A Living Story: Autobiography of Samuel Asante Antwi


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This fascinating story of a successful Servant of God, by the grace of God is a must read for all those who wish to take serious stocks of their ministries. This is indeed a thought-provoking autobiography by one of Africa’s great church leaders. Most Rev. Dr. Asante Antwi deserves commendation for this important contribution to ministerial formation. – John D. K. Ekem, Academic Dean, Trinity Theological Seminary, Legon


People write autobiographies motivated by a number of concerns, some altruistic and others self-centered. This autobiography was motivated by a concern to share with readers, especially young readers, the secret behind the fame and the successful life and leadership of the man behind the story – the Honorable Most Rev. Dr. Samuel Asante. In this autobiography, the author tells his own story and in the vivid narration, spanning his boyhood days at his cherished village Moseaso through his teaching profession, call to the ministry of the Methodist Church, Ghana as a pastor, theological educator, Chairman of the then Kumasi District of the Church, the last President and first Presiding Bishop of the Conference to his call to the service of the nation as a member of the Council of State, he gives his readers a rare access to his very being, the stuff he is made of, his true identity and the things that make him kick. The objective is holistic. It is to inspire his readers to yield their lives to the Lord who “makes the poor and the rich…who raises the poor from the dust… the needy from the ash heap to make them sit with princes and inherit a seat of honour” (1 Sam 2:7-8). – Most Rev. Prof. Emmanuel Asante, The 3rd Presiding Bishop, The Methodist Church Ghana


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A Living Story: Autobiography of Samuel Asante Antwi


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