Nana Awere Damoah was born in Accra, Ghana. He holds a Master’s degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Nottingham, UK, a Bachelor’s in Chemical Engineering from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, (KNUST), Kumasi, Ghana. Nana spent all his secondary or high school years at Ghana National College, Cape Coast, Ghana and speaks fondly of growing up in the suburb of Kotobabi, in the Ghanaian capital, where he started his education at the local Providence Preparatory School.

A British Council Chevening alumnus, Nana works in West Africa. He is an associate of Joyful Way Incorporated, a Christian Music Ministry in Ghana, where he was the group’s National President from 2002 to 2004.

Nana started writing seriously in 1993 when he was in the sixth form and has had a number of his short stories published in the Mirror and the Spectator. In 1997, he won the first prize in the Step Magazine National Story Writing Competition. His writing has appeared in StoryTime ezine, Legon Business Journal, Sentinel Nigeria Magazine and StoryTime.

He is the author of seven books, has contributed to two anthologies and edited one book, My Book of #GHCoats. He maintains two personal blogs at and

He is married to Vivian. The couple and their children are based in Tema, Ghana.

  • Sebiticals Chapter X

    For eons, the character of the neglected wise observer has captured imaginations. Be they the community trickster, clown, gossip or drunkard, they have always been a thorn in the flesh of social miscreants. There is no one name for them, as they tend to be many things to many folks. Every society has their version. Audiences love them, hate them and love them again. These fellows have no allies. Their allegiance is to all. Their knife cuts both ways, as does their tongue. Oh, yeah. Ever the custodians of spicy, social secrets, they issue forth the most acidic insults. But, abuse them? Naaah, these characters are insult-proof!

    In this salacious new collection, Nana Awere Damoah has consummated the essences of this conceptual character. More than that, the author has effected their relevance in the national body politic. In Sebiticals Chapter X, Wofa Kapokyikyi the social commentator entertains, informs and pricks the conscience – as does his anecdotal nephew.

    Episode after episode, the reader cannot help but conclude that if there is a time the nation needs a voice of conscience, that time is not tomorrow. Bottomline? A Kapokyikyi is an institution that keeps the morals of society in check.

  • Through the Gates of Thought

    Once again, Nana Awere Damoah has a splendid achievement to his name in this, his second book of stories, articles, aphorisms and poetry. His style is graphic, entertaining and indisputably Ghanaian. Whether he is lauding the efforts of his countrymen, exhorting everyone to thoughtfulness and faith, deploring the politicisation of local issues or making astute comments on his schooldays, he is frank and ‘in your face’.
    Seriously funny, amusingly instructive and liberally Christian, Damoah offers insights from many sources and hope for the future for his pioneering homeland. He has, like some clever spider in folklore, spun a glittering web of words in our path, trapping many tasty ideas. These we can consume at our leisure, through the gates of thought.Nana Awere Damoah is a reflective thinker and engineer, a passionate believer in the good of man, determined to leave his thoughts for posterity. He is a Ghanaian Chevening alumnus educated in Ghana and the UK, and author of Excursions in my Mind and Tales from Different Tails.

  • Excursions in my Mind

    In this brilliant series of articles, supported by quotations from literary sources, the Bible and contemporary Church leaders, Nana Awere Damoah covers the broad sweep of Christian faith as practised in everyday life. The author’s background in Chemical Engineering, his studies in the UK and his work for Unilever in Ghana give him a sound working base for his outreach to fellow believers. His keen participation in the Joyful Way ministry and his manifest love of books also reveal his awareness of music and the power of ‘the Word’ in every sense.
    Among these easily digestible, bite-sized essays are pieces of poetry and passages of Bible study, amusing stories about the author’s family and schooling, and reflections on key issues such as self-help, leadership, love for one’s parents, the nature of friendship, and what he calls ‘partnership with Jesus’. Indeed, for Nana Damoah life is a business to be worked at and lived, not just dreamed about!
  • Tales from Different Tails

    If anyone can paint a vivid image with words, breathe life into a collection of alphabets, create a vivid imagination in one’s mind with intricately and well woven tales brewed in the Ghanaian soot-coated aluminium cooking pot, then it is Nana Awere Damoah.
    This collection of short stories is an embodiment of class, style, humor, sarcasm, truth, knowledge, religion, self-realization and inspiration.
    Tales from Different Tails is a must-have book for every literature addict, anyone looking for a new lease of life in African literature and the general reading populace.
  • Nsempiisms

    Listed as one of the top ten exceptional non-fiction writers from Ghana by Gird Center, Nana Awere Damoah brings to his readers another must-read, this time a fast-paced, short, straight-to-the-point, shot-from-the-hip, collection. The author proves why he is seen as one of the rising voices of his homeland, using words to speak truth to power.

    “Nana Awere Damoah is a multi-talented writer [who] believes in creating his own style anytime he writes. In his non-fiction writing, Nana introduces a diversity of style using poetry, storytelling and satire.” Gird Center

    “I envy the mind of Nana Awere Damoah. Nsempiisms is deep, insightful and piercing, yet Damoah’s writing flows with breezy simplicity.” Kwaku Sintim-Misa (KSM)


  • Sebitically Speaking

    Sebitically Speaking is an uplifting elixir that courses through the hearts and minds of readers and awakens their consciousness regarding how to improve themselves and their country. In confronting the complicated issues that perpetually frustrate Ghanaians, Damoah’s style was not to depress or provoke insanity, but to deftly inspire readers with a view to affecting positive change.

    For someone who has written four great books, Sebitically Speaking is an incontrovertible confirmation of Damoah’s literary genius. His uncanny ability to transform debilitating and chaotic socio-political topics into an exhilarating literary rollercoaster, using a perfect blend of wit and humour, and inducing a mixture of laughter and tears from readers, is especially evident in this book.

    Sebitically Speaking is an irresistible literary tiger nut that every lover of Ghana must chew.

  • I Speak of Ghana

    It’s a rare person who can be both funny and wise at the same time. Yet that is exactly the way to describe Nana Awere Damoah’s writings in this small but compelling short story collection about contemporary life in Ghana. In it the reader will find Ghanaman in traffic, or Ghanawoman paying the corrupt policeman. Either way, one knows these are the words of a master story teller who handily blurs the lines between laughing so hard it makes one cry, or crying so hard it makes one laugh.

    I Speak of Ghana is an honest journey of deft oration replete with the sounds (from the harmonious to the cacophonic), smells (including the pleasant and unpleasant), sights (from the eye-catching to the embarrassing), frustrations, triumphs and the mundane – everything that makes the Ghanaian experience finds its way into this book. Unlike the typical ranting about Ghanaian situations, Nana performs an insightful examination of the heart of the matter. Dissimilar to empty praise, Nana thoroughly embraces the issues that give us hope as people connected to Ghana. Narrated with humor, the book is Nana’s eloquence at its best.

  • Book Set: Nana Awere Damoah Books (8 books)

    The full set of Nana Awere Damoah’s 8 books is available now, including his new book Sebiticals Chapter X. Autographed.

    Get the 8 books together for GHS 415 instead of GHS 435.

    Books in this set

    Excursions in My Mind

    Through the Gates of Thought

    Tales from Different Tails

    I Speak of Ghana

    Sebitically Speaking


    Quotes by NAD

    Sebiticals Chapter X

  • Quotes by NAD

    Call it an anthology of quotes, poems, prose or common sense, Quotes by NAD is a potpourri of witty statements and thoughts of a citizen for citizens bold enough to face the truth.

    The collection is a throwback of Nana Awere Damoah’s Facebook posts over the past years weighing on relevant issues that made the headlines and digested extensively nationwide.

    Quotes by NAD


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