality of readers through the scriptures provided but also make a compelling case for them to develop their life and employable skills as a means of raising their personal values and improving their chances of getting a higher calibre of suitors.

    The unmarried, are mentored and fully equipped with practical ways to market themselves, to search and to connect with the opposite sex. The expected outcome is that readers will know what to look out for and how to look for it in a would-be partner.

    How to engage in effective Christian courtship that will lead to a fulfilling Christian marriage has also been dealt with in great detail – with the introduction of the “Soul mate session” an exciting courtship spiritual workshop to be held by partners.

    It gives insights about common sources of conflict in marriages to forewarn and forearm readers and also suggests ways to forestall some of them during the search for suitors.

    Common questions that bother young Christians have also been answered and illustrations given.

    The basic teachings of the Catholic Church relating to marriage and divorce have also been discussed so that aspirants to the Christian marriage will know exactly what they are getting into.

    It is recommended for all those involved in the formation of the youth; at home church or institutions.

  • The Supreme Task of the Church

    As much as believers want to hearken to the Great Commission, we seem to shy away from this call. Restricted with limited resources on ways to approach, strategies to pursue, and how to win souls and make disciples of them, we let our generations down.

    This book is a great resource containing biblical, experiential, and practical knowledge that empowers every believer to fulfill the divine mandate to win souls. It answers frequently asked questions we encounter as we set out to obey God regarding this call.

  • Managing Distant Relationships: A Bite!

    Managing Distant Relationships: A Bite! is a book born out of the personal experience in distant relationships of the author. The author believes that, for the best result, follow the manufacturer’s instructions, where the manufacturer here is God. The book talks about the unpredictability of life, which in turn affects relationships, especially marriage.

    The book deals with the purpose of marriage as the Bible wants it and the new normal of today – distant relationship.

    Mark 10:9 reads, “What therefore the Lord has joined together, let no man separate”. This book is recommended for all people in relationships as it deals with the various forms of distant relationships, causes and effects, and the likely way out.

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