Unstoppable: Do You Believe That Except God and You, No One Can Stop You? (Volume 1)


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It is a simple truism that God has made you Unstoppable. The Unstoppable persons are not thermometers but more of thermostats that do not allow their environment to control them instead they determine what goes on in their environment.  Though unstoppable, there are many stoppers, nonetheless, with the right mental attitude and principles, the Unstoppable prevails against all stoppers and eventually stands tall.

In this book, we shall look at who is unstoppable, what makes you unstoppable, what the unstoppable does, the authority of the unstoppable, what are the stoppers, stopping the stoppers, how to remain unstoppable, and the blessings of being unstoppable.

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Unstoppable: Do You Believe That Except God and You, No One Can Stop You? (Volume 1)


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