• Becoming All Things to All Men – Living as God’s Ambassador at All Times

    In this book, the author uses various episodes in his life as a basis of pointing young people to useful lessons of life interlaced to offer the reader an exciting prose. He uses sixty-eight (68) episodes carefully interwoven in fifteen (15) chapters to draw critical lessons for the reader.

    As they read this book, readers will be encouraged and challenged to take the necessary steps to enable them discover their purpose in this life. He uses vivid examples to strongly drive home various lessons he seeks to draw the attention of readers to enable them to rise above the storms of life. It is these that will help them pursue life in a manner that will enable them to leave an indelible mark in the sands of time. It is this that will give God the glory.

    In the end, the author alludes to the fact that even though giving the world the best one has, may never be enough, it is still important to give the world the best one has anyway. The book concludes giving the reader thought-provoking issues to ponder about the real essence of life!

  • Good Money Habits in Bad Economic Times

    2019 and the ensuing years have been difficult. Covid – 19 redefined how we should survive and thrive in not just our health but most importantly our finances too.

    “Good Money Habits in Bad Economic Times is a smart, simple instructional guide on how to survive the current economic crises for all (Country, Corporates and Citizenry).

  • To Love Or Not To Love

    Where To Love or Not To Love is an interesting, and thought provoking read based on the true life story of the Forsons. The story is set on the hills of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology where they found love. This beautiful story is intertwined with great lessons and life stories to inspire everyreader that love is possible and beautiful with the right person and commitment to make it work. To love or Not To Love will challenge your mindset on the current world’s standard for love, submission, respect and so on. The writers present practical stories and situations that eventually will help every reader to identify love and choose to love or not bearing in mind all consequences of each decision.
    Yet Christ is our helper so It is Possible To Love!

  • Talent & Purpose Maximization

    Each individual possesses unique talents and a distinct purpose. Success doesn’t demand genius; it requires the discovery and pursuit of your inherent abilities and life purpose. This book presents a systematic approach to identifying your talents and purpose, guiding you on how to maximize them. Drawing inspiration from numerous historical figures who successfully maximized their talents and fulfilled their purpose, the book provides compelling examples. Moreover, it outlines a clear pathway for making career choices that lead to life satisfaction.

  • Letter To My Grand Children

    Full of short observations about life, this book provides great parental guidance on life issues. It comes from the experiences, observations and lessons of a well-travelled man and his friends who want to leave something for the current and next generation to store in their heart.


    Letter To My Grand Children

  • Beyond the Extra Mile: How to Get Ahead of the Pack, No Matter Your Place, Position or Profession in Life

    This book will totally transform you, provided you practise the principles therein. After reading it, you are likely to believe that:

    • You can do more and perform beyond the expected in order to achieve higher levels of success
    • You can change your personal circumstances and move forward in life through a commitment to change your daily habits
    • You can move up in life and surpass your peers by being more productive

    The cost of reading it is that your life and business will be positively impacted forever.

  • The Matriarch’s Verse

    I am a mongrel; a mixed breed of Ga, Ewe, Akuapem, English, Middle-Eastern and American cultures; I am a Third Culture Kid.

    Apiorkor’s socio-cultural experiences are interesting and might appear to be unique. But the truth is that there are several other Ghanaians who are secret sharers of her life. Such people lack access to platforms that would allow them to tell their collective story, so that their societies and communities can re-think all of the things that affect them.

    Happily, Apiorkor is an artist over matter and over emotions. She possesses a mastery over words and over the essences of life. Many Ghanaian men, women and children are like her.

    And her voice represents their voices.

    In this sensational collection, The Matriarch seeks to celebrate, shock, tickle, challenge and highlight our Ghanaian-ness in the 21st Century. The author peppers our imagination with the following:

    What does it mean to be Ghanaian?

    How have we progressed?

    Why do we stand for the things we stand for?

    Who really is the modern Ghanaian woman?

    Where is the global place for the urban Ghanaian space?

  • The Ministry of The Wife: Understanding Your Calling

    What does it mean to be a wife?

    Why is a wife much more than a homemaker?

    How can a wife align with God’s intent and transform her home and community!?

    Dear woman, being a wife is a calling! Your role as a wife is for a divine purpose. You are a specially designed change agent – a vessel God uses to transform the world – starting first with the home! Being a wife goes beyond just being a homemaker. And whether you are aware of it or not, you are the fulfilment of God’s prophecy to your husband and family.

    This book will ignite your spirit, and open your eyes to many deep and encouraging truths that will transform your role as a wife. It will guide you to discover God’s divine plan for your life, and inspire and motivate you to live beyond the ordinary vision of marriage.

    Be prepared to have a renewed and profound understanding of your purpose as a wife and be equipped with wisdom to embrace your calling!

    This book is an important read for all, especially current and prospective wives.

  • Your Life in the Supernatural: Engaging and Navigating the Unseen Realm

    Apart from my strong faith in the triune God and the total reliance on the sufficiency of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit, I have always kept clear of the supernatural realm, because it has always been an enigma to me — until I read this book. It is a must-read for all, irrespective of age, academic standing, and religious persuasion. —Rev. Prof. Emmanuel Adow Obeng, President, Presbyterian University College, Ghana

  • For Broken Men Who Cross Often

    Efe Paul Azino’s spoken word performances have received critical acclaim from listeners over the years. This book is therefore an expected result of a heightened expectation from many of his fans. For Broken Men Who Cross Often, is a refreshing and brilliant bond of the written and the oral, as it invents aesthetic devices to connect the two mediums which have constantly generated wide debate: spoken word and poetry-on-the-page. The author, in his writing, resonates through his themes of advocacy, love, loss, identity and history, the need for a revisit of the inner self. In Efe Paul Azino, we will always listen to tradition in present-day voice.

  • Thunder Protocol

    Thunder Protocol is a mid-career oeuvre of lively and impressive poems that examine issues ranging from the personal to the global. The diversity of themes in this poetry collection is both refreshing and startling, with language that is sometimes witty and inventive, and other times reflective and simple. This collection, which seems like an uncovering of the poet, may be considered a bearer of a collective understanding on the workings of the world.

  • Confidence: The Surprising Truth about How Much You Need – And How to Get It

    We’re told that the key to success in life and business is confidence: believe in yourself, and the world is your oyster. But building confidence can be a challenging task. And, as leading psychologist Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic argues confidence can actually get in the way of achievement – self-esteem is nothing without the competence, the core skills, to back it up. Confidence is feeling capable. Competence is being capable. None of the figures whose success is put down to supreme self-belief – Barack Obama, Madonna, Muhammad Ali – could have achieved their goals without the hard-won skills (and years of training) behind the confidence mask. Successful people are confident because of their success, and not the other way around. Whether you want to improve your social skills, get a promotion or that all-important first job, this game-changing exploration of how to build success, in the mould of Robert Cialdini’s Influence, Susan Cain’s Quiet and Steven Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, will change the way you think about achievement

  • Aya

    Okornore is a sorceress of words. And in the worlds she has created in this work, the reader is roller-coastered across places and spaces much deeper than the footprints she had splashed across cultures. The issues she scopes out are scheduled in a time capsule of infinite temporalities.

    Soul! is what screams at you when you journey through page after page of this delicious collection. From the heavenly to the banal, from the questions of our time to the quest of ages, Aya provides a sounding board for what it means to be human. These sweet verses, minted from the heart of a cosmopolitan citizen, secrete mystery and creativity

    Sometimes sassy, sometimes philosophical, Okornore nourishes the desire to read on and connect with a soulful source of erudition.

    Aya is a harvest of possibilities.


  • Beyond the Orphanage: A Journey of Hope and Aspirations

    As an orphan and Care Leaver Advocate who has personally experienced both lives in an institution and the blessing of family, Deborah shares her life journey in and outside of a Ghanaian residential institution.

    Faced with considerable obstacles- unruly education, low expectations, family dysfunction, trauma, poverty, stigma- on her way through the residential home and after she left the residential home, Deborah demonstrates how with support from society all Care Leavers can live their dream life.

    Beyond the orphanage is a beautifully told story; a warm, yet heart-wrenching hole-in-the-wall into a world we rarely see. It is a gap that Deborah throws wide uncluttered to let the light in.

  • If We Must THRIVE: A Survival & Growth Guide for the Young African Entrepreneur

    THRIVE is for the young African entrepreneur hoping to persevere in the face of failures, setbacks and rejection. Anyone can start a business but not everyone can make a business survive and grow. Familiar success stories may blur the entrepreneurial path making young Africans wish for overnight success without equivalent effort.

    This book will guide you to redefine your core personal and entrepreneurial goals in order to avoid duplicating unfeasible business models; to properly define your target market toward optimized sales; and to manage your cashflow without accumulating excessive short-term debts.

    Practical reference to the Author’s experiences will shape your perspective towards a thriving state beyond just survival of your business or yourself. The young African entrepreneur must dream bigger and have faith, if, we must THRIVE!

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