A Guide to the Sacrament of Consecration and Ordination
Philip Schaff notes “No one can be a pastor who is not called, examined, ordained or installed’’. While this may seem obvious, the explosive growth in churches in Ghana and many West Africa states has meant that many men of God do not know, understand or have not been properly initiated in how to conduct the sacraments. This is where this book comes in. The Westminster Assembly, one of the most doctrinally sound assemblies to convene in the history of the church, had this to say as whole body or consensus of ministers and theologians: ‘’on the 9th of January, the whole question of ordination was fairly stated by Dr. Temple, chairman of one of the committees, in the following series of interrogatory propositions:
- What ordination is?
- Whether necessarily to be continued?
- Who to ordain?
- What persons to be ordained, and how qualified?
- The manner how?
A Guide to the Sacrament of Ordination & Consecration provides answers to these questions and many more. Its helpful tips and practical advice will enable;
- Reverend Ministers to understand their calling.
- The body of Christ (the church) to understand The Priesthood and give it due recognition as God expects.
- All Christians to correct hermeneutic errors and negative practices by God’s Priests in our time.
Ministers of the Gospel will particularly find this book helpful as it provides helpful tips and practical advice on conducting ordinations and consecrations. Enjoy the book!