• The Einstellung Effect

    We become unable to consider other solutions when we think we already have one that works, even though it may not be accurate or optimal. It leaves us cognitively incapable of differentiating previous experiences with the current problem. So we may solve a problem but we don’t actually INNOVATE.

    Einstelung is a German word that translates to setting, mindset, or attitude. The brain attempts to work efficiently by referring to past solutions without giving the current problem much thought. It’s stuck in a mindset. We apply previous methods to a seemingly similar problem instead of evaluating the problem on its own terms. This effect presents itself across various disciplines and skill levels. Whether we know it or not, we all experience it.

    This book explores INNOVATION like never before.

  • Peri-menopause: The Trip of a Woman!!

    Perimenopause is a very trying period in a woman’s life. Its effects and challenges affects today’s woman Socially, Physically, Emotionally and Sexually.

    In this practical  and succinct book, Pastor Anita has distilled key facts and information that teaches women and men on how to handle these difficult menopausal challenges and go on to live happier enjoyable lives.

  • Highest Lows, Scattered Peaks

    I have been told by many that I have managed to put into words, things they have only managed to feel. Never express in words.

    This book is to let you know that it is okay to feel negative emotions strongly. It is okay to be confused, angry, sad and just plain old upset with life. But don’t stay negative. Don’t stay upset. Get it all out, and then move again.

    My goal was that after writing this, even if you cannot relate to them all, you will find one piece that is yours. You will find one piece that sounds like it was written just for you.

  • In Times Like These (Hardcover)

    In times of trouble and crisis, in looking for answers, we clutch at things that will give us some form of hope.

    In 2020, COVID-19 struck and with it came the psychological, social and financial strains.

    This inspirational book is filled with powerful, encouraging messages that address topics such as: repentance, trust, prayer, worship, giving, thanksgiving, pain, sorrow, anxiety, peace, joy as well as fear arising from the deadly COVID-19 pandemic.

    The messages will help you to remain hopeful and cling to God in the challenging times.

  • Steps for the Progress of the Black Race: Guides for Black Man’s Redemption (Hardcover)

    The book talks about Black history and traces it to when Blacks were successful. The author shows how the current difficult condition of Blacks in the world is surmountable if they will do the right thing. That right thing is Blacks changing their behaviour for the better. The author believes that everybody’s condition in which he/she finds himself or herself can be changed if the necessary conduct is applied. The book encourages Blacks not to give up in the quest to make their conditions better.

    The narrative concludes with the biographies, inventions and achievements of some prominent Blacks across the ages and across the world.

  • Lɔgɔligi Locomotion: A Logologo Collection of Poems

    This is a scattered jigsaw of poems that come together to exhibit the world in which the artist, Hondred Percent, inhabits. Each poem is a cog, spinning tales and depictions of Ghana, love, Christianity, life, desire, and women.

    Just like life, the poems in this book take you on a journey of loco-motion. The path is wriggly with bumps, smooth roads and ups and downs. Thus, the term ” lɔgɔligi “.

    The Poet Rapper immerses readers into his world and thoughts asking questions and repainting the world in his own color.

    Lɔgɔligi Locomotion is a unique Ghanaian kente cloth of diverse colours of poetry that navigate emotional landscapes of humor, hope, tragedy, and identity.

  • Today in Paradise and Other Stories (Biblical Fiction Series)

    If you were the man who heard the Teacher say, “Today, you will be with me in paradise,” how would you feel? Very happy, yes, but also maybe very doubtful. Will the promise of Paradise be fulfilled? Will a criminal arrive in Paradise?

    In this story book, the man truly found himself in Paradise. What he saw there, how he felt, and what he heard will marvel you. He tells his own story in a beautiful way.

    Other stories in this book, narrated by those who met the Teacher personally, reveal great truths and lessons for everyday life.

    These are great stories for your reading adventure. The lessons and the truths the narrators learnt are yours for your everyday experience.

  • Climbing a Sycamore and Other Stories (Biblical Fiction Series)

    If you were a very short man, and if you wanted to see the Teacher who was surrounded by many people, what would you do?  Well, Zacchaeus climbed a sycamore tree.

    In this story book, he tells why he climbed the tree, what he saw and how he felt when the Teacher looked up and said, “Zacchaeus, come down. I am staying in your house today!”

    Other stories in this book, narrated by those who met the Teacher personally, reveal great truths and lessons for everyday life.

    These are great stories for your reading adventure. The lessons and the truths the narrators learnt are yours for your everyday experience.

  • Now! Moving Forward: Keys to Living an Active and Impactful Life

    You are unique! You are different and you were created with a specific purpose in mind. In fact, you were created to make impact on earth in your own way. Lying deep within our being is the capacity to touch the lives of others and make valuable contribution to the kingdom of God and the world.

    In this latest book, titled, Now! Moving Forward: Keys to Living an Active and Impactful Life, bestselling author Vera Metzler-Hinson provides the roadmap on how we impact our generation with our sense of uniqueness.

    Discover in this new book, three inspiring chapters: Interestingly Different and Specifically Similar’’, ‘The spotlight of our Years’, and ‘Balance is a necessity in this VUCA World’.

    Whether you are young or old, this new book will revive your sense of purpose and enable you to make the kind of impact God ordained you for.

  • The Triplets

    This book is  about the child-search efforts of a young and affluent couple who were both virgins when they married. The book details the pains, stigma and the trauma they went through and the final outcome of their quest for a child after twelve years of marriage.

    The Triplets

  • 5 Steps to Answered Prayer

    Prayer is one of the biggest privileges we have as children of God; it allows us to fellowship with Him and tap into the infinite resources and benefits of His Kingdom. However, for most of us, prayer remains a mystery. Deep down in our hearts, we ask ourselves why we have to pray if God is all-knowing and all-powerful. Does God really answer prayer?

    5 Steps to Answered Prayer takes you on a journey that is bound to enrich your prayer life and help improve your relationship with God.

  • Key to True and Lasting Success: A Practical Guide to Successful Living

    Looking for a book with power to jump-start your life? Look no further. Ankrah’s key to true and lasting success will be your strategic partner to get you to your prophetic place in life. You will learn more ideas, concepts, principles and methods used by successful people in the world. You will immediately become self-confident and begin to think that success is not the preserve for the special people.

    The step-by-step approach for successful living presented in this book include proven concepts drawn from business, religion, economics, psychology and everyday life. These concepts are combined in a fast-moving, informative series of steps that will lead you to greater success than you ever imagine possible. They can improve your human relationship, health and financial situation.

  • Managing the Pressure of Success and Time

    If you are struggling with the management of your success, time and suffering from leadership challenges, read this book and then do what it says. A powerful and inspiring book that you will want to read again and again. Managing the pressure of success and time is a treasure trove on principles, methods, concepts, tips, techniques and ideas that will change your life. Whatever other self-help books you may read in your lifetime, make this one your top priority. A tremendous book packed with infinite wisdom.This book is a clear, simple road map that shows you how to focus on the vital few, rather than trivial many.

  • Maximizing Your Potential: Die Empty

    Ankrah has the rare talent of writing books that are fun to read yet truly life changing. Maximize Your Potential will move you at the deepest level and show you how to have the life you have always wished you could have.

    This book will lift your spirits and inspire you to make the changes in your life that will get you back on track, not only professionally but personally. The book provides a rare key to unlock your potential.

  • Principles & Practice of Taxation

    This book covers all the principles and practice of taxation in Ghana. The book is current and straight to the point, devoid of any technical tax jargons. The cases and exercises at the end of each chapter capture the applications of the principles. Some of the cases are quite lengthy; particularly the style of examiners, the objective is to expose users to both principles and dynamics of the practice of taxation as well as examination.

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