The Supreme Task of the Church


As much as believers want to hearken to the Great Commission, we seem to shy away from this call. Restricted with limited resources on ways to approach, strategies to pursue, and how to win souls and make disciples of them, we let our generations down.

This book is a great resource containing biblical, experiential, and practical knowledge that empowers every believer to fulfill the divine mandate to win souls. It answers frequently asked questions we encounter as we set out to obey God regarding this call.

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Weight 0.5 kg


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Year Published


Hayford Kofi Gbemu

Hayford Kofi Gbemu is a passionate soul winner and lover of God.
He is a kingdom giver and is completely sold out for God and stops at nothing to see His Kingdom come. He has brought much joy, peace, hope, and love to many lives and homes through the ministry of love, healing and deliverance that the Lord Jesus Christ has called him to. He accepted the call of God at a very early age and has had many vivid supernatural encounters of which a part has been shared in this book.
He has a strong prophetic and apostolic grace which is coupled with deep revelational teachings, evangelistic, healing, deliverance, and intercessory ministries. He has done a lot of school evangelism and one on one evangelism in various suburbs of Accra and other regions in Ghana. He is an intercessor to the core and his passion is to see many souls won for God and to see the kingdom of God expand.

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The Supreme Task of the Church


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