• Ga Past Questions: 1996 — 2021 (J.H.S. 1-3)

    This is a Ga question and answer book which has been carefully prepared to meet the answering requirements of pupils preparing for the Basic Education Certificate Examination. The book provides a solid foundation for the answering of questions at the J.H.S and B.E.C.E. Level. From 1996 to 2021.

  • Excellence Series: Religious and Moral Education (RME) for JHS1

    Religious and Moral Education(R.M.E) as a subject, aims at equipping learners to be holistically trained in order to fit into every part of the Ghanaian society. The subject seeks to educate learners in appreciating the freedom of worship that every citizen has and not to look down on other people’s religion to foster peaceful coexistence.

    This books has been carefully tailored according to the demands and guidance of the current curriculum designed by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NaCCA) in the year 2020

    The curriculum is divided into six major strands so as this book. They are:

    • God, His creation and attributes
    • Religious Practices
    • The Family and the community
    • Religious Leaders and Personalities
    • Ethics and Moral life
    • Religion and Economic Life

    Excellence Series Religious and Moral Education for Junior High Schools 1 ensures that users of this book develop the skill of discernment, think critically before making religious and or moral choices, and positively impart their societies by practicing the lessons picked from this carefully written literature.

    Excellence Series Religious and Moral Education for Junior High Schools is student-friendly, considerate of our current times, and highly recommended for all students and teachers.

    This book also has a good number of standard objective and written questions for learners to try their hands on after each of the strands. Getting this book and learning it will surely grant you the grade that you so much desire in your final examination because this book was made possible by experts with many years of experience in the subject.

  • Excellence Series: Creative Arts & Design for Junior High Schools (Basic 7)

    The world today is in need of people with creative thinking to help solve problems. An individual talent to creativity is therefore very important. The integration of Creative Arts and Design help to increase the ability to come out with creative ideas that can help to change and improve lives to create wealth.

    It is therefore very necessary for young people to be trained in these disciplines. This book, Excellence Series: Creative Arts & Design for Basic Seven Learners, is designed to unlock learners’ creativity to help them develop all the domains of knowledge and values cherished in our societies.

  • Victory: Career Technology for Junior High Schools (Form 1)

    Victory Career Technology for JHS 1 is the first in a series of four books (Basic 7-10) designed to help learners acquire basic knowledge in career related courses that will prepare them to pursue their area of competences as far as choosing a career is concerned.

    With its simplified presentation and detailed approach to teaching and learning , using simple clear language and carefully selected pictures/illustrations, both learners and facilitators will find this book very useful and second to none.

    This book will help learners to develop the spirit of curiosity , creativity, innovation and critical thinking for investigating and understanding their technological environment. It will further help learners to identify problems around them, and offer solutions to the problems identified.

    Victory Career Technology conforms strictly to the new curriculum designed by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NaCCA) of the Ghana Education Service (GES), 2020.

    The book contains lots of practical activities to enhance easier assimilation of the lessons, to enable learners acquire the core competences stipulated in the New Curriculum.

  • Paradise Lost

    “Of man’s first disobedience, and the fruit

    Of that forbidden tree, whose mortal tast

    Brought death into the world, and all our woe,

    With loss of Eden…”

    Satan and his fellow rebel angels contemplate on corrupting God’s beloved new creation, Mankind. He volunteers and prepares to leave. His children − Sin and Death − build a bridge between Hell and Earth. And disguising himself as a cherub, he lands on Earth.

    Adam and Eve, after a long day at work, are resting in their bower. And that’s when in the form of a serpent, Satan whisper’s into Eve’s ears. Tempted to eat from the forbidden Tree of Knowledge, Eve commits the sin.

    And hence follows the Fall of Man…

    Milton’s magnum opus, Paradise Lost, threads together two stories focused on different heroes-the half-heroic, half-evil charismatic Satan and the united Adam and Eve-skilfully balancing them. The epic poem continues to remain as celebrated. as ever.

    “An endless moral maze, introducing literature’s first Romantic, Satan’ – John Carey

    Paradise Lost

  • Gbesela Yeye or English-Ewe Dictionary

    The first Gbesela was published in 1910; the second, which was a reprint of the first without any alterations, in 1922. The present edition (1930) is a completely new book and is more than double the size of its predecessors.

    The Gbesela Yeye or New Interpreter is intended to serve both Europeans and Africans, and this purpose has governed its composition and arrangement. The Ewe reader will expect to learn from it the Ewe equivalent for an English word which he may come across in his English reading. or in conversation. In consequence the Dictionary should contain not only the English rendering of Ewe words, but should also try to explain at least the more important of such English words for which the Ewe language has not yet developed a precise expression, and for which circumlocution or approximation is necessary. The enormous difference in the development of the two languages makes it necessary very often to use in Ewe the same word or phrase for a considerable number of English expressions with their numerous fine shades in meaning, although, in justice to Ewe, it must be admitted that in certain respects the valent. Ewe language abounds in expressions for which English is hardly rich enough to offer an equivalent.

    For anyone who wants to acquire the language, the marking of tones is indispensable, as every one will be aware who has ever seriously tried to approach the language. In a Dictionary, where the words stand isolated, even the Ewe Reader will in many cases not be able to find out which word is intended, if the tones are unmarked.

    In books for native speakers of the language, however, that is to say in the national literature, very few tone marks are required, because the context explains what is intended to say. Both non-Ewe and Ewe speakers will find the arrangement helpful by which short phrases or sentences have been added to many words, showing how they are used. This is particularly desirable and almost indispensable in the mutual interpretation of two languages which differ so widely as Ewe and English. The Ewe word in isolation in very many cases conveys practically no meaning to the non-Ewe speaker, unless its construction and application are shown in examples.

  • Workbook on The Cockcrow for Junior High Schools

    This Workbook on the Cockcrow is a detailed manual on the WAEC-selected textbook for BECE English Literature, The Cockcrow. The questions have been divided into two sections: Section A covers literary questions and Section B contains contextual questions on all the short stories, drama and poems.

    Each question is an interactive exercise to help students gain knowledge about The Cockcrow. This Workbook will help students interact with the short stories, drama, and poems in the textbook and prepare them for the BECE.

    • Comprehension Questions
    • Contextual Questions
    • Objectives Questions
    • Interactive Test on Students’ knowledge

    … to better equip them for the  BECE exams.

  • Commentary on The Cockcrow: A Study Guide for Students

    This commentary book is a students’ companion to The Cockcrow, which is the prescribed textbook for Metre studies in junior high schools. When students read the textbook thoroughly, this Commentary will then help them to understand, analyse, and explain what they read.

    The Commentary is written according to the requirement of the syllabus. It is aimed at preparing students for the Literature-in-English component of the BECE Language paper. Students will find in this Commentary practical advice about studying towards the exams and how to read any written material for understanding and for pleasure.

    This book will expose students to the fact that literature studies go beyond examinations. Literature helps us understand life and apply the lessons we learn from stones poems, and drama to everyday living.

    Students are, therefore, urged to make up their minds to enjoy Literature. They should read The Cockcrow carefully and enjoy the storylines, the characters, the drama, the poems, the cultural backgrounds, the themes, and the lessons to be learnt from the stories.

    The analysis, literary devices, and summaries of the short stories, poems, and play will enable students appreciate the content of this commentary book. The sample essay and objective questions will help in the personal studies and in group discussions.

    Enjoy Literature!

  • The Cockcrow: Short Stories, Drama and Poems

    Great care has been taken in putting together this collection of short stories, poems, and a play for Junior High Schools in Ghana.

    Each story, poem or play has been selected for a purpose, which is to educate and entertain. Readers will find in them characters, events and situations they can relate to, even as they learn about types of literature and their modes of appeal.

    Above all, this collection is aimed at encouraging and sustaining the habit of reading from the Junior High School onward. In each story, poem or play, you will hear the cock crow to inform, warn and entertain in words imagined by the writers.

  • Zanne Fo Kɔkɔre (Dagaare)

    ZANNE FO KƆKƆRE waa la gane n ba Saeed A. Faruk naŋ sɛge ka ka o meŋ soŋ bibiiri a Dagaare/Waale zannoo a sakue poɔ. A gane kɔlage la sɛgebie, yelbipeelɛ, yelbie nyaabo, yelbie gaŋgyere, yelŋmaa, yelgbɔge, gane sɛgebo, senselɛ, naaloŋ, kyiire, dannoŋ, yaabaa, bibiiri deɛnɛɛ, kultaa ne wɛltaa ane ataa. Ƞmaa lɛ, a gane waa ŋa ɔre-kunkuni, ka fo maŋ wele sɛre kyɛ nyɛ moɔma.

    A gane ŋa soma la a ko JHS, SHS, Kolaagyi ane Karemamine ane neɛzaa naŋ boɔra ka Dagaare/Waale kɔkɔre zannoo do saa. O la soma la a ko noba naŋ zanna ka ba wa leɛ karemamine.  Yeli naŋ vɛŋ ka ZANNE FO KƆKƆRE gane ŋa de zu o taaba zuŋ la N ba Saeed naŋ kyaane a yebizuri mine ne naasaale. A dori kaŋa meŋ zaa baaraaŋ, meŋa nyonnoo soorebie maŋ be la be.

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