The Lockdown: Creative Non-Fiction about Living with Covid-19


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An anthology of 16 short creative nonfiction accounts about living with Covid-19 in 2020 by various authors.

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Weight 0.35 kg

978 9988 3 2827 6

Year Published






Franka-Maria Andoh

Franka-Maria Andoh lives in Accra, Ghana with her daughter Marisa.

Frederick Nii Ofei Bruce

Frederick Nii Ofei Bruce is one of Africa’s uprising fictional novelist who spans across varied themes of love and relationships, entrepreneurship, work-life-school balance, self-discipline and motivation, amidst many alike.

As a prolific writer, he writes stage plays, poems, spoken word pieces, novels, Christian fiction short stories, movie and series scripts also. He is a ghost writer also and has edited various great novels.

As an ardent believer in African literature, he is the CEO and founder of Enzyme Classics which is a hub for young African writers to explore their writing talents
His first stage play titled ‘And He Proposed’ was a classic, and some of his popular works include, “Pillow Talks with the Devil, Trotro Diaries, I found her series, Tales From The Pot, Life in the Shadows, Sexy At 20, and many more.

He is a Chemical Engineer by day, and a Writer by night. His dexterity for creativity spans across music and sports too. He is a faithful believer of the “Can-do” theory and as such a great repository of life’s nuggets.

He is a member of The Ghana Association of Writers, and keeps spurring on with great, exciting and thrilling literature every day.

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The Lockdown: Creative Non-Fiction about Living with Covid-19


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