• Kwadwoan Mathematics for Basic 1

    First of the three books in the Mathematics series for basic schools, this book has been designed to make the learning of Mathematics very interactive and practical.

    Other features such as the provision of appropriate questions and answers help stir learners’ problem-solving abilities. Written by experienced Maths educators, it is no wonder that the book’s approach meets the requirements of the National Council for Curriculum Assessment (NaCCA).

  • Kwadwoan Mathematics for Basic 2

    Second in the series, this book reinforces lessons learnt in Basic 1. Each lesson is accompanied with numerous activities, which expand and strengthens understanding of fundamental concepts.

    Written by experienced Maths educators, it is no wonder that the book’s approach meets the requirements of the National Council for Curriculum Assessment (NaCCA).

  • Kwadwoan Mathematics for Basic 3

    Kwadwoan Mathematics for Basic 3 solidifies the foundation of Mathematics built by the previous books. Through its easy-to-follow and effective learning strategies, mathematical concepts that were otherwise cumbersome and unexciting are treated with so much simplicity to make any learner appreciate the ease of learning Mathematics.

    Each lesson is accompanied with numerous activities, which expand and strengthens understanding of fundamental concepts.

  • Essential Mathematics Learner’s Book 1

    Essential Mathematics Primary 2 is written to meet the full requirements of the current New Standards-based curriculum by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NaCCA) with a problem-solving and discovery approach to the learning of Mathematics.

    Each lesson is based on a ‘Big Idea’, providing an engaging, exciting theme which is endorsed in a real-life context.

    The series is designed to ensure that the core values (core competencies) that epitomise the Standards-based curriculum are imbued in learners.

    All the indicators have been covered sequentially.

    Each learner’s Book comes with a FREE digital edition of the book. The code for the digital edition appears on the inside front cover of the book and provides access for one year.

  • Introduction to Abstract Algebra with Notes to the Future Teacher

    For courses in Abstract Algebra.

    Designed for future mathematics teachers as well as mathematics students who are not planning careers in secondary education, this text offers a traditional course in abstract algebra along with optional notes that connect its mathematical content to school mathematics. Elementary number theory and rings of polynomials are treated before group theory.  Prerequisites include some experience with proof.  (A brief appendix reviews certain basics of logic, proof, set theory, and functions.) Students should also have access to a Computer Algebra System (CAS), or a calculator with CAS capabilities


    • To the Teacher sections:

    –       Draw connections from the number theory or abstract algebra under consideration to secondary mathematics

    –       Help students make appropriate connections between the advanced mathematics they are learning and the secondary mathematics they may be teaching,

    • In the Classroom sections addressing classroom concerns in each chapter – Optional for the non-teacher.

    • From the Past sections in each chapter – Provide historical context; students experience historical thinking and technique.

    • Worksheets that outlines the framework of a topic in most chapters:

    –       Asks students to provide the details and exposition.

    –       Worksheets are suitable for group work and for development as student presentations in a capstone experience.

    • Examples in the text drawn from linear algebra – Can be omitted for students without that background.


    Table of Contents


    1. Topics in Number Theory

    2. Modular Arithmetic and Systems of Numbers

    3. Polynomials

    4. A First Look at Group Theory

    5. New Structures from Old

    6. Looking Forward and Back

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