Kezia Dzifa Awadzi was born in Ghana. She attended Tamale and Achimota Secondary Schools. She won first prize for the 1994 True Life and Drama categories in a national magazine competition organised by Step Publishers. She then worked at Step Publishers’ editorial department as an intern for two years before leaving for the US in 1996 to pursue graduate studies. She holds a BSc in Home Science from the University of Ghana, a Master’s in Mass Communication and a PhD in Health Services Research, both from the University of Florida. She is an Associate Professor at Santa Fe College in Gainesville, FL, and co-founder of JEKA Productions.

  • A Girl Says No! – An Anthology

    Efua, a young and charming student, never dreamt about doing the things some other girls did to get money. She relied on her father for all her financial needs, but now that her father has refused to care for her, what was she to do? Could she continue to say NO to all the temptations coming her way?


    Kwame was dangerously broke. The bills kept piling up, the debtors kept coming, and tension rose to unbearable proportions. What would he do? He believed in miracles, but he didn’t expect one so soon. But when it came, he couldn’t believe it. Where did this large sum of money his son brought home come from?


    You are in for a real adventure as you read these and other short stories in this book.

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