• At Nineteen: Bracing the Odds of Teenage Pregnancy

    COMPELLING, REVEALING and HEART-WARMING, this is a memoir that will resonate with you forever.

    When a young teenage mother sets out on a lonely path to care for herself and her unborn child in an unfavourable environment, she manages to continue her education after the birth of her child, despite the loss of her father, who was her most important support system.

    She manages to give her child the best of everything with the support of family and a few close friends. But as fate would have it, the worst was yet to come.

    Hers is a tale of suffering and survival.

    A book that inspires strength and character through adversity and challenges in life.

  • Determined to Do More: The Mission is Possible (An Autobiography)

    Journey along with Nenyi George Andah as he weaves stories of his childhood, teens and adulthood, guided by his Can-Do attitude. His captivating and exciting life stories provide a brilliant tool for anyone to imagine their future. – Geraldine Nartey (nee Andah)

    Determined to Do More is an uplifting story of struggles, successes, personal tragedy and an unending desire not to give up. – Ras Mubarak, Former MP, Kumbungu Constituency

    My recommendation is to read how the last child of John and Theresa Andah got to where he is today. You wouldn’t struggle to go through in a few hours of light reading. – Ato Afful, MD, Graphic Communications Group Limited

    The life of Nenyi George Andah as detailed in this thriller is so captivating. Readers will be held spellbound by the roller-coaster events that define his illustrious life. – Dr Joseph K. Essibu

    The story of the young man who saw the possibilities of mobile money long before anyone believed Ghanaians could be persuaded to appreciate the merits of cashless transactions. – Elizabeth Akua Ohene, George Andah’s Special Grandma

  • The Black Star: The Autobiography of C.K. Gyamfi (Hardcover)

    Over 60 years ago, Ghana’s national football team was rechristened Black Stars: a homage to the star in the middle of the Ghana national flag, a symbolic projection of black excellence.

    Charles Kumi Gyamfi, the team’s founding captain, would later coach it to three Africa Cup titles. In his autobiography, written in collaboration with Fiifi Anaman, Gyamfi chronicles his seminal career. If this book reads like a history of Ghana football, then it probably is: C.K. Gyamfi and Ghana football are consubstantial, as rarely has a country’s football story been dominated by one man.

    This is the story of the archetypal Black Star, whose pioneering achievements and expansive influence – on the pitch and from the dugout – changed a nation and impacted a continent.

  • Beyond Fear and Power: Osahene Boakye Djan – Pioneer Journey from the Village to the City and Back

    On 2nd June, 1979, the military high command of the Ghana Armed Forces picked up intelligence of an impending coup against their regime from the 5 Battalion, the only fighting unit in Accra at the time.

    General Odartey Wellington, the then Army Commander, informed his lower commanders to take steps to order Captain Boakye Djan, the D Company Commander of the 5 Battalion of Infantry to stop it.

    On 4th June, 1979, Captain Boakye Djan emerged to become the substantive head of government and official spokesperson of the Armed Forces Revolutionary Council of Ghana.

    This is the story of one of Africa’s great military masterminds and why he has survived it all.

  • LeGyanDary (Hardcover)

    In July 2010, Asamoah Gyan had the chance to join football immortality – and missed it. The scars of that World Cup penalty will remain for years. Remarkably, it does not define him.

    Instead, drawing strength from his difficult career beginnings, Gyan will go on to become a history-making Ghana captain – breaking record after record for club and country along the way.

    Yet, the quest for greatness sees Gyan make some costly mistakes, which he recounts in sobering detail. He owns up to them, sharing how they affected his family and career, as well as lessons learned.

    What was said in dressing rooms across his storied career? How did he handle the mysterious disappearance of his friend Castro and other scandals? What are his plans after football?

    In this book, Gyan bares his soul. He seeks no sympathy; he simply wants his side of an often-one-sided story to be heard, introducing us to names, people and influences we did not know before.

    LeGyanDary is not only for football fanatics. It is written to challenge those who fear their dreams, to empathize with the misunderstood, and to start a conversation about how we treat our icons – for good, and for bad.

  • Godly Islam Versus Political Islam

    The “Godly Islam vs Political Islam” highlights the observation and understanding of Islam and distinguishes it between Godly and Political. Don Quixotes and ideologues of political Islam ascribe final authority to their own system of belief and therefore find it justifiable to impose their doctrines on everyone in the fold of Islam or persons within their political space and it emphasizes a worldwide imposition of Islamic rule.

  • Falls in Ghana: Unified Guide Books & A Coffee Table Photobook (Chasing Waterfalls with Steve Ababio & Gina Arthur)

    Waterfalls in Ghana are interesting, delightful and well worth the effort to seek out and explore. While Ghana does not have any with the sheer vast height or width of say Niagara Falls on the US-Canada border, or Victoria Falls in East Africa, falls in Ghana offer a much closer personal interaction in that you can stand under or much closer to the cascades and bathe or swim in their plunge pools.

    The Chasing Waterfalls with Steve Ababio & Gina Arthur Guide books help make your personal journey a lot easier and more rewarding as you get to pick and choose the sort of experience you prefer. The Coffee Table Book is the perfect gift for anyone you’d like to introduce to Ghana, for your own enjoyment.

  • Falls in Ghana: A Visual Collection of Waterfalls and Cascades in Ghana – A Coffee Table Photobook (Chasing Waterfalls with Steve Ababio & Gina Arthur, Hardcover)

    Waterfalls in Ghana are interesting, delightful and well worth the effort to seek out and explore. While Ghana does not have any with the sheer vast height or width of say Niagara Falls on the US-Canada border, or Victoria Falls in East Africa, falls in Ghana offer a much closer personal interaction in that you can stand under or much closer to the cascades and bathe or swim in their plunge pools.

    The Chasing Waterfalls with Steve Ababio & Gina Arthur Guide books help make your personal journey a lot easier and more rewarding as you get to pick and choose the sort of experience you prefer. The Coffee Table Book is the perfect gift for anyone you’d like to introduce to Ghana, for your own enjoyment.

  • Homage Africa: An African Tribute

    An integrated contemporary satire of the African experience, unravelling the crucial role Africans play in their suffering or wellbeing. HOMAGE AFRICA put into perspective the cumulative effects of ignorance and wrong enculturation, and as well reimagine Africans, with a reserve of knowledge, credible enough for a rebuild. HOMAGE AFRICA is the most innovative tool to help curb Africa’s highest debris and institutional deficits, now and beyond.

  • Infinite Roots

    “I must tell you my history,” Baba would roar, “the history you learn at school is not better than that which I have to tell you. My history concerns you directly, it is who you are, what you are, and what you’re going to become.”

    “…woven in an unbroken thread of prose…in a complex, digressive narrative that is like a set of Chinese boxes (or those Russian Matryoshka dolls), one laid inside another.” — Literary Review

    Infinite Roots follows the multi-generational story of a Ghanaian military family, composed through the eyes of a young daughter learning about her history and culture through the many stories of her parents and elders. This autobiographical novel spreads out across the 60s and 80s Ghana as the military family journeys from Wa to Tamale to Accra to Kumasi to Takoradi to Ho and more. As the young girl grows, she also begins to share her own re-tellings as her elders once did.

    “…it is an incredible survey of Ghanaian traditions, customs, superstitions and beliefs, as well as social and political history and the emergence of female education.” — Lee Oliver

    Infinite Roots

  • Politics in Ghana (1982-1992): Rawlings, Revolution and Populist Democracy

    This work was embarked upon as part of my study of military intervention in politics which had become the bane of politics in my country and Africa as a whole. My previous study had encompassed the period 1972-1979 (vide Politics In Ghana 1972 — 1979). The publication was well received and it won several awards. The book decried military rule in the hope that it would discourage military incursions in Ghanaian politics. As the 31 December Revolution unfolded, several friends impressed upon me, and I felt a deep obligation in the same direction, to capture and analyse the events of the time for posterity and for the guidance of my beloved country.

    With the advent of the PNDC on 31 December 1981, revolutionary politics was launched, which was geared towards participatory democracy. The PNDC military government claimed that it was not just another military junta but that under the auspices of the military and civilian revolutionary leaders and cadres, the people were taking their destinies into their own hands towards the establishment of grassroots democracy. In the process, as the revolutionaries claimed, all injustices would be redressed, corruption would be eradicated and a new era of prosperity would dawn as “true democracy” was manifested.

    My task in this work was to examine critically, the true nature of the PNDC, its composition, declared aims and objectives and whether the politics of revolution which dawned on 31 December 1981, could be justified. It was worthy to study and document whether the Defence Committees, District Assemblies, political and legal institutions of the PNDC, the regime’s human rights record, economic and social policies, responsibility and accountability to the populace, responsiveness in government and its electoral record did lead to a true democracy. The work is seen as a contribution towards answering the question: did the PNDC bring democracy to Ghana?

  • Africa to the Rest: From Mission Field to Mission Force (Again)

    Africa is the most Christian continent in the world today. This ground-breaking book celebrates this momentous occasion in world history while it traces God’s goodness to Africa in scripture and throughout history, clearly demonstrating that Africa and Africans have always been central to God’s missional purposes, not an afterthought. Since quantity and quality are not synonymous, Africa to the Rest unveils the teeming potentials as well as teething problems of African mission. This African lead in global Christianity is only going to increase into the foreseeable future, thus these projections call for preparation in order to produce the quantity and quality of African Christians who will be faithful carriers of the authentic gospel to all nations!

    The future of the global church is African, this book matters.

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