Conversations from the HillTop


Conversations from the HillTop sets out to educate, guide, advise and encourage both the young and the not so young, about getting wisdom and understanding, using real life experiences and lessons. All things are possible if we set our minds to it.

The Author gives very useful points aimed at imbibing discipline, perseverance, a sense of destiny and the fear of God into positively impacting others and our communities. This book is a blueprint for success in all facets of life.
The simplicity of language used makes reading very interesting while giving the reader that sense of belonging.

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Weight 0.45 kg


Year Published


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Author Picture

Kofi Otutu Adu Labi

Kofi Otutu Adu Labi is a lawyer, management consultant and author. He is also a church elder, teacher and preacher. He served as Adviser under two Governors of the Bank of Ghana before he retired in 2011.

He has held a number of directorships including Commissioner, Securities and Exchange Commission Ghana and the National Pensions Regulatory Authority. He is a Member of Council of the Christian Service University College, Kumasi. He has served as Senior Presbyter and Presbyter at the Dansoman Emmanuel and Victory (Fafraha) congregations of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana respectively. He is a member of the Advisory Board of the Ghana Association of Writers (GAW). He has written eight other books. He is a recipient of the GAW Achievement Award, 2019.

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Conversations from the HillTop


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