Did I Bear Fruits?


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Did I Bear Fruits? can best be described as a sequel to ‘An Available Vessel for the Lord’s Pleasure, the Author’s first book.

In this book, the author painstakingly compiles over 80 testimonies and experiences of readers of An Available Vessel for the Lord’s Pleasure.

You are sure to identify with the varied backgrounds of the testifiers-drivers, men of God, home makers, lawyers, entrepreneurs, people who are unemployed, students, teachers, bankers, et al. Indeed, the beauty and uniqueness of each testimony will keep you turning each page.

By the time you finish reading the book, you would have experienced the power of the Holy Spirit in the dimensions of deliverance, forgiveness, reconciliation, miracles, speaking in tongues and intimacy with the Holy Spirit. Each testimony is a reminder that the only way to survive as a Christian is to receive and develop an intimate relationship with the Holy Ghost. Let’s meet the testifiers and hear their stories. Enjoy the journey and may the Holy Spirit brood over you.

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Weight 0.55 kg






Year Published


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