• Thumb Prints

    The “Thumb Prints” is a historical fiction novel, and as such, it is based on two important events in history: the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and the Fante-Asante wars (Fante and Asante are tribes that form part of modern-day Ghana, West Africa). These two events are prominent in the history of Ghana, with the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade being prominent in world history.

    The purpose of this book is to provide a good read for readers, and not to incite any resentment towards any group of people or race.

    Thumb Prints

  • Taytu Betul: The Sunshine Queen (Hardcover)

    Age Range: 3 – 8 years

    Africa has produced its own formidable women; and one such women is Taytu Betul, Empress of Ethiopia and consort to Emperor Menelik II.

    In this story, we see how the Empress managed to save Ethiopia from becoming an Italian colony.

    Ethiopia is the only African country that was never colonised by the Europeans; how did that happen?

  • Elmina, ‘The Little Europe’: European Impact and Cultural Resilience (Hardcover)

    This is a brief introduction to the history of Elmina, its castle, the people, and their traditions. It outlines the town’s 500-year relations with Europeans, highlighting the transformations that have developed out of these interactions. Written by one of the top historians of Ghana and a leading scholar of the African diaspora, the book is based on original archival information and orally-derived sources. It is also richly informed by the writer’s own personal knowledge as a Nyampa Safohen and citizen of Elmina. Despite the tremendous changes engendered by the European contact, Elmina’s historical development demonstrates an amazing degree of cultural continuity and resilience in its political institutions, social organization, economic systems and worldview.

  • The Mind of Africa

    The Mind of Africa, written while the author was A Fellow of  All Souls College, Oxford, was a fruit of that enlarged perspective. After several years, he visited Ghana in 1962. There Kwame Nkrumah, then President of Ghana, successfully persuaded him to return to teach at the University of Ghana, Legon and he subsequently resigned from All Souls. In 1968, he went to the United States as a visiting professor. This was followed by invitations to teach at various academic institutions there, including Berkeley and Stanford. He subsequently settled in California, where he continued to teach and research philosophy in the University of California at Santa Cruz until his retirement.

    The Mind of Africa appeared at a time when a number of African countries were obtaining, or fighting for, their political freedom from their colonial rulers; and becoming independent nations expecting to build new societies in accordance with their own visions and conceptions, though not necessarily jettisoning all the features of their colonial heritage. Building new societies requires appropriate ideologies and philosophies fashioned within the crucible of their cultural and historical experiences. Thus, the relation between ideology and society is taken up at the very outset of the book… The Mind of Africa is important for Africa’s future and identity.

  • The Corrupt Elites: Anatomy of Power and Wealth in Ghana

    The Corrupt Elites is a simple and straight-forward narrative which explains the incidence of corruption in Ghana within successive historical epochs. The book argues that the Ghanaian state is sustained by a network of exclusive institutions built by the elites to facilitate the plunder of the nation’s wealth. This is because the elites are economically and politically weak to create wealth for themselves. The creation of exclusive institutions to facilitate corruption intensified from one historical epoch to another; it became a national scourge especially from the 1990s with devastating social consequences.

    The book supports this narrative about corruption with concrete and credible illustrations.

  • Hijacked: 1000 Days’ Harrowing Experience in the Hands of Somali Pirates

    Six months into a 10-month contract with Azal Shipping & Cargo, LLC, Dubai, on March 29, 2010, Jewel Ahiable and 23 other crew members aboard MV Iceberg 1 were hijacked by Somali pirates and held captive for 1000 days. The vessel ran aground. Food, water, medical supplies—all ran out. A crew member lost his life and another went missing. All attempts to get a ransom failed the captors. But their brute determination to amass fortune deafened their ears to the cry of innocent humans and the poor.

    HIJACKED! recounts the torturous ordeal and near-death experiences during the captivity until the intervention of the Puntland Maritime Police Force secured their release on December 23, 2012.

    It is the story of one of the longest held piracy victims. It is the story of piracy victims abandoned by their employer, respective countries and the world community. It is the story of the miraculous intervention of Divinity in the affairs of hopeless men.

  • Ahafo & Bono Regions In Historical Perspective

    In the centre of Ghana once straddled the Brong-Ahafo Region. It was noted for its beautiful geographical features as well as its rich natural and human resources. The maxim, unity in diversity, a cherished Ghanaian quintessential trait, was exemplified in the region by the peaceful and harmonious coexistence of multiple ethnic groups. On the eve of its Diamond Jubilee, the Region was split into three: Bono, Bono East and Ahafo Regions to promote the speedy development of the area.

    This book gives a historical overview of the erstwhile region with respect to culture, its achievements and legacy. It also showcases the endowments of the new regions carved out of it. The contents are rich in information, data and photographs of historic people and events which historians, politicians, scholars, tourists, and people interested in issues concerning indigenous African societies and the general reader, will find to be invaluable.

    “This book provides a succinct glimpse into the erstwhile Brong-Ahafo Region in terms of history, achievements and legacy and also showcases the resources of the three new regions created out of Brong-Ahafo. Through the pages of this book, we can always remember our past, our common history and ancestry, and thereby remain united although physically we will be in separate regions.” – From the Foreword

  • The African Predicament: Collected Essays

    This collection of Kofi Awoonor’s writings comprises essays written over a period of three decades, and includes several previously unpublished pieces. According to the author himself: ‘[they] reflect a life-time of engagement in literature and politics, my two passions…’

    Kofi Awoonor addresses a diverse range of subjects from an African perspective: the slave trade, post-independence history, globalisation, and the fate of the African continent given the twin scourges of poverty and HIV/AIDS. Literary criticism considers the legacy of W.E.B DuBois, and in a contemporary context, Kofi Anyidoho’s poetry. Further essays are reflections composed during the author’s long sojourns in the US: on Negro, Afro-American, black, African-American and African and identities. Further essays cover historical and political topics, such as the overthrow of Nkrumah, and the UN in relation to Africa in the post-Cold War period.

  • Swords & Crosses: The Story of Opoku Ware School

    Our journey has been both long and short. Many are those that have departed this life, unable to share their stories. They were students like us, or teachers, or worked in other capacities within the school. All of these nurtured and formed us into the winners we are today. They and their service, their lives, and contributions should never be forgotten. For them all this book is a memorial.

    Our prayer is that the thousands of fingers that turn these pages will be a testament to the many future years ahead of Opoku Ware School, years in which, we believe, it shall move from being one of the best into becoming the very best. The quick today and those departed, through this book still have a voice, speaking of what has been, and inspiring the progress for tomorrow.

    We have been forged by the cross of Christ and a mighty sword of tradition.

    This is our story.

    Katakyie Rodney Nkrumah-Boateng (AF147) and his team have woven an intricate pattern of beauty, exemplified only by the beautiful patterns of the Asante Kente cloth. The beginnings of Opoku Ware School and its progress through the changing phases of Ghana are presented here in an easy-to-read style that will appeal to all students and lovers of history. Ably captured is the pride in identity that has bound together the men known as Akatakyie all this while; a resilient band of achievers. never resting, never floundering.

    The story really had to be told.

  • The 5th Republic: Constitutional Reforms To Rescue, Resuscitate and Restore Ghana

    In this book, Dr. Nii Amu Darko proposes an alternative to Ghana’s 4th Republic and offers prescriptions for thorough constitutional reform. Based on the tenet that the ills of our political excesses and economic stagnation are rooted in the shortcomings of the constitution, he slices Ghana’s 1992 Constitution apart and lays out a systematic blueprint for a new Constitution that would usher in Ghana’s 5th Republic.  With the ideas laid out in this book, Dr. Darko’s objective is to put the country on track for effective political reform and sustainable development. He addresses many issues and sectors of national interest for the “new Ghana”, including the Constitution, territories, citizenship, representation of the people, the Executive, legislature, judiciary, security and defence and chieftaincy.

  • Weep Not, Africa

    In this book, Dr. Nii Amu Darko proposes a rare template for political economy suitable for the multi-ethnic African state, both in terms of political organization and sustainable economic development.  Essentially, he combines the constitution and manifesto of the African Reform Movement (ARM) into this book as a roadmap for realizing Africa’s arrested potential.  Dr. Darko proposes the creation of the new African with a new mindset that would go on to create a new society based on love, hope and faith. The ARM manifesto is the refreshing plan of action for the revolution to attain the elusive true independence by ending imperialism in all its forms, gain true independents and foster opportunities and prosperity for all.  To paraphrase Nkrumah, Darko expounds the notion that “the independence of Ghana is meaningless unless it is linked with the total liberation of its economy from Finance Capital.”

  • Fair State Charter For Africa

    In this book, Dr. Nii Amu Darko outlines a new charter for a fair state as the template for good governance in Africa.  In a fair state, opportunities are fairly spread across the nation; political power is proportional to electoral mandates and fairly distributed among the groups that form the nation; and responsibility for service delivery is the duty of every citizen. England gave the world the Magna Carta and Dr. Nii Amu Darko proposes the Fair State Charter as the foundation for good governance and prosperity in Africa. The charter addresses three main areas:  Unity of purpose; unity of governance through a reformed electoral system and national governance; and the 21st Century being Africa’s century of prominence. The unities he prescribes are on a national rather than a continental basis. So that the success of one country based on the ideas in the charter, can be replicated in other nations throughout the continent.

  • From Achinakrom to Pro-Vice Chancellor: Autobiography of Florence Abena Dolphyne

    An autobiography serves the purpose of relating experiences of the writer. These are usually personal experiences and readers can draw inspiration from such experiences.

    This is a book written by a renowned academician, but unlike many books written by academics, it reads like a story written by an accomplished novelist. It tells the story of a girl of very humble parentage who was able, by dint of hard work and divine providence, to make it to the very apex of academia. It is a book that tells the story of ‘Mmofraturo’, synonymous with the training of girls to influence their world before the advent of militant feminism. It is a story that gives another peep at the practice of racism in Europe.

    But then, it is also the book that confirms the subtle discrimination that women are often subjected to in our education system, even at the highest level.

    Moreover, it is a story that teils the history of the practice of education in Ghana over a number of decades. Then, the writer draws us into the age-old issue of family life, foster children, biological children, and the Ghanaian family set up.

    From Achinakrom to Pro-Vice Chancellor is a book about friendship and love that tells the story of women, individually and in groups trying to help make others enjoy the life of work and leisure. Furthermore, this book gives a hint that speaking one’s first language can be the source of the survival of an individual in certain critical situations.

    This inspiring story is also a personal history of Ghana from pre-independence by someone who has helped to shape Ghana’s education system, women’s rights during the UN Decade for Women, and human rights through Ghana’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission. It is a story of a phenomenal woman who has made Ghana and Achinakrom proud.


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