• Chosen For A Purpose

    This is a book specially written for people who are at a crossroads in life yet still struggling to identify or understand their purpose in life. It is written for those who have suffered so many setbacks and tough times that they may silently be questioning how God could possibly have a good plan for them in the midst of their challenges. This book is for those who know or sense that they have been destined to carry out a unique assignment for their families, societies, or even the world.

  • Simple Reasons To Say Thank You

    If we knew what a grateful heart does for us and the people around us, we will be more inclined to adopt a lifestyle of gratitude. Unfortunately, the expression of gratitude as a courtesy is often taken for granted even without meaning to do so. This book is intended to awaken in the reader’s mind the importance of demonstrating and expressing gratitude in a relevant manner. It provides practical examples of why and where gratitude needs to be expressed, and the opportunities we miss out on when we fail to appreciate what is given to us or done for us.

  • The Well of Life: Finding the Extraordinary in an Ordinary Person

    Let’s walk with Photini, as she defies her stigma and painful past to embark on a journey of  self-discovery, hope and healing. In The Well of Life, Photini becomes a symbol through whom the author speaks to the issue of society’s labels on single middle-aged women who are simply trying to make the most of her life in spite of their personal challenges and disappointments. It portrays the story of the Biblical Samaritan woman by bringing her character and her daily reality to life in our hearts and in our minds. The author tries to send the message to women with a history of broken relationships that there is hope and healing available in the midst of their personal crises.

  • Financial Whizzdom Nuggets

    Young Perbi had a rude shock in medical school: you can become a poor doctor! That set him on a journey to discover, practice and teach these 25 lessons in personal financial growth, success and significance. Financial Whizzdom Nuggets is the second a Financial Whizzdom triad and contains golden summaries of each of the 25 lessons in personal financial transformation in ‘the big book’, Financial Whizzdom. You will encounter eight financial growth nuggets, another eight financial success nuggets and a final seven nuggets for financial significance.

    It begins with getting your financial motives right and ends with getting off the fence, taking action on all the nuggets, now.

  • Positiveness: A Fuel For Success

    I’ve written this book for you because leaders are dealers in faith, hope and love. No matter how positive your goals in life are and how passionate you are about your purpose, you will need persistent faith on the journey. Life is tough and leadership isn’t smooth. My hope is to inspire and encourage you to build up and keep up that persistent faith known as positiveness.

    I pray you will be gingered up by this work into being better and going further in the things that really matter, knowing that once you have life, there is hope—and only people alive can read this book! Love life.

  • Read: You are “Illiterate” If You Can Read But Don’t

    If you can read this, you may be among a certain group people called “the talented tenth;” it is a gift. Yet it is not a given that you’ve made a habit of reading for personal growth, success and significance. Many people never pick up another book after they graduate from college. This book tells you in the face that one who can read but does not, really isn’t any better off than the one who cannot read at all.

    Schooling and education don’t mean the same thing. With compelling research about the power of reading from childhood to adulthood and over a 1000 classic quotes on books, reading, writing and learning, this little book will inspire and empower you to do just what its title says: Read! Leaders are readers; readers are leaders. Growth, success and significance are just a book away.

  • The Journey to True Success

    God’s desire for his children is prosperity and success. But the question is, why are some people  still struggling in life? The reality is success  does not come by words but by works.

    The Journey  to True Success is  written by Phanuel Akorley Bright, to put a smile on the face of those who are desperate  and disappointed in life, persons who have  higher aspirations  and for everyone who is starting-up. This book is biblically elucidated and gospel-centered. It carries detailed explanation of success in conformity with the word of God and how to deal with failure, unsustainable efforts and challenges confronting humanity.

    What makes this book unique is that, it is blended with motivational messages and a life touching experience to keep your dreams alive. When you get a copy, you have the key to drive your dream to a greater heights. I must say this book is a missing key to the door of success now found.

  • Becoming All Things to All Men – Living as God’s Ambassador at All Times

    In this book, the author uses various episodes in his life as a basis of pointing young people to useful lessons of life interlaced to offer the reader an exciting prose. He uses sixty-eight (68) episodes carefully interwoven in fifteen (15) chapters to draw critical lessons for the reader.

    As they read this book, readers will be encouraged and challenged to take the necessary steps to enable them discover their purpose in this life. He uses vivid examples to strongly drive home various lessons he seeks to draw the attention of readers to enable them to rise above the storms of life. It is these that will help them pursue life in a manner that will enable them to leave an indelible mark in the sands of time. It is this that will give God the glory.

    In the end, the author alludes to the fact that even though giving the world the best one has, may never be enough, it is still important to give the world the best one has anyway. The book concludes giving the reader thought-provoking issues to ponder about the real essence of life!

  • Left at the Altar: Looking for God in the Light and Finding Him in the Dark (A Memoir)

    “Left at the Altar” is a book about a dark period in the author’s life when she was left at the altar by her fiancée, a pastor.

    The author weaves into the story the supernatural Hand of God as He leads her through forgiveness, emotional and physical healing, wholeness, and restoration.

  • Who Moved My Heels?

    This book gives provides a diverse backdrop of females in business from eleven countries. It shares deep insights on how to ignite your purpose and passion.

    The “Who Moved My Heels” classic brings 18 businesswomen into the consultation room to share their real, raw struggle of entrepreneurship. This book also collates impactful, heartfelt, valuable lessons that encourage, motivate and strengthen females starting out in business. It is a courageous collection of honest, down-to-earth experiences aimed at warding off doubts that may swerve existing entrepreneurs off-track.

    Dr. Abena Asomaning-Antwi partners with prolific authors and rising women such as Kiran Shah, Dr Aloysis Ogle, Arpita Kaul, Cardela Coulson, Dr. Nongnush Ammoury, Georgina Kelly, Arundhati Seigell, Farzana Muhammad, Dr. Venessa Moussa, Lady Charul Jaitly, Priyaa Televvane, Atiyya Dudhat, Dr. Genevieve Duncan, Vyara Tosheva, Dr. Fatima Beena, Lynette Lobo, and Fauza Belts.

  • Chicken Soup for your Soul: Poems and More

    In a deeply captivated form, this masterpiece of creative writing transcends the truly diverse life experiences of an African heroine. Irrespective of stage one’s stage, this unique collection of artistic inscriptions is to be savoured by all, for being highly uplifted, deeply inspired, continually intriguing, and delightfully entertaining. The book is a manifestation of the quest between the Author and her peers, towards not just the youth, but to the benefit of all who are still traveling along the intricating winding of life.

  • Managing Your Life

    Managing Your Life is sequel to Living by Strategy, by the same author. It takes on the task of reducing strategies to the day-to-day actions to achieve the mission, vision, goals and roles of a person. It is about actualizing personal strategic plan to achieve personal, social and vocational development.

    In this book, the author dedicates a chapter to each area of your life you have to manage. The chapter headings are pointers to their content in each of the fourteen chapters, which are grouped in Five Parts.

    • Part One: Leading and Managing Yourself
    • Part Two: Managing Your Private Life
    • Part Three: Managing Your Relational Life
    • Part Four: Managing Your Public Life
    • Part Five: Managing Your Spiritual Life

    If we are intentional about living, and manage our lives as best as we can, we are likely to leave a lasting legacy for our generation and posterity. It prepares them to face the inevitable.

  • Living by Strategy

    The message of this book is as simple as it has the power to propel readers to drastically change their lives’ outcome in almost every sphere of life. It is an invitation to be more intentional about how we live and to have fun doing so (i.e. without paranoia). The Wheel of Life the book introduces gives a snapshot of its content. This book invites readers to join in the exciting and truthful venture of mission-vision-goal living, propelled by core principles to drive one’s Professional, Physical, Spiritual, Social, Family, Intellectual, Financial and Marital Life. Doing so with a balance in one’s Personal, Relational and Work Life is at the core of the book.

    The author shares a concept of Organising Principle that simplifies living and yet leads to a life of success with significance, positivity on one hand and how to avoid being “a successful failure” on the other hand.

    Living by Strategy is a seminal contribution to the life management of personal living.

  • The Einstellung Effect

    We become unable to consider other solutions when we think we already have one that works, even though it may not be accurate or optimal. It leaves us cognitively incapable of differentiating previous experiences with the current problem. So we may solve a problem but we don’t actually INNOVATE.

    Einstelung is a German word that translates to setting, mindset, or attitude. The brain attempts to work efficiently by referring to past solutions without giving the current problem much thought. It’s stuck in a mindset. We apply previous methods to a seemingly similar problem instead of evaluating the problem on its own terms. This effect presents itself across various disciplines and skill levels. Whether we know it or not, we all experience it.

    This book explores INNOVATION like never before.

  • Moments & Memories: My Journey of Grace – An Autobiography

    Sharing our experiences in various ways helps us accept the lessons God has for us. These experiences go a long way to help those who read or hear them. I consider myself a beautiful piece of broken pottery put back together by God Almighty for a purpose.

    As an Adult, I realised that the challenges I had experienced as a teenager would prove very useful as I worked with young people. When I tell young people that there is nothing they are doing that I have not done before, they look at me with doubt, as if to say, “No, You are just saying that to make us feel better”.

    A successful life has within it good things as well as challenges, and the total outcome is based on how we allow the Lord to lead us. Many times we see the hand of God long after the outcome.

    This has been my life. This is my story. I hope you enjoy reading and learning from my Moments and Memories.

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