Money: An Excellent Gift of God – An Exposition on John Wesley’s Teachings on Money


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“John Wesley has been revered but not carefully studied.” (Albert Outler)

This book therefore makes a contribution to unearthing the holistic ministry of Father John Wesley, much of which has been put on the back bench for a long time. As a Methodist Minister, I had known that he gave the following three rules about money “Gain All You Can; Save All You Can; Give All You Can” and not much beyond that.

Did you know that John Wesley described money as “neutral” and not “evil” as some Christians would make us believe? He wrote: “Let the world be as corrupt as it will, is gold or silver to blame? The fault does not lie in the money, but in them that use it. it may be used ill and what may not?”

Note the positive ways in which he describes money:

  1. The Excellent Talent
  2. ii) The Wise and Gracious Providence of God
  • iii) The Valuable Talent
  1. The Precious Talent
  2. That Great Talent Money
  3. An Excellent Gift of God-(The Title of this Book)

Did you know how he summed up his teaching on Tithing? He wrote: “You are a Christian, not a Jew” encouraging liberality instead of following rules and giving the barest minimum.

I have founded the Movement for the Eradication of Poverty in Africa Through the Church (MEPAC) and this Exposition on John Wesley’s Teachings on Money is a welcome addition to my other books and teachings on the Eradication of Poverty from Africa. Get your copy and my other books in the MEPAC Series and follow my teachings on how we can solve Africa’s greatest problem − POVERTY.

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Weight 0.4 kg
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978 9988 3 4563 1

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Money: An Excellent Gift of God - An Exposition on John Wesley's Teachings on Money


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