Inspirational Stories of Some Distinguished Ghanaian Captains of Industry (Volume 2)


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Have you denied yourself the joy of owning your own company and having your financial freedom because of lack of capital, difficult background, and lack of support? Or do you lack the practical know-how to manifest your entrepreneurial dream? You have come to the right place of possibilities.

Even though abilities and opportunities may differ, everybody can make it and make it big regardless of age, race, gender, socio-economic status, religious creed, political affiliation, academic background, or environment.

This book is about the life stories of 22 Ghanaian Captains of Industry who have defied all odds and managed to succeed in this challenging business environment. The book shared their deep and rich experiences as well as principles, which have aided their business success.

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Inspirational Stories of Some Distinguished Ghanaian Captains of Industry (Volume 2)


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