• Chosen For A Purpose

    This is a book specially written for people who are at a crossroads in life yet still struggling to identify or understand their purpose in life. It is written for those who have suffered so many setbacks and tough times that they may silently be questioning how God could possibly have a good plan for them in the midst of their challenges. This book is for those who know or sense that they have been destined to carry out a unique assignment for their families, societies, or even the world.

  • The Well of Life: Finding the Extraordinary in an Ordinary Person

    Let’s walk with Photini, as she defies her stigma and painful past to embark on a journey of  self-discovery, hope and healing. In The Well of Life, Photini becomes a symbol through whom the author speaks to the issue of society’s labels on single middle-aged women who are simply trying to make the most of her life in spite of their personal challenges and disappointments. It portrays the story of the Biblical Samaritan woman by bringing her character and her daily reality to life in our hearts and in our minds. The author tries to send the message to women with a history of broken relationships that there is hope and healing available in the midst of their personal crises.

  • Positiveness: A Fuel For Success

    I’ve written this book for you because leaders are dealers in faith, hope and love. No matter how positive your goals in life are and how passionate you are about your purpose, you will need persistent faith on the journey. Life is tough and leadership isn’t smooth. My hope is to inspire and encourage you to build up and keep up that persistent faith known as positiveness.

    I pray you will be gingered up by this work into being better and going further in the things that really matter, knowing that once you have life, there is hope—and only people alive can read this book! Love life.

  • The Human Weeds: Discovering Double-dealing Personalities

    Human Weeds is a magnificent effort to blend nature study, human life, and Scripture to produce a rare wisdom as a guide to life, behaviour and the cultivation of positive attitudes in society.

    Weeds do not have a single meaning, and all their various manifestations are defined and classified as they are identified by a range of dictionaries; the features they exhibit in relation to their existence among other plants are outlined. The features are not surprisingly, unwarranted and undesirable. Juxtaposed with human society, the characteristic features of weeds are apparent in certain human individuals and groups of individuals in the manner in which they inhabit society and function to cause obstruction and negativity in all aspects of life.

    However, human weeds can still be classified into four main groups distinguished by their typical spheres of operation: social weeds, economic weeds, religious weeds, and political weeds. The implication is that at all levels of society, and in every sphere of society, including the family, school, associations, workplaces, worship centres, health centres, the media, and all other places of human existence and operation, the weeds grow together with the grains and plants. The consequence is that negativity thrives everywhere in various forms.

    All of these can throw a person into despair, for if they are not themselves weeds, then they thrive among weeds that engulf them in obstruction and negativity. What hope is there for such a person then? And that is where the author brings HOPE. The knowledge of what weeds are, the conditions that make them thrive, the effects they produce, is already a massive gain for the reader who becomes enlightened and therefore aware of the dangers they face; but above all, they gain the insight that they can overcome human weeds in the same way that natural weeds are overcome. Thus, the insights of the book serve as an instrument of HOPE to counter the darkness evoked by human weeds.

    The insights produced by the approach sweeps along all aspects of life, illuminating the activities of human beings and their effects upon human activity, existence and progress through the negative influences cast by human weeds; but the HOPE that emerges through the wisdom of the Scriptures, which at each turn, shine a divine light upon how the activities of human weeds are destined to be overcome, encourage the reader that the journey of life and growth, even if they take place among human weeds can succeed by the knowledge, wisdom and guidance of the Divine.

  • Enduring Our Enemies With God

    Enduring your enemies is a godly necessity. No one prays to have enemies, but it is what it is, believe it or not. Accepting that truth, as part of the ingredients of living, guarantees you a stress-free life than expecting to be loved by all.

    It is not wrong to wish everyone loves you. However, it has never and would never be possible to experience such on this earth. Therefore, it is very important to have a mental filter to filter what words and actions you need and need not to consume.

    Hence, your mind and body engine are constantly in need of filters for mental protection to avoid mental break down. Stay filtered, to stay safe. The more reason why you need to continuously pray for this endurance spirit from God is that, we do not have permanent enemies, whether you are on the good side or the bad side. Our attitudes, no matter which side we are, keeps recruiting new enemies, both known and disguised ones.

    This particular writing is pinned on the righteous having to endure his or her enemies and to fulfil the promise of God to him or her.

  • The Triplets

    This book is  about the child-search efforts of a young and affluent couple who were both virgins when they married. The book details the pains, stigma and the trauma they went through and the final outcome of their quest for a child after twelve years of marriage.

    The Triplets

  • Conquer: A Journey to Freedom

    Temptation, addiction, lust, guilt, redemption; these are but some of the issues raised in this semi-autobiography and anthology— CONQUER — by Nii Lante. In this book, Nii shares with us his struggle with masturbation, how it got hold of his life and how he was finally able to overcome this addiction after encountering God. His story of redemption ultimately came after several times of defeat. God laid a burden on him to share this story, offering practical steps that helped him in finding wholeness in Christ to help others who find themselves in such situations.

    Prayerfully read, listen and CONQUER.

  • Career Advantage: A Guide for Employees and Employers

    Career Advantage compiles relevant experiences from industry players to help job seekers, workers and business owners optimize the working relationship and maximize productivity.

  • Let My People Grow


    Let My People Grow was born out of the author’s engagements with hundreds of new converts and his experiences discipling and counseling Christians at different stages of their faith journey. The book is a call to growth to maturity in Christ. It presents the essential tools, principles, road map and motivation for the journey of spiritual growth. The book draws parallels with natural growth and points out biblical concepts that can be likened to certain important natural, biological and social processes in the human being that facilitate healthy development. At least twelve spiritual things necessary for a Christian’s growth are discussed by the author.

    The book is steeped in Scripture and contains several real-life stories. The reader will learn how to appropriate the rich resources in Christ to nourish the soul and spirit for growth into the image of Christ. The book is for every Christian, both young and old. It is also for the enquirer, seeking to understand the Christian faith and everyone who wants to know Jesus and walk with Him.

  • Musings from the Hilltop

    “I feel particularly privileged to be able to recommend this wonderful work to all prospective readers. Let our younger generation read, cogitate and be inspired by Kofi Otutu — clearly a man of many parts.” — Ambassador Kwesi Quartey, Deputy Chairperson, African Union Commission
    “Kofi Otutu Adu Labi continues to enrich the literature landscape of Ghana with his inimitable and felicitous writing style. I warmly commend the book to the widest readership.” — Albert K. Fiadjoe, FGA, Emeritus Professor of Public Law, Formerly, Dean of the Faculty of Law University of the West Indies, Chairman, Constitution Review Commission, Ghana
    “In flawless conversational English, the writer takes you through different chapters of his life which he freely shares with his readers. This is a must-read book especially for the younger generation and for the old to reinforce the times they have lived through.” — H E Esther Dzifa Ofori, Ambassador of the Republic of Ghana to Equatorial Guinea and accredited to the Republics of Cameroon and Gabon


  • All Things Bright and Beautiful

    “This is a gem of a book that every library must have.” — Rev. Fr. Andrew Campbell SVD, Parish Priest, Christ the King Parish
    “Kofi Adu Labi has established himself as a gift raconteur giving perspective, ambiance and insight into a potpourri of events, occasions and personalities.” — Andrew Kwabena Asamoah, Former Director and Special Advisor, WHO, Geneva; and Executive Chairman, A&C Development Co. Ltd
    “Kofi Adu Labi has arguably become the ‘peerless chronicler’ of Ghanaian lives and events. In All Things Bright and Beautiful, he reprises this role. In short, ‘don’t walk, run’ to get your copy and share in the ‘joy of reading’ with Kofi.” — Professor Victor Essien, Retired Professor of Law, Fordham Law School, New York.


  • Red

    Red is a collection of love notes that will inspire ambition, provoke greatness and ignite romance.


  • Cycles of Life

    Cycles of Life brings an enlightenment into the phases of our lives. In this book Richard Akita goes on an adventure with you where you:

    • reflect on your past
    • reconcile with the present and
    • reach the future.

    The philosophy of the book is anchored on a rare revelation on Judeo-Christianity creation story and provokes intentional, deliberate living for inter-generational impact.

    Cycles of Life


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