• Unwritten Laws: The Unofficial Rules Of Life As Handed Down By Murphy And Other Sages – Hardcover

    CAPONE’S LAW. You can get a lot more done with a kind word and a gun than with a kind word alone.

    LANCE’S LAW. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

    MILLER’S LAW. The quality of food in restaurants is in inverse proportion to the number of signed celebrity photographs on the wall.

    WALPOLE’S LAW. Every man has his price.

    Unwritten Laws is a wonderfully entertaining treasury of more than five hundred rules, strategies, and ironical insights, with many amendments and corollaries, all associated with particular individuals.

    Organized alphabetically, from Lady Astor (“All women marry beneath them.”) to Zeno (“The goal of life is living in agreement with nature.”), from Woody Allen (“Eighty percent of success is showing up.”) to Oscar Wilde (“There are two tragedies in life. One is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it.”), Unwritten Laws contains a generous sampling of the collective wisdom of humankind.

    Hugh Rawson not only gives sources and dates for the laws, but annotates them with fascinating details. For example, Alfred Lord Tennyson’s widely accepted “In the spring a young man’s fancy turns lightly to thoughts of love” turns out to be a mistake, recent research showing that male testosterone levels are actually higher in the fall!

    This delightful book is as wonderful for browsing as it is for providing guidance over the rocks and shoals of life.

  • Albert & Comfort Ocran: Executive Collection (Hardback)

    Get the 3 books by Albert & Comfort Ocran – 101 Keys to Achievement and Fulfilment, 1001 Tips For An Outstanding Life and Speak Like A Pro: 10 Commandments of Public Speaking – in hardback and in a glass case.

    Ideal as gifts for senior executives!


  • Life Sense

    Life Sense takes you on a thirty-day personal development journey that leads you to know yourself better, discover your purpose in life, renew your paradigm and grow your influence. It is straightforward and emphatic.

    Life Sense

  • Money Health: How to Diagnose Your Financial Wellness

    Financial security is achievable for everyone! This book acts as your guide to financial wellness by helping you through the process of diagnosing your financial health, and helping you turn your money into a tool for achieving your dreams.

    It breaks down complex concepts into actionable steps, walking you through budgeting, saving, investing, and planning for retirement.

    This book caters to everyone, whether you are student, a fresh university graduate, career professional, entrepreneur and businessman/woman, and a professional nearing retirement, this book offers practical tips and valuable guidance. It’s like attending financial literacy school! Through actionable steps and practical tips, you will navigate the terrain of financial health and pursue your financial goals.

    The seven (7) chapter book was developed around the sentence AM I WELL? to help readers easily recall the substance of this book and apply them in the process of attaining financial wellness.


  • Close Your Circle

    Close Your Circle” is a profound and insightful exploration of the vital importance of discernment and discretion in our relationships and associations. Drawing deeply from biblical principles and profound spiritual wisdom, this transformative piece addresses the critical need for believers to be intentional, discerning, and selectively protective about who they allow into their inner circle. Through Prophet Akosa’s compelling teaching and practical, life-changing guidance, readers are challenged to approach their friendships and relationships with a heightened sense of spiritual discernment. The author underscores the grave dangers of indiscriminately sharing one’s innermost secrets and vulnerabilities emphasizing the necessity of carefully curating the individuals with whom we choose to be truly transparent and open. At the very heart of this impactful book lies the sobering truth that not everyone who claims to be a friend or ally truly has our best interests at heart. Prophet Akosa masterfully equips readers with powerful spiritual tools to identify those toxic, draining, or opportunistic individuals who may seek to exploit our openness for their gain. Alongside this crucial wisdom, the author provides clear guidance on how to establish healthy boundaries that steadfastly protect our God-given destiny and sacred purposes. Ultimately, “Close Your Circle” aims to help readers discern, with piercing clarity, those who are truly worthy of their trust, as opposed to those who may pose a grave threat to the fulfilment of their divine purpose. “Close Your Circle” stands as a timely and transformative read for any believer seeking to navigate the complex landscape of relationships and friendships from a profoundly biblical perspective. This book equips readers with the spiritual insight and practical wisdom needed to position themselves for unprecedented growth, Kingdom impact, and the realization of their God-ordained destiny.

  • ELEVATE: 5 Principles to Unlock the Champion Within

    In a world where the journey to self-discovery often feels overwhelming, the echoes of failure, confusion, and lost of direction resound. This book, ELEVATE: Unlock the Champion Within, offers a transformative path designed to unearth the champion within you.

    Whether you’re a teenager stepping into the vastness of possibility or an adult revisiting the dreams you’ve shelved, this book offers both the challenge and the roadmap to help elevate your life. Through a dynamic blend of personal stories and spiritual insights, I share five foundational principles that have shaped my journey from a young student who has lived across continents and cultures to a respected student leader and social media influencer residing in Ghana, West Africa.

  • Someone Birthed them Broken: Stories

    In this startling collection of short fiction, Ama Asantewa Diaka creates a vibrant portrait of young Ghanaians’ today, captured in the experiences of characters whose lives bump against one other in friendship, passion, hope, and heartache. Men like Opoku Sr., not yet forty and struggling to keep his family’s cocoa business afloat after his father’s unexpected passing. Opoku strains under the burden of caring for his eight younger siblings and the child whose mother ran off. When his new girlfriend tells him she’s pregnant, he knows he has nothing left to give.

    Years later, that girlfriend’s son, Opoku Jr., now faces his own troubles, including his girlfriend Boatemaa, who (correctly) suspects he is sneaking around, and Amoafoa, the woman he’s seeing on the side. And there is John, who confides to his crush Baaba about a surprising encounter with a male friend over a game of FIFA; Baaba, who falls into a whirlwind romance with her professor that ends in violence; and their friend Ayeley, who is learning to accept pleasure after being raised to believe it is sinful.

    Diaka charts this constellation of interconnected lives in thirteen stories, exploring themes which run through the collection like a current: corruption and economic hardship, trauma and infidelity, shame, neglect, and the tribulations of the female body. In telling their stories, Diaka illuminates hope, freedom, and triumph that can be found in the everyday—the bonds between women, the joys of love and sex and art and dancing, the possibility of repair and redemption.

    Renowned for her spoken word artistry, Ama Asantewa Diaka demonstrates her lyrical brilliance in this emotionally rich work that unveils profound truths about her country, its inhabitants, and the universality of human experience.

  • Mastering People Management in the Modern Workspace

    In the ever-evolving landscape of the modern workplace, the mastery of people management has become an indispensable skill for leaders and professionals alike. In this compelling and insightful book, Patrick Oteiku-Boadu takes you on a transformative journey through seven essential chapters that illuminate the path to effective people management in today’s dynamic corporate world. With “People Management in the Modern Workspace” Patrick Oteiku-Boadu offers a comprehensive guide that transcends mere management and delves into the art of inspiring and guiding individuals and teams. Master the essential skills to adapt and succeed in the ever-shifting, complex, and diverse world of modern work. Whether you are a leader, a professional, or an inspiring manager, this book is your compass to navigate the intricate terrain of today’s workplace, leading with wisdom, compassion, and effectiveness.


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