• Money: An Excellent Gift of God – An Exposition on John Wesley’s Teachings on Money

    “John Wesley has been revered but not carefully studied.” (Albert Outler)

    This book therefore makes a contribution to unearthing the holistic ministry of Father John Wesley, much of which has been put on the back bench for a long time. As a Methodist Minister, I had known that he gave the following three rules about money “Gain All You Can; Save All You Can; Give All You Can” and not much beyond that.

    Did you know that John Wesley described money as “neutral” and not “evil” as some Christians would make us believe? He wrote: “Let the world be as corrupt as it will, is gold or silver to blame? The fault does not lie in the money, but in them that use it. it may be used ill and what may not?”

    Note the positive ways in which he describes money:

    1. The Excellent Talent
    2. ii) The Wise and Gracious Providence of God
    • iii) The Valuable Talent
    1. The Precious Talent
    2. That Great Talent Money
    3. An Excellent Gift of God-(The Title of this Book)

    Did you know how he summed up his teaching on Tithing? He wrote: “You are a Christian, not a Jew” encouraging liberality instead of following rules and giving the barest minimum.

    I have founded the Movement for the Eradication of Poverty in Africa Through the Church (MEPAC) and this Exposition on John Wesley’s Teachings on Money is a welcome addition to my other books and teachings on the Eradication of Poverty from Africa. Get your copy and my other books in the MEPAC Series and follow my teachings on how we can solve Africa’s greatest problem − POVERTY.

  • Africa Shall Be Free from Poverty: Fulfilling God’s Desire for the Prosperity of Africa (MEPAC Workbook Volume III)

    Poverty is Africa’s Greatest Problem

    The snail-pace of Africa’s development compared to other nations is a major concern to all who have the continent at heart.

    This is the burden of Rt. Rev Prof Osei Safo-Kantanka, an agricultural scientist, a former lecturer in Plant Breeding and Genetics, a gifted Bible teacher and conference speaker, a former Bishop of the Methodist Church Ghana and a church leader who believes that Africa has all it takes to fulfill God’s desire for the continent to be prosperous. He strongly believes that the Church is God’s instrument to bring this about since Africa’s poverty is due to a mindset and not lack of resources. Therefore, he has founded the Movement for the Eradication of Poverty in Africa through the Church (MEPAC).

    Africa Shall Be Free from Poverty!

    How shall this happen?

    Bishop Kantanka provides the answer in this 3-Volume Book.

    Volume 1: Poverty is Africa’s Greatest Problem

    Volume 2: Changing the African Mindset for Prosperity

    Volume 3: Practical Biblical Foundations to Becoming Rich

    This book is a sequel to his earlier 3-Volume book entitled Abraham was Rich, Isaac was Rich, Jacob was Rich. Why Not You? which describes the spiritual and material blessings of the patriarchs as our example. These books will open your eyes to why Africa is poor and how we can get out of our endemic poverty.

    Read all these books and be part of MEPAC so that we can all work together to remove this ignoble label from off our dear continent.

  • Africa Shall Be Free from Poverty: Fulfilling God’s Desire for the Prosperity of Africa (MEPAC Workbook Volume II)

    Poverty is Africa’s Greatest Problem

    The snail-pace of Africa’s development compared to other nations is a major concern to all who have the continent at heart.

    This is the burden of Rt. Rev Prof Osei Safo-Kantanka, an agricultural scientist, a former lecturer in Plant Breeding and Genetics, a gifted Bible teacher and conference speaker, a former Bishop of the Methodist Church Ghana and a church leader who believes that Africa has all it takes to fulfill God’s desire for the continent to be prosperous. He strongly believes that the Church is God’s instrument to bring this about since Africa’s poverty is due to a mindset and not lack of resources. Therefore, he has founded the Movement for the Eradication of Poverty in Africa through the Church (MEPAC).

    Africa Shall Be Free from Poverty!

    How shall this happen?

    Bishop Kantanka provides the answer in this 3-Volume Book.

    Volume 1: Poverty is Africa’s Greatest Problem

    Volume 2: Changing the African Mindset for Prosperity

    Volume 3: Practical Biblical Foundations to Becoming Rich

    This book is a sequel to his earlier 3-Volume book entitled Abraham was Rich, Isaac was Rich, Jacob was Rich. Why Not You? which describes the spiritual and material blessings of the patriarchs as our example. These books will open your eyes to why Africa is poor and how we can get out of our endemic poverty.

    Read all these books and be part of MEPAC so that we can all work together to remove this ignoble label from off our dear continent.

  • Africa Shall Be Free from Poverty: Fulfilling God’s Desire for the Prosperity of Africa (MEPAC Workbook Volume I)

    Poverty is Africa’s Greatest Problem

    The snail-pace of Africa’s development compared to other nations is a major concern to all who have the continent at heart.

    This is the burden of Rt. Rev Prof Osei Safo-Kantanka, an agricultural scientist, a former lecturer in Plant Breeding and Genetics, a gifted Bible teacher and conference speaker, a former Bishop of the Methodist Church Ghana and a church leader who believes that Africa has all it takes to fulfill God’s desire for the continent to be prosperous. He strongly believes that the Church is God’s instrument to bring this about since Africa’s poverty is due to a mindset and not lack of resources. Therefore, he has founded the Movement for the Eradication of Poverty in Africa through the Church (MEPAC).

    Africa Shall Be Free from Poverty!

    How shall this happen?

    Bishop Kantanka provides the answer in this 3-Volume Book.

    Volume 1: Poverty is Africa’s Greatest Problem

    Volume 2: Changing the African Mindset for Prosperity

    Volume 3: Practical Biblical Foundations to Becoming Rich

    This book is a sequel to his earlier 3-Volume book entitled Abraham was Rich, Isaac was Rich, Jacob was Rich. Why Not You? which describes the spiritual and material blessings of the patriarchs as our example. These books will open your eyes to why Africa is poor and how we can get out of our endemic poverty.

    Read all these books and be part of MEPAC so that we can all work together to remove this ignoble label from off our dear continent.

  • Emotional Integrity: A Pastoral Approach

    In an age of emotional plurality, how does a Christian approach the subject of emotions? How do we develop, exhibit and maintain emotional integrity in an emotionally diverse and charged environment? Have we neglected this all-important area of our humanity while focusing time and resources enhancing our mental capacities, at the expense of our emotions?

    Emotions play vital part in the service we render on earth. Emotions have far reaching implications on us than we can ever imagine. Many have suffered variously in the home, church, community and nations because of emotional immaturity.

    This book focuses on how one may develop emotional wholeness. It presents the biblical understanding of the nature of humanity, focusing on the emotional aspect. It postulates that through Christ Jesus constructive and destructive emotions unite to fulfil the purpose of God.

  • Medical Evangelism in Ghana: A Holistic Approach towards Missions

    Medical Evangelism is a unique way of reaching out to the lost in our world. It is a viable option that can help missions’ organizations to break into religious, political, and cultural strongholds in every part of the world with the Great Commission.

    In the pages of this book, you will discover how modern medicine has been part of the gospel that reached the shores of Africa. We explore how various traditions of the Christian Faith in Ghana received and continued/discontinued with the use of modern medicine in Ghana. We examine in detail what it means to engage in short term medical evangelistic activity.

    The book posits that medicine is a tool that facilitates evangelism by preparing the hearts of beneficiaries for the reception of the Gospel.


  • Unwavering Faith, Confident Patience

    Faith is the substance of the things we expect, or hope for, and is what the just are supposed to live by.

    The Word we believe produces faith in us. The mixture of these two forces becomes the fuel for the corresponding actions which provoke the manifestation of the supernatural in impossible situations.

    As he narrates this spellbinding and awesome account of how God delivered him from his deathbed, Charles uses real illustrations to encourage the believer to deploy their faith and take possession of their own inheritance of divine health.

  • LIVING BEYOND TODAY – Living Principles For Success Tomorrow

    Living Beyond Today is the result of a decade of research and personal experiences. In this book, Ato Sarpong charts a compelling path to your desired destination and freedom. He shares insights that help readers understand that respect for the future is demonstrated by a healthy insensitivity to the past.

    Readers will learn that life is the result of choices: to pursue your dream and achieve success, you need to be courageous, you must overcome fear, and you must face the future with enthusiasm. Through this book, Ato teaches that decisions shape destiny. To be an achiever, you have to be short in words, deep in thought, and heavy in action. This book is not about theories. Apart from writing about his personal successes, Ato has written about his mistakes and failures, and how he overcame them.

    Inspired by his audiences, and writing in simple language for all readers, Ato offers insight into a well-researched and well crafted solution to success.

    Living Beyond Today is packaged in three parts:

    • The six empowerment principles that impact behaviour and action
    • The five enablers of life that influence thought, focus and direction
    • The seven enrichment laws that drive results and shape destiny.

    This is an inspirational book full of stories and practical steps that should challenge readers to reconsider their current state and make a start on the journey to wealth, happiness and joy.

  • Daily Guide: A Daily Devotional Guide for Adults (2023 Edition)

    Scripture Union is serving God’s Church in this country by producing booklets which give a Bible reading every day throughout the year. These booklets help to make daily Bible reading easy, exciting, and meaningful, leading to true conversion, victorious living, fruitful service to the church and society. Become one of the thousands of happy Christians in the SU Bible reading family in Africa by using Daily Power (Youth/Family) or Daily Guide (Adults).

    Scripture Union Ghana’s Daily Guide has been used for many years by Christians in Ghana and abroad for Quiet Time.

    Remember the mantra from Daily Guide: No Bible, No Breakfast.


  • The Well of Life: Finding the Extraordinary in an Ordinary Person

    Let’s walk with Photini, as she defies her stigma and painful past to embark on a journey of  self-discovery, hope and healing. In The Well of Life, Photini becomes a symbol through whom the author speaks to the issue of society’s labels on single middle-aged women who are simply trying to make the most of her life in spite of their personal challenges and disappointments. It portrays the story of the Biblical Samaritan woman by bringing her character and her daily reality to life in our hearts and in our minds. The author tries to send the message to women with a history of broken relationships that there is hope and healing available in the midst of their personal crises.

  • Appetite for Wealth: Taste of Fulfillment

    Recently I have observed with amazement the rate at which today’s youth have made money the reason for their existence. Greed, envy, jealousy, anger and pain have engulfed the world as a result of money. Society no longer cares about how people make their money. Honesty and integrity are thrown to the dogs. In these difficult times, the desire for personal fulfillment must be the driver of our decisions, not money and wealth. Contentment is the key that opens the gate to fulfillment. This book is born out of my personal experiences, insight and intelligence gained while working, walking and studying at the feet of giants.

    Writing in simple language with his readers in mind, Ato shares in this book that money is only important as a servant, and no matter where you are, you can take practical steps to create and command wealth. It is through our greatest struggles, pains, fears, insecurity, roadblocks and challenges that opportunities for wealth creation show up.

    Ato takes the reader on a journey towards wealth and fulfillment and shares inspirational and challenging stories that should motivate the reader to action.

  • Enduring Our Enemies With God

    Enduring your enemies is a godly necessity. No one prays to have enemies, but it is what it is, believe it or not. Accepting that truth, as part of the ingredients of living, guarantees you a stress-free life than expecting to be loved by all.

    It is not wrong to wish everyone loves you. However, it has never and would never be possible to experience such on this earth. Therefore, it is very important to have a mental filter to filter what words and actions you need and need not to consume.

    Hence, your mind and body engine are constantly in need of filters for mental protection to avoid mental break down. Stay filtered, to stay safe. The more reason why you need to continuously pray for this endurance spirit from God is that, we do not have permanent enemies, whether you are on the good side or the bad side. Our attitudes, no matter which side we are, keeps recruiting new enemies, both known and disguised ones.

    This particular writing is pinned on the righteous having to endure his or her enemies and to fulfil the promise of God to him or her.

  • Everyday Doses Of Rhema 2021

    Age Range: 6 – 19 years

    The Bible enjoins us to “Train up a child in the way he[she] should go; and when he[she] is old, he[she] will never depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6)

    Everyday Doses of Rhema is a children and youth centred devotional. It is an annual devotional which aims to educate children on God’s word, to have a daily walk with God. It summarises various books of the Bible Chronologically and explains them in easy to understand language, for Christian children and young people, to understand how God’s word applies to their everyday lives.

  • The Triplets

    This book is  about the child-search efforts of a young and affluent couple who were both virgins when they married. The book details the pains, stigma and the trauma they went through and the final outcome of their quest for a child after twelve years of marriage.

    The Triplets

  • Conquer: A Journey to Freedom

    Temptation, addiction, lust, guilt, redemption; these are but some of the issues raised in this semi-autobiography and anthology— CONQUER — by Nii Lante. In this book, Nii shares with us his struggle with masturbation, how it got hold of his life and how he was finally able to overcome this addiction after encountering God. His story of redemption ultimately came after several times of defeat. God laid a burden on him to share this story, offering practical steps that helped him in finding wholeness in Christ to help others who find themselves in such situations.

    Prayerfully read, listen and CONQUER.

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