Bookset: Junior African Writers Series (JAWS) Starters (10 books)


Available on backorder

Age Range: 3 – 6 years

JAWS Starters are simple books for young readers in Africa. The series provides interesting stories to encourage children to read for pleasure.

The books are at three levels. Level 1 is for children who have just begun to read by themselves. Level 2 and 3 use progressively wider vocabulary and more complex sentence structures. The language has been carefully controlled at each level to make reading easy. Also, there are pictures on every page to help the pupils follow the story. At Level 1, pupils can follow the story from the pictures alone.

There are activities at the end of each book. If a word in an African language is used in the story, there will be a note of its meaning at the end of the book as well.

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Weight 0.600 kg

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Bookset: Junior African Writers Series (JAWS) Starters (10 books)


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