UNCHAINED: Embracing Purpose Beyond Addiction


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In “UNCHAINED,” delve into the inspiring journey of John Asogonnde as he shares his remarkable story of overcoming addictions and rediscovering his purpose in life.

From a youthful curiosity to a gripping addiction, John recounts the turning point when the realization of his destructive habits crystallized, propelling him to embark on a transformational odyssey, fuelled by faith and divine guidance.

Through this self-help memoir, gain a deeper understanding of addiction and unlock workable strategies for liberation. The author’s personal experiences, obstacles, victories and divine healing will ignite your faith and remind you of the transformative influence of God’s presence.

‘UNCHAINED’ aims to provide hope, guidance and practical insights to help you break free from any situation, embrace your purpose and step into a life of fulfilment and significance.

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Weight 0.5 kg




Year Published



 978 9988 3 81356

John Asogonnde

John Asogonnde is a visionary entrepreneur who has founded multiple thriving businesses, notably the disruptive ‘Eden Bar’, Accra’s first non-alcoholic establishment. Despite facing public ridicule and scepticism, John remained steadfast in his vision of providing a space where young individuals could socialize without the pressures of alcohol and its related vices.
Admirably, John's motivations extend beyond mere financial gain; he is driven by a desire to make meaningful impact, as exemplified by this book and his other projects.
His life goal is to contribute to building a thriving and equitable first-world Ghana, one that is sustainable, inclusive and of global standing.

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UNCHAINED: Embracing Purpose Beyond Addiction


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