• If We Must THRIVE: A Survival & Growth Guide for the Young African Entrepreneur

    THRIVE is for the young African entrepreneur hoping to persevere in the face of failures, setbacks and rejection. Anyone can start a business but not everyone can make a business survive and grow. Familiar success stories may blur the entrepreneurial path making young Africans wish for overnight success without equivalent effort.

    This book will guide you to redefine your core personal and entrepreneurial goals in order to avoid duplicating unfeasible business models; to properly define your target market toward optimized sales; and to manage your cashflow without accumulating excessive short-term debts.

    Practical reference to the Author’s experiences will shape your perspective towards a thriving state beyond just survival of your business or yourself. The young African entrepreneur must dream bigger and have faith, if, we must THRIVE!

  • Doubtful Minds, Arise!!

    Have you paused for a second to consider the power behind the great innovations we see around us these days: the internet, computers, aeroplanes, cell phone technology, drone photography, multimedia stuff, LED ads, etc.? What do all these inventions have in common? Well, these are all products of the human mind. The creator of the universe endowed humans with an exceptional gift which, when well-harnessed, enables us to think and solve problems. How well we use this gift of the mind is the subject matter of this book written by Mawuli Dzitse.

    In relatively few pages, the author establishes the important role the mind plays in our lives. Any manipulation of the mind has a telling effect on who we are and what we become. The mind is like an independent variable; the state of the dependent variable revolves around it.

    So what happens when the mind is in a doubtful state?
    A doubtful mind does not necessarily have to result in negative developments. In fact, doubt generates creativity. When used in moderation, doubt can be a welcoming asset in the society. It is a mover for social change. Nevertheless, doubt can be pathological if it is not managed properly. It is the prevention of negative aspects of doubt that the author focuses in this book.

    The underlying tone of the book posits that every human being has the capacity to use their mind to produce outcomes that can improve the quality of life than the one they came to meet.


  • The Human Weeds: Discovering Double-dealing Personalities

    Human Weeds is a magnificent effort to blend nature study, human life, and Scripture to produce a rare wisdom as a guide to life, behaviour and the cultivation of positive attitudes in society.

    Weeds do not have a single meaning, and all their various manifestations are defined and classified as they are identified by a range of dictionaries; the features they exhibit in relation to their existence among other plants are outlined. The features are not surprisingly, unwarranted and undesirable. Juxtaposed with human society, the characteristic features of weeds are apparent in certain human individuals and groups of individuals in the manner in which they inhabit society and function to cause obstruction and negativity in all aspects of life.

    However, human weeds can still be classified into four main groups distinguished by their typical spheres of operation: social weeds, economic weeds, religious weeds, and political weeds. The implication is that at all levels of society, and in every sphere of society, including the family, school, associations, workplaces, worship centres, health centres, the media, and all other places of human existence and operation, the weeds grow together with the grains and plants. The consequence is that negativity thrives everywhere in various forms.

    All of these can throw a person into despair, for if they are not themselves weeds, then they thrive among weeds that engulf them in obstruction and negativity. What hope is there for such a person then? And that is where the author brings HOPE. The knowledge of what weeds are, the conditions that make them thrive, the effects they produce, is already a massive gain for the reader who becomes enlightened and therefore aware of the dangers they face; but above all, they gain the insight that they can overcome human weeds in the same way that natural weeds are overcome. Thus, the insights of the book serve as an instrument of HOPE to counter the darkness evoked by human weeds.

    The insights produced by the approach sweeps along all aspects of life, illuminating the activities of human beings and their effects upon human activity, existence and progress through the negative influences cast by human weeds; but the HOPE that emerges through the wisdom of the Scriptures, which at each turn, shine a divine light upon how the activities of human weeds are destined to be overcome, encourage the reader that the journey of life and growth, even if they take place among human weeds can succeed by the knowledge, wisdom and guidance of the Divine.

  • More than Treasures of Gold

    The book is practical and written in an easy to read style. Professor Drafor-Amenyah is writing what she lives, talking the walk. More Than Treasures of Gold invites the reader to action. – Eugene Yakohene, Pioneers-Africa Mobilisation Base Director

  • Your Life in the Supernatural: Engaging and Navigating the Unseen Realm

    Apart from my strong faith in the triune God and the total reliance on the sufficiency of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit, I have always kept clear of the supernatural realm, because it has always been an enigma to me — until I read this book. It is a must-read for all, irrespective of age, academic standing, and religious persuasion. —Rev. Prof. Emmanuel Adow Obeng, President, Presbyterian University College, Ghana

  • No Percent Tithe: How to Say No to Tithing and Still Be Blessed

    For a lot of Christians, tithing is a deeply ingrained tradition, reinforced each week on television and in the pulpits by people they look up to. However, those who take the time to study tithing, as practiced in the bible, will find out that Christian or storehouse tithing is both unbiblical and cannot be justified.

    Why the fixation with tithing? Why all the manipulation and deceit on a topic Christians should not be concerned about?.


    No Percent Tithe is an easy to read book that shows you what the Bible really says about paying tithes. The book, 100% backed by bible verses, clarifies and answers the questions you have about tithing. Questions like:

    – Who Paid Tithes Under the Law of Moses?
    – Did Abraham and Jacob tithe?
    – Can you tithe money?
    – Can pastors ask for a tithe?
    – Why do pastors demand the tithe?
    – Are you cursed if you don’t tithe?
    – How should you give to God?

    The author uses charts and diagrams to explain and contrast tithing under Moses’s Law with Christian storehouse tithing and also looks into how Abram (Abraham) tithed.

    Christians who read No Percent Tithe will be surprised to find out that:

    – Abraham, Jacob and early Christians did not tithe;
    – Jesus, Peter and Paul could not receive tithes;
    – It is unbiblical to tithe money or your income;
    – The priests received ONE% not 10% of the harvest;
    – Pastors are not the modern day Levites;
    – There was money in those days, but God did not want money as a tithe.

    Here are the chapter titles:

    – Tithing under Moses
    – Why tithing to your church is not biblical
    – Abraham and Jacob did not tithe
    – 5 reasons pastors teach untruths about tithing
    – Why Moses’s law does not apply to Christians
    – God’s Portion Was ONE%
    – NO % Tithe … Just Give
    – Why you should say no to tithing

    After reading NO % Tithe you will understand God’s plan for Christian giving and realise that storehouse tithing is unbiblical. The Bible says that we must rightly divide the word of truth to prevent confusion in our thinking (2 Timothy 2:15), and that is why you must read the No % Tithe book.

    If your goal is to be free to give as led by God and not be ‘forced’ to give to a church or ministry, purchase a copy of this book.

  • ….and so, She Wrote (A little book of poetry)

    A book of poetry that draws on nature as well as the poet’s personal experiences, conversations and observations, it includes a variety of poems that will elicit tears, laughter and provoke thought

  • I Wish You Courage In The Night Season

    I Wish You Courage In The Night Season is a memoire-like poetry collection. This debut book pores over the pain and confusion caused by identity crisis, fear of fear, and insecurities in a relatable, practical way. The compilation manages to capture the very essence of our human existence.

    It also attempts to provide some insight into some of life’s quintessential paradoxes:

    What is the meaning of life? Why death? Why racism? Why domestic violence? Why does seemingly unconditional love become conditional, and many more.

    It also includes, self development tools that are guaranteed to help readers in overcoming their own storms.

  • Walking in your Exalted Position as a Believer

    Christians, by virtue of our association with Jesus Christ, have been exalted to sit together with Christ in the heavenly places. This position is what I call an exalted position. We have been raised together with Jesus to a higher position; we sit with him in the heavenly places. We must be aware and conscious of this exalted or elevated position so that we can walk in it. Hence the title for this book: “walking in your exalted position as a believer”.

    Paradoxically, many believers are ignoramuses so far as their exalted position in Christ is concerned. Such Christians have settled for mediocrity and given up the fight. Ignorance has reduced generals and giants in the lord to cowards and mediocre who shrink in the face of any challenge instead of rising above their conditions.

    To combat the antagonism and hostility of the world against us, we must be aware of the resources at our disposal. Appropriation of your exalted position in Christ is crucial to your ability to stand in times like these.

    Enclosed herein are the nine (9) elements of the believer’s exalted position in Christ which is received by grace through faith as part of our salvation package and which must be utilized for our benefits.

  • Today in Paradise and Other Stories (Biblical Fiction Series)

    If you were the man who heard the Teacher say, “Today, you will be with me in paradise,” how would you feel? Very happy, yes, but also maybe very doubtful. Will the promise of Paradise be fulfilled? Will a criminal arrive in Paradise?

    In this story book, the man truly found himself in Paradise. What he saw there, how he felt, and what he heard will marvel you. He tells his own story in a beautiful way.

    Other stories in this book, narrated by those who met the Teacher personally, reveal great truths and lessons for everyday life.

    These are great stories for your reading adventure. The lessons and the truths the narrators learnt are yours for your everyday experience.

  • Climbing a Sycamore and Other Stories (Biblical Fiction Series)

    If you were a very short man, and if you wanted to see the Teacher who was surrounded by many people, what would you do?  Well, Zacchaeus climbed a sycamore tree.

    In this story book, he tells why he climbed the tree, what he saw and how he felt when the Teacher looked up and said, “Zacchaeus, come down. I am staying in your house today!”

    Other stories in this book, narrated by those who met the Teacher personally, reveal great truths and lessons for everyday life.

    These are great stories for your reading adventure. The lessons and the truths the narrators learnt are yours for your everyday experience.

  • Washing Dirty Feet and Other Stories (Biblical Fiction Series)

    If you were Simon Peter, what would you do or say if your Master fetched water from a container and began to wash your feet? Remember that his feet and those of his friends were very dirty, smelling and cracked at the heels.

    In this story book, Simon Peter tells his own story: why he didn’t think the Master should wash his feet, what he learnt about the incident and why, many years later, he wrote to his children to serve in humility.

    Other stories in this book, narrated by those who met the Teacher personally, reveal great truths and lessons for everyday life.

    These are great stories for your reading adventure. The lessons and the truths the narrators learnt are yours for your everyday experience.

  • Palm Tree Parables

    Palm Tree Parables is full of inspirational stories and heart-warming ideas showing how everyday events hold great lessons for our personal growth.

  • One for the Road

    Wherever we’re going on this road of life, there is a thing or two about the journey’s twists and turns to be added to our storehouse of experiences.

    This book is full of wisdom, humour, surprises, and a wide variety of inspirational gems that inspire hope and encouragement.

  • Strength for the Journey: Inspirational Stories and Heart-warming Thoughts for Personal Reflection

    “Man shall not live by bread alone,” the Lord said, and it is true. Living by bread alone is detrimental to mankind’s quest for true satisfaction, and it’s never sufficient in providing all the strength we need for the journey of life.

    As we travel through this world, which is full of uncertainties and contradictions, we need every word of encouragement we can grasp – heart-warming words that provide hope in times of need. For a word in season nourishes the soul and warms the heart at every junction on our way to eternity.

    Strength for the Journey is full of encouraging words, challenging thoughts, inspirational stories, and a wide variety of personal experiences that will motivate and give you courage to journey on as we travel through this world.

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