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The Supreme Court of Ghana Law Reports: 2015-2016 (Volume 2)
The Supreme Court of Ghana Law Reports: 2015-2016 (Volume 2)
₵1,300.00 -
Modern Principles of Company Law in Ghana
This book is a reference book that comprehensively covers the relevant top of company law in Ghana. With the passage of the new Companies Act, 2009 (Act 992), there is a need to have a book that comprehensively explains the principles of company law. This book covers many distinct parts of company law.
The first part deals with an introduction to Company Law and companies Even though the book is on company law, the second chapter talks about other entities through which business can be undertaken or through which objects can be pursued. These entities include Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, Building Societies, Cooperative Societies, Incorporated Trust, Statutory Corporation and Non-Governmental Organisation under the proposed Non-Governmental Organisation Bill, 2018 and 2022. Chapter 3 also comes under the first part, which is an introduction to a company, requirements for the formation of a company and the types of companies that can be incorporated and registered in Ghana. Chapters 4 and 5 deal with the constitution of a company, which under the repealed Act 179 is the regulations of a company, and the role of the promoter respectively.
The second part deals with company law concepts, most of which were developed under common law and are now given statutory backing. It covers principles on pre-incorporation contract, ultra vires and capacity of a company, corporate veil and the presumption of regularity.
The third part covers governance issues, including membership, general meetings, directors, Company Secretary and auditors.
This is followed by the fourth part, which deals with raising capital for companies, including principles relating to shares and debentures, restructuring or reorganisation, and rules relating to public companies.
The last part deals with remedies available for corporate maladministration and liquidations. A new introduction in Ghana, the concept of administration of financial distress companies under the Corporate Insolvency and Restructuring Act, 2020 (Act 1015) and its amendment are also dealt with. The last chapter provides an overview of the requirements for a company to keep books of accounts and prepare financial statements.
₵1,200.00 -
The Ghana Law Reports 2018-2019 (Volume 2)
The Ghana Law Reports 2018-2019 (Volume 2)
₵900.00 -
The Ghana Law Reports 2018-2019 (Volume 1)
The Ghana Law Reports 2016-2017 (Volume 1)
₵850.00 -
Contemporary Trends in the Law of Immovable Property in Ghana
The law of immovable property is concerned primarily with the relationships which exist between persons who hold, inter alia, interest in , title to or rights over immovable objects that are capable of ownership under a law in force at any one time. it is also inferentially, though comparatively minimally, concerned with the nature of such objects as well as the interest, title and rights that are permitted by the existing law t be held in such relevant objects. The law of immovable property is further concerned with a bundle of legal and institutional frameworks which regulate and manage the proprietary and other incidental matters pertaining to all that may be properly described as immovable property.
₵750.00 -
The Ghana Law Reports 2016-2017 (Volume 1)
The Ghana Law Reports 2016-2017 (Volume 1)
Best Seller Items
The Supreme Court of Ghana Law Reports: 2015-2016 (Volume 2)
The Supreme Court of Ghana Law Reports: 2015-2016 (Volume 2)
₵1,300.00 -
Modern Principles of Company Law in Ghana
This book is a reference book that comprehensively covers the relevant top of company law in Ghana. With the passage of the new Companies Act, 2009 (Act 992), there is a need to have a book that comprehensively explains the principles of company law. This book covers many distinct parts of company law.
The first part deals with an introduction to Company Law and companies Even though the book is on company law, the second chapter talks about other entities through which business can be undertaken or through which objects can be pursued. These entities include Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, Building Societies, Cooperative Societies, Incorporated Trust, Statutory Corporation and Non-Governmental Organisation under the proposed Non-Governmental Organisation Bill, 2018 and 2022. Chapter 3 also comes under the first part, which is an introduction to a company, requirements for the formation of a company and the types of companies that can be incorporated and registered in Ghana. Chapters 4 and 5 deal with the constitution of a company, which under the repealed Act 179 is the regulations of a company, and the role of the promoter respectively.
The second part deals with company law concepts, most of which were developed under common law and are now given statutory backing. It covers principles on pre-incorporation contract, ultra vires and capacity of a company, corporate veil and the presumption of regularity.
The third part covers governance issues, including membership, general meetings, directors, Company Secretary and auditors.
This is followed by the fourth part, which deals with raising capital for companies, including principles relating to shares and debentures, restructuring or reorganisation, and rules relating to public companies.
The last part deals with remedies available for corporate maladministration and liquidations. A new introduction in Ghana, the concept of administration of financial distress companies under the Corporate Insolvency and Restructuring Act, 2020 (Act 1015) and its amendment are also dealt with. The last chapter provides an overview of the requirements for a company to keep books of accounts and prepare financial statements.
₵1,200.00 -
The Ghana Law Reports 2018-2019 (Volume 2)
The Ghana Law Reports 2018-2019 (Volume 2)
₵900.00 -
The Ghana Law Reports 2018-2019 (Volume 1)
The Ghana Law Reports 2016-2017 (Volume 1)
₵850.00 -
Contemporary Trends in the Law of Immovable Property in Ghana
The law of immovable property is concerned primarily with the relationships which exist between persons who hold, inter alia, interest in , title to or rights over immovable objects that are capable of ownership under a law in force at any one time. it is also inferentially, though comparatively minimally, concerned with the nature of such objects as well as the interest, title and rights that are permitted by the existing law t be held in such relevant objects. The law of immovable property is further concerned with a bundle of legal and institutional frameworks which regulate and manage the proprietary and other incidental matters pertaining to all that may be properly described as immovable property.
₵750.00 -
The Ghana Law Reports 2016-2017 (Volume 1)
The Ghana Law Reports 2016-2017 (Volume 1)
“Unwritten Laws: The Unofficial Rules Of Life As Handed Down By Murphy And Other Sages – Hardcover” has been added to your cart. View cart
965Products found
Essential Our World and Our People Workbook – Kindergarten 2
Suitable for children between 2 and 6 years
Essential Our World and Our People Kindergarten 2 Workbook meets the full requirements of the current New Standards-based curriculum by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NaCCA).
This Workbook uses a variety of approaches in order to offer as many ways of learning as possible.
Each theme contains practices that will help learners achieve the objectives of that theme. There are varieties of activities that helps the learner integrate well into the Ghanaian and international world. Home project sections offers a more hands on activity and home learning opportunities for the learner.
Essential Our World and Our People, your guarantee of success.
₵45.00 -
Essential Creative Arts Workbook – Kindergarten 2
Suitable for children between 2 and 6 years
Essential Creative Arts Kindergarten 2 workbook meets the full requirements of the current New Standards-based curriculum by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NaCCA).
The main objectives are to:
- Awaken and develop the child’s creative potentials.
- Help the child to use wide range of materials, suitable tools and other resources to express ideas and communicate their feelings.
- Help the child to appreciate visual elements, the beauty in the natural and man-made environment e.g. colour, form in space (shapes), texture, design, buildings, bridges, furniture, cars, etc.
The workbook is integrated with the themes in the curriculum. Art educators say it’s never too early to introduce kids to art through books and projects. These workbooks are therefore the right choice to introduce kids to art.
Essential Creative Arts, your guarantee of success.
₵45.00 -
A Comprehensive Course in Twi (Asante)
Asante Twi is the most widely spoken of the dialects of the Akan language. Akan is spoken by about 44 percent of Ghana’s population as a first language, and is also used as a second language by a large number of the remainder. This book is meant to introduce a non-Twi beginner to the spoken language.
It may also be used by those who have some knowledge of the language, but who want to improve their competence in it, and also has a considerable English-Twi vocabulary. The main focus of this course is the spoken language, and every effort has been made to ensure that the dialogues are as natural and as close to current everyday usage as possible.
This book is a must not only for anyone who wants to relate to people in Ghana whether he or she is on a short or an extended visit, but also for other Ghanaians who are interested in the Twi language or require a working knowledge in the language.
Professor Florence Abena Dolphyne taught in the Department of Linguistics in the University of Ghana from 1965-2001. She has published several books, including The Akan (Twi-Fante) language: Its Sound Systems and Tonal Structure, A Course in Oral English and the accompanying Teachers’ Handbook, and the best-selling Emancipation of Women: An African Perspective.
₵50.00 -
Traditional And Religious Plants in West Africa
The book is a comprehensive coverage of the Traditional and Religious Plants of West Africa. Readers will be fascinated by the information captured in this masterpiece, authored by an academic gem who is well-known in the botany field.
₵85.00 -
Ga-English Vocabulary Book for Basic Schools (Little Sage Series)
Age: 5+ years
Ga-English Vocabulary Book for Basic Schools (Little Sage Series)
₵33.00 -
Asante Twi-English Vocabulary Book for Basic Schools (Little Sage Series)
Age: 5+ years
Asante Twi-English Vocabulary Book for Basic Schools (Little Sage Series)
₵33.00 -
Akuapem Twi-English Vocabulary Book for Basic Schools (Little Sage Series)
Age: 5+ years
Akuapem Twi-English Vocabulary Book for Basic Schools (Little Sage Series)
₵33.00 -
Paradise Lost
“Of man’s first disobedience, and the fruit
Of that forbidden tree, whose mortal tast
Brought death into the world, and all our woe,
With loss of Eden…”
Satan and his fellow rebel angels contemplate on corrupting God’s beloved new creation, Mankind. He volunteers and prepares to leave. His children − Sin and Death − build a bridge between Hell and Earth. And disguising himself as a cherub, he lands on Earth.
Adam and Eve, after a long day at work, are resting in their bower. And that’s when in the form of a serpent, Satan whisper’s into Eve’s ears. Tempted to eat from the forbidden Tree of Knowledge, Eve commits the sin.
And hence follows the Fall of Man…
Milton’s magnum opus, Paradise Lost, threads together two stories focused on different heroes-the half-heroic, half-evil charismatic Satan and the united Adam and Eve-skilfully balancing them. The epic poem continues to remain as celebrated. as ever.
“An endless moral maze, introducing literature’s first Romantic, Satan’ – John Carey
₵38.00₵40.00Paradise Lost
₵38.00₵40.00 -
Gbesela Yeye or English-Ewe Dictionary
The first Gbesela was published in 1910; the second, which was a reprint of the first without any alterations, in 1922. The present edition (1930) is a completely new book and is more than double the size of its predecessors.
The Gbesela Yeye or New Interpreter is intended to serve both Europeans and Africans, and this purpose has governed its composition and arrangement. The Ewe reader will expect to learn from it the Ewe equivalent for an English word which he may come across in his English reading. or in conversation. In consequence the Dictionary should contain not only the English rendering of Ewe words, but should also try to explain at least the more important of such English words for which the Ewe language has not yet developed a precise expression, and for which circumlocution or approximation is necessary. The enormous difference in the development of the two languages makes it necessary very often to use in Ewe the same word or phrase for a considerable number of English expressions with their numerous fine shades in meaning, although, in justice to Ewe, it must be admitted that in certain respects the valent. Ewe language abounds in expressions for which English is hardly rich enough to offer an equivalent.
For anyone who wants to acquire the language, the marking of tones is indispensable, as every one will be aware who has ever seriously tried to approach the language. In a Dictionary, where the words stand isolated, even the Ewe Reader will in many cases not be able to find out which word is intended, if the tones are unmarked.
In books for native speakers of the language, however, that is to say in the national literature, very few tone marks are required, because the context explains what is intended to say. Both non-Ewe and Ewe speakers will find the arrangement helpful by which short phrases or sentences have been added to many words, showing how they are used. This is particularly desirable and almost indispensable in the mutual interpretation of two languages which differ so widely as Ewe and English. The Ewe word in isolation in very many cases conveys practically no meaning to the non-Ewe speaker, unless its construction and application are shown in examples.
₵65.00 -
Le Tour Du Monde En 80 Jours
Le Tour Du Monde En 80 Jours
₵18.00Le Tour Du Monde En 80 Jours
₵18.00 -
A Guide to Autopsy Practice in Ghana (Hardcover)
This book is meant to guide the Ghanaian resident doctor, district and regional medical officers, medical students, non-medical personnel such as police detectives and traffic officers and lawyers through the rudiments of autopsy practice. It sheds light on the benefits of the autopsy, autopsy practice and the laws that govern autopsy practice and general academic dissections. It also discusses religion and the autopsy and is thus useful to religious leaders and curious general readers who may not belong to any of the above stated professions.
In addition it discusses the rudiments of death certification with relevant examples and will be useful to nosologists and other health officials responsible for collecting and coding data related to cause of death certificates. It entrenches the role of the clinical pathologists who is a part of the clinical team by introducing the perspectives and relationship of various clinicians to autopsy practice.
₵100.00 -
Medical Microbiology Simplified (2nd Edition)
The first edition of this title was published in 2012 with two main sections covering Bacteriology and Mycology. It provided students with a quick, updated, concise and an easy to understand text on medical microbiology. Each chapter discussed a set of closely related pathogens by focusing on their epidemiology, pathogenesis, laboratory diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control. These discussions were made against the backdrop of relevant historical contexts and current trends in molecular biology, bioinformatics and contemporary global health perspectives. The book was well received by both students and faculty and this has largely motivated a second edition.
The current edition is a revision of the first with additional content covering organisms not captured earlier. The present edition now includes sections on Parasitology and Virology to provide the full range of Microbiology disciplines. The sole author of the first edition (Dr. Mrs. Dorcas Obiri-Yeboah) invited other experts to contribute to the second edition. These experts were drawn from the Department of Microbiology and Immunology of the School of Medical Sciences, University of Cape Coast and included Prof. E. E. Brako and Dr. Victor Nuvor who contributed to the virology section; Mr. Daniel Amoako-Sakyi, Mrs. Faustina Pappoe and Mr. Kwabena Dankwa contributed the parasitology section.
This edition still aims to provide a concise, updated and easy to understand text for all range of students of Medical Microbiology. It is unique in its ability to teach complex concepts in an easy to grasp manner. Illustrations are included to aid comprehension of the subject where necessary. The text also takes time to succinctly describe and explain the virulence factors of viral, bacterial and fungal pathogens. It also explains the complex life cycles of parasites and how they have co-evolved to be checked up with their human host.
It is hoped that this second edition help readers to gain understanding of the subject and further develop their love for the great field of Medical Microbiology.
₵100.00 -
OCR: Victory History for Primary Schools Learner’s Book 5
History is an important subject that helps people to learn about their past. This helps to understand the factors that have shaped our lives. History helps people to know their past, their culture and the values that society needs for development.
The general aim of the History Curriculum is to help learners become literate and very good problem solvers. This will help them to think creatively and be able to grow and contribute to the development of the nation.
This textbook has been designed to help learners develop the right skills and attitudes to lead Ghana into a developed nation.
The textbook is based on the new History curriculum issued by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NaCCA) of Ministry of Education, 2019.
It covers the following areas:
STRAND 1: History as a Subject
STRAND 2: My Country Ghana
STRAND 3: Europeans in Ghana
STRAND 6: Independent Ghana
The textbook uses a lot of pictures, illustrations and activities that make learning interesting and easy.
It is our hope that both learners and teachers will find this book useful in teaching and learning the subject.
₵27.00 -
OCR: Victory History for Primary Schools Learner’s Book 4
History is an important subject that helps people to learn about their past. This helps to understand the factors that have shaped our lives. History helps people to know their past, their culture and the values that society needs for development.
The general aim of the History Curriculum is to help learners become literate and very good problem solvers. This will help them to think creatively and be able to grow and contribute to the development of the nation.
This textbook has been designed to help learners develop the right skills and attitudes to lead Ghana into a developed nation.
The textbook is based on the new History curriculum issued by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NaCCA) of Ministry of Education, 2019.
It covers the following areas:
STRAND 1: History as a Subject
STRAND 2: My Country Ghana
STRAND 3: Europeans in Ghana
STRAND 6: Independent Ghana
The textbook uses a lot of pictures, illustrations and activities that make learning interesting and easy.
It is our hope that both learners and teachers will find this book useful in teaching and learning the subject.
₵27.00 -
OCR: Victory History for Primary Schools Learner’s Book 3
History is an important subject that helps people to learn about their past. This helps to understand the factors that have shaped our lives. History helps people to know their past, their culture and the values that society needs for development.
The general aim of the History Curriculum is to help learners become literate and very good problem solvers. This will help them to think creatively and be able to grow and contribute to the development of the nation.
This textbook has been designed to help learners develop the right skills and attitudes to lead Ghana into a developed nation.
The textbook is based on the new History curriculum issued by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NaCCA) of Ministry of Education, 2019.
It covers the following areas:
STRAND 1: History as a Subject
STRAND 2: My Country Ghana
STRAND 3: Europeans in Ghana
STRAND 6: Independent Ghana
The textbook uses a lot of pictures, illustrations and activities that make learning interesting and easy.
It is our hope that both learners and teachers will find this book useful in teaching and learning the subject.