• Africa: Poverty in the Midst of Plenty

    This book posits that human beings are the most deceitful, dissimulator and complex creatures on earth. It is a critique of human behaviour, especially the African, and how he/she may be held responsible for his/her own under-development.

    The book also contains some analysis on the West African socio -politico-economic realities to enable us to appraise the sources of imbalance in development between the North and the South and the fact that Africans cannot continue to blame colonialism and neo-colonialism for the uneven development. The solution is at our own doorstep.

    The narratives are done independently but, put together, it is a labyrinth of the nature of the African and Africa. A must read for policy-makers, diplomats and students of Africa political economy.

  • Joy: A Biography of Henrietta Mensa-Bonsu

    “At just 18 months of age, in 1959, Henrietta overcame the first of a lifetime of recurring challenges. One day she was rushed to a private hospital in Kumasi by her mother, feverish and weak. Her pulse was faint and everyone was scared. The doctor scolded Elizabeth for waiting for so long before bringing Henrietta to the hospital.

    “This is a hopeless case,” the doctor said to the distraught mother and asked back home with her child. Even after being dismissed from the hospital, Mama Elizabeth still remained on the premises, imploring; her arms firmly around her sick baby. Evidently out of pity, the doctor said, ‘Okay, I’m going to cut you a deal. Go home with the child. If tomorrow morning comes and she is still alive, bring her for treatment.’”

    This biography vividly captures how that 18-month-old baby survived, persevered and rose to become a Justice of the Supreme Court of Ghana.

    Joy is a captivating account of three generations committed to the pursuit of excellence community and public service. It is the testimony of the nurturing powers of education. It is the testimony of a woman whose life epitomises fairness, family and faith.

    “This book offers a lot more than a record of scholarly excellence and legal brilliance. In elegant prose, the author succeeds in combining these illuminating historical essays with a perceptive sociological case study of the ‘middle class’ in Ghana. On all counts. Prof. Henrietta Mensa-Bonsu’s biography is a literary treasure.” − Nana Prof. SKB Asante, Omanhene of Asante Asokore and Past President of Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences

  • Nii Noi the Sanitation Officer

    Age Range: 6 – 15 years

    This book is a thought-provoking piece of a fairly peaceful community that wakes up to the incessant complaints of 13-year-old Nii Noi. Like the dawn of teenage, he becomes, somewhat, shocked by the deplorable sanitary conditions in his neighbourhood.

    Fuming at the apathy of everyone around him towards better sanitation practice, Nii Noi becomes a crusader for hygienic living. But as a prophet without honour in his community, it takes the tragedy of a flood to get the community to appreciate the crusade by Nii, and what he desires to achieve: a hygienic, clean and joyful community. The writer, through the voice and eyes of a boy, reveals the innocent naivety and obvious apathy of society, and the power of camaraderie and community to cause change.

  • Kwaku Ananse and Abebe the Grasshopper

    Age Range: 3 – 7 years

    Who is craftier, Kwaku Ananse or Abebe the grasshopper? Find out in this delightful Ghanaian story.

  • The Valley of Memories (Hardcover)

    October 10th 1963, a Dutch teenage girl is sent away to Ghana by her resentful mother to marry a man she has met only once and who is more than twice her age. Arriving at the airport in Accra, a whole new world unfolds for this young girl. At first, she is shocked and disappointed by the things she sees in this new country she is to call her home. To her Ghana is hot, humid and dirty but then she meets the warm and welcoming people of Ghana and starts to open up to the country, culture and its people.

    Her new husbands job takes her to some of the most remote areas in Ghana from Accra to the Northern, Upper East and Volta Regions where she repeatedly has to build a home with the meagre resources her husband and herself have available. Whilst building her homes and family, she encounters the most fascinating, emotional, funny, unbelievable and sometimes scary experiences.

    This is a story about a young girl coming of age and finding love and happiness under the most unusual circumstances. The story will take the reader on a very vivid and colourful tour of life in post-colonial Ghana and gives the reader a history lesson about one of the most interesting periods Ghana has gone through after gaining independence from Britain and trying to build a strong and independent nation.

  • Critical and Biographical Essays of Nana Dr. S.K.B. Asante: From an African Village to the Global Village and Back (Hardcover)

    Few Ghanaians of any generation have had a career as long, as varied, and as consequential as Nana S.K.B. Asante’s: government attorney; law teacher; international public servant; constitution framer; adviser to sovereign parties; commercial arbitrator; public intellectual; traditional monarch. Just as impressive is the fact that, in each of these substantial roles, Nana has left a trail of writings. My own first encounter with Nana’s scholarship happened during my time at Yale Law School, his alma mater. As an editor on the law review, I was curious to know whether any Ghanaian had been published by the prestigious journal. My search led me to a fascinating article on Ghanaian property and customary law written by Samuel K.B. Asante in the 1965 volume of the journal. At the time of my discovery, his was the only article by a Ghanaian published in the 100-year history of the journal. I would later discover many more of his academic writings, some of which I assigned to my class in my years as a law teacher.

    This book collects in one volume some of Nana’s mostly “non-academic” writings. The essays tell, in characteristically fine prose rich in biography and history, the story of an intellectual-technocrat keen to use his wealth of knowledge to address contemporary problems of development and to put that expertise in the service of his country–and of the developing world at large. The publication of this selection of Nana S.K.B. Asante’s writings, in the 90th year of his life, is a monumental accomplishment and a befitting capstone of a long and distinguished career.

    Executive Director of Ghana Center for Democratic Development


    The incredibly rich collection of writings by the eminent international lawyer, scholar, respected global development expert and prominent traditional ruler, Nana S.K.B Asante, takes the reader on a remarkable journey of nearly seven decades of illumination. His vivid experiences, enormous achievements and witty recollections reveal the remarkable growth of a curious mind and a disciplined intellectual dedicated ultimately to the service of humanity from his native village to the global village. In characteristic modesty, Nana claims not to be a historian, but this book is a historical gold mine filled with nuggets of analysis on the evolution of education, law, science, social policy, public service, constitutional development, nation building and chieftaincy in Ghana, enriched with valuable insights into the solid contributions of illustrious men and women. His penetrating and critical analyses of international development cooperation in the fields of investments, energy, water and natural resources in Asia and Africa must be lessons for all developing countries. This rich resource book is highly recommended.

    Former Social Policy Adviser, UN Economic Commission for Africa


    This masterpiece by Nana SKB Asante which narrates his life journey from his hometown at Asokore to Achimota, academia, diplomacy and finally back home is unique, inspiring and educative. The Book covers a broad spectrum of academic disciplines including constitutional law, commercial law, criminal law, international law, chieftaincy, leadership and governance, sociology, history and religions. It provides a vivid account of the constitutional history of Ghana from the author’s personal knowledge. The author who had the singular honour to chair the Committee of Experts which gave birth to Ghana’s 1992 Constitution also held the positions of Solicitor-General and Deputy Attorney-General under different democratic and military governments. Nana SKB Asante has used simple diction to convey his wealth of knowledge, experience and wisdom, acquired from both local and international levels in different capacities to inculcate in his audience the spirit of patriotism. The book is a must read!

    Justice of The Court of Appeal

  • La Maitrise Du Digital

    “Je recommanderai ce livre à tout le monde.Ce livre contient une telle collection d’instructions et montre de voies éprouvées pour construire les marques personnelles et professionnelles.  Une œuvre d’art, simplement phénoménale”.  –Lilian Yvonne KARIKARI Esq -Avocate,Ghana

    “En tant que praticienne dans l’espace RH, je trouve ce livre comme un kit de départ qui me fournit le bon type d’information et d’éthique nécessaires pour rendre mes engagements sur les réseaux sociaux beaucoup plus rentables”.- Kokovi Rose Lawson-Balagbo, Assistante des Ressources Humaines, Togo

    “Pour les startups et les marques mondiales, c’est ce que nous attendions.Soyez au top de votre jeu, laissez ce chef-d’œuvre être votre dévotion”. – KEDOTE Elisabeth. Chef de projet, Benin

    “Je n’aurais pas pensé que lire un ouvrage sur le numérique pouvait être si captivant. L’auteur a su présenter des conseils pratiques adaptés à notre ère ajoutés à une touche d’humour ça et là”. –Dominique Ngoma Nkenzo , Congo

    “La réflexion sur la construction de la marque converge vers le numérique. Ce chef- d’œuvre vous fournit des indicateurs pertinents dont vous avez besoin pour valoriser votre marque personnelle et celle de votre entreprise  pour des résultats probants”. –  Cynthia Clive. Assistante de Direction Bilingue, Ghana

  • Ahafo and the Bono Regions of Ghana: Accomplishment & Honours of ‘Brilliant Achievers’ (Hardcover)

    This book is a one-of-a-kind compendium of profiles of some distinguished citizens from Ahafo and the Bono Regions of Ghana. The book contains nuggets of inspiring biographical information that brings to the fore some men and women who have dared the oddities of life to challenge the debilitating issues of human existence.

    The book is a guiding light for young people to emulate many successful Ghanaians, some of whom had humble beginnings but braced the odds to emerge as champions in their respective callings.

    In addition, it is a must-read for professionals desiring to excel in their chosen careers and parents who want to inbue their children with a higher sense of confidence, patriotism and hope.

    The first section of the book covers the profile of eminent natives of the Ahafo and the Bono regions who have contributed significantly to the development of the nation in all sectors, including chieftaincy, banking and finance, trade and industry, hospitality, diplomacy and farming, among others.

    The second section talks about non-natives who had over the years also made a tremendous contribution to the regions and the nation while section three is a photographic presentation containing pictures of people such as female educationists, lawyers, ministers of state, regional ministers, sports personalities and some significant activities and events.

    Additionally, the book contains photographs of all the chiefs and queen mothers of the former Brong Ahafo Region before it was carved into three regions.

    It also has a six-page epilogue which contains the authors’ thoughts and also features all ministers of state who hailed from the regions.

  • A Developing Country’s Health System Challenges: Addressing Ghana’s ‘NO BED SYNDROME’

    I am a Ghanaian trained doctor currently working in the United Kingdom’s National Health Service. My experience as a health service provider, medical practitioner in the private and public health sectors, and as a patient in Ghana has exposed me to various challenges faced in health care provision in a developing country like Ghana.

    There have been high-profile cases of patients losing their lives because they haven’t been able to get emergency beds in Ghana. This phenomenon in Ghana has been called the ‘no bed syndrome.
    Developing countries have more challenges with health financing, human resources, health infrastructure, information technology, emergency systems, public health, and patient empowerment.

    This Healthcare management and leadership book has taken four years to write and largely comprises my reflections on various challenges confronting Ghana’s health sector vis a vis my experiences in the United Kingdom.
    This Health book seeks to proffer solutions to Ghana’s health system challenges and directly tackles the aged long problem of ‘no bed syndrome’ in Ghana.

  • Renewable Energy: Challenges (Kawi Renewable Energy #6)

    The Kawi popular science series on Renewable Energy is a unique collection of children’s books which educates the reader on the various forms of energy. The books present scientific explanation of how natural elements can be exploited in order to increase energy supply in Africa. The series comprises of six books and focuses on solar energy, hydropower, wind, biogas and wood fuel.

    Authors from different regions in Africa were commissioned to develop an interesting set of books, which expose the vastness and abundance of Africa’s natural resources. They provide ample African cultural and traditional examples which have sustained the continent’s energy needs and application for years. A wide range of activities, exercises drawn from African experiences have been used to make the series lively and relevant to young African readers.

    Book 6 on Renewable Energy: Challenges discusses the energy deficit in Africa. Only 20% of Africans have access to reliable modem supplies of energy. Yet Africa is well endowed with natural resources that can be tapped to meet the energy demand. The book has suggested ways of increasing supply on the continent through well-presented project ideas, which can be implemented at regional, national and community levels.

    The authors: Armerley Anerkal Ollonnu is a research consultant while Daniel Mensah Brande is a producer/writer with the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation.

    Titles in the Kawi Renewable Energy series include:

    • Book 1 Renewable Energy – Sources
    • Book 2 Renewable Energy – Uses
    • Book 3 Renewable Energy – Conservation
    • Book 4 Renewable Energy – Conversion
    • Book 5 Renewable Energy – Storage
    • Book 6 Renewable Energy – Challenges for Africa

    The Kawi series is the product of a project implemented jointly by UNESCO and the African Publishers’ Network with support from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland and the Canadian International Development Agency.

  • Renewable Energy: Storage (Kawi Renewable Energy #5)

    The Kawi popular science series on Renewable Energy is a unique collection of children’s books which educates the reader on the various forms of energy. The books present scientific explanation of how natural elements can be exploited in order to increase energy supply in Africa. The series comprises of six books and focuses on solar energy, hydropower, wind, biogas and wood fuel.

    Authors from different regions in Africa were commissioned to develop an interesting set of books, which expose the vastness and abundance of Africa’s natural resources. They provide ample African cultural and traditional examples which have sustained the continent’s energy needs and application for years. A wide range of activities, exercises drawn from African experiences have been used to make the series lively and relevant to young African readers.

    Book 5 places emphasis on the importance of storing energy. Energy is not always available in the form that people can readily use. Solar energy must be stored so that it can be utilised even when the sun is not shining. The book challenges readers on how to ensure that hydropower is available even during the dry seasons. Modern, as well as traditional methods of storing renewable energy are presented.

    The author of the book, Renewable Energy: Storage, Joram Augustine Pyuza Matulu, is a senior researcher at the Tanzania Education Institute.

    Titles in the Kawi Renewable Energy series include:

    • Book 1 Renewable Energy – Sources
    • Book 2 Renewable Energy – Uses
    • Book 3 Renewable Energy – Conservation
    • Book 4 Renewable Energy – Conversion
    • Book 5 Renewable Energy – Storage
    • Book 6 Renewable Energy – Challenges for Africa

    The Kawi series is the product of a project implemented jointly by UNESCO and the African Publishers’ Network with support from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland and the Canadian International Development Agency.

  • Renewable Energy: Conversion (Kawi Renewable Energy #4)

    The Kawi popular science series on Renewable Energy is a unique collection of children’s books which educates the reader on the various forms of energy. The books present scientific explanation of how natural elements can be exploited in order to increase energy supply in Africa. The series comprises of six books and focuses on solar energy, hydropower, wind, biogas and wood fuel.

    Authors from different regions in Africa were commissioned to develop an interesting set of books, which expose the vastness and abundance of Africa’s natural resources. They provide ample African cultural and traditional examples which have sustained the continent’s energy needs and application for years. A wide range of activities, exercises drawn from African experiences have been used to make the series lively and relevant to young African readers.

    Book 4 informs children that energy cannot be destroyed. It merely changes from one form to another. The same energy form can be used in many different ways. For example, potential energy becomes Kinetic energy which can become mechanical energy. The book has several examples of children’s fun activities explaining different aspects of energy,

    The authors, Lirahalibonoe Molapo works as a researcher and writer at the Maseru Resource Centre while Nthunt’si Maphasa is a senior staff officer at the National Curriculum Development Centre in Maseru.

    Titles in the Kawi Renewable Energy series include:

    • Book 1 Renewable Energy – Sources
    • Book 2 Renewable Energy – Uses
    • Book 3 Renewable Energy – Conservation
    • Book 4 Renewable Energy – Conversion
    • Book 5 Renewable Energy – Storage
    • Book 6 Renewable Energy – Challenges for Africa

    The Kawi series is the product of a project implemented jointly by UNESCO and the African Publishers’ Network with support from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland and the Canadian International Development Agency.

  • Renewable Energy: Conservation (Kawi Renewable Energy #3)

    The Kawi popular science series on Renewable Energy is a unique collection of children’s books which educates the reader on the various forms of energy. The books present scientific explanation of how natural elements can be exploited in order to increase energy supply in Africa. The series comprises of six books and focuses on solar energy, hydropower, wind, biogas and wood fuel.

    Authors from different regions in Africa were commissioned to develop an interesting set of books, which expose the vastness and abundance of Africa’s natural resources. They provide ample African cultural and traditional examples which have sustained the continent’s energy needs and application for years. A wide range of activities, exercises drawn from African experiences have been used to make the series lively and relevant to young African readers.

    Book 3 is a very enriching book, which presents various ways of conserving energy. It gives numerous suggestions of how to save energy through the correct choice of appliances. Interesting exercises have been developed to reinforce to children that the proper use of natural resources contributes to energy conservation. Examples and experiences include traditional and cultural practices from across Africa made exciting through vivid illustrations and photographs.

    The author, Alfonso Dominic Nyorch, is currently a senior education officer with the City of Nairobi, Kenya.

    Titles in the Kawi Renewable Energy series include:

    • Book 1 Renewable Energy – Sources
    • Book 2 Renewable Energy – Uses
    • Book 3 Renewable Energy – Conservation
    • Book 4 Renewable Energy – Conversion
    • Book 5 Renewable Energy – Storage
    • Book 6 Renewable Energy – Challenges for Africa

    The Kawi series is the product of a project implemented jointly by UNESCO and the African Publishers’ Network with support from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland and the Canadian International Development Agency.

  • Renewable Energy: Uses (Kawi Renewable Energy #2)

    The Kawi popular science series on Renewable Energy is a unique collection of children’s books which educates the reader on the various forms of energy. The books present scientific explanation of how natural elements can be exploited in order to increase energy supply in Africa. The series comprises of six books and focuses on solar energy, hydropower, wind, biogas and wood fuel.

    Authors from different regions in Africa were commissioned to develop an interesting set of books, which expose the vastness and abundance of Africa’s natural resources. They provide ample African cultural and traditional examples which have sustained the continent’s energy needs and application for years. A wide range of activities, exercises drawn from African experiences have been used to make the series lively and relevant to young African readers.

    Book 2 presents different uses of renewable energy. Did you know, that blogs from human waste is used as an energy source for establishments which have no access to power from the Main Girid. Interesting stories maintain the children’s interest and involvement with the subject of renewable energy.

    The authors: Harold Frank Gonthi is a Project Officer with GTZ, Malawi, while Wilson Khamison Nkhoma Makuumiza is a curriculum planner at the Malawi Institute of Education in Domasi.

    Titles in the Kawi Renewable Energy series include:

    • Book 1 Renewable Energy – Sources
    • Book 2 Renewable Energy – Uses
    • Book 3 Renewable Energy – Conservation
    • Book 4 Renewable Energy – Conversion
    • Book 5 Renewable Energy – Storage
    • Book 6 Renewable Energy – Challenges for Africa

    The Kawi series is the product of a project implemented jointly by UNESCO and the African Publishers’ Network with support from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland and the Canadian International Development Agency.

  • Renewable Energy: Sources (Kawi Renewable Energy #1)

    The Kawi popular science series on Renewable Energy is a unique collection of children’s books which educates the reader on the various forms of energy. The books present scientific explanation of how natural elements can be exploited in order to increase energy supply in Africa. The series comprises of six books and focuses on solar energy, hydropower, wind, biogas and wood fuel.

    Authors from different regions in Africa were commissioned to develop an interesting set of books, which expose the vastness and abundance of Africa’s natural resources. They provide ample African cultural and traditional examples which have sustained the continent’s energy needs and application for years. A wide range of activities, exercises drawn from African experiences have been used to make the series lively and relevant to young African readers.

    Book 1 presents a broad definition of energy and introduces the Kawi series. Each energy form is described in detail with interesting reference made to West African traditional practices that deal with energy. Did you know that sea salt is added to plant food to make it soft for animals to feed?

    The author, Yaya Satina Diallo, is an editor with Gandall Editions in Guinea. He has written numerous children’s books on science and the environment.

    Titles in the Kawi Renewable Energy series include:

    • Book 1 Renewable Energy – Sources
    • Book 2 Renewable Energy – Uses
    • Book 3 Renewable Energy – Conservation
    • Book 4 Renewable Energy – Conversion
    • Book 5 Renewable Energy – Storage
    • Book 6 Renewable Energy – Challenges for Africa

    The Kawi series is the product of a project implemented jointly by UNESCO and the African Publishers’ Network with support from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland and the Canadian International Development Agency.

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