• The Butchers of Ogyakrom and Other Short Stories

    The Butchers of Ogyakrom is a collection of short stories dating back to the 1980s when Ghana was under the grip of a violent military dictatorship. Who are the real “Butchers in Ogyakrom” and what do they deal in?

    This collection deals with turbulent times in the history of Ghana, particularly the abuse of political power by military rulers. It also deals with the ailments that afflict a neocolonial African country in the era of IMF-led structural adjustment programme (SAP).

    What drives a nation’s rulers to seek the help of a devious and ambitious soothsayer? Who’s responsible for the numerous midnight abductions, murders and disappearances in Ogvakrom?

    What happens when a Prince ignores his father’s advice and joins forces with poor peasants fighting to defend their land? What does a mother do with a child who is half-snake, half human? Can the Catholic priest save this child?

    The stories employ candour, historical honesty and humour to take a swipe the at some of Ghana’s most recent (mis) rulers in times of crisis. It is bound to generate a keen interest, and, of course, controversy.

  • Tears of a Mother and Other Stories

    If you were Mother Mary, and if your first-born son – the Teacher – was so brutally maltreated and led away to be crucified, what would you do? Cry? Weep? Wail? What would you do?
    In this storybook, Mother Mary tells her own story: the sword that pierced her own heart when she saw what the soldiers did to her son. In tears, she stood by and watched, for what could she do?

    Other stories in this book, narrated by those who met the Teacher personally, reveal great truths and lessons for everyday life. Enjoy  the stories of-

    1.The cockcrow at dawn during the denials
    2.The troubled dreams of the governor 3 wife
    3.Why the governor washed his hands before judgement
    4.The man from Libya who was forced to carry his cross
    5. The reflections of the beam used for the crucifixion
    6.The brutal execution of the 1eacher
    7.The seven last statements of the Teacher

    These are great stories for your reading adventure. The lessons and the truths the narrators learnt are yours for your everyday experience.

  • The Minister’s Daughter

    A highly pampered little girl from an affluent home loses everything one dark morning. With her dear father gone forever, she must now struggle for survival. Not helping with the situation are an austere and depressing village setting and two feuding women – an aggrieved and bad-tempered nurse and a fashionable teacher with high dreams in a questionable relationship.

    In the village school, there is the head teacher who hates this minister’s daughter because of her father. Not even Akuluksi, the one-eyed boy, spares her with deeply hurting teases that breaks her heart. But the minister’s daughter must survive her childhood days.

  • Just Between Us: Highly Sensitive Matrimonial Love Letters

    If you had the opportunity to write a critical letter to your spouse, what would the content of that letter be, especially if no one else but just the two of you would ever know what you wrote?

    In Just Between Us, twenty-four love-constrained people, having travelled several years into their matrimony, write letters to their spouses, revealing top secrets, scandalous confessions, bizarre observations, childish suspicions, irreversible regrets, real fear, unbelievable actions, and even laughable inhibitions – all of them quite shocking and a bit disturbing.

    “This is a work of fiction,” admits the author, “the figment of a fertile imagination.” Yet, this product of the author’s thought is so real that it will challenge your own wildest ideas about matrimonial relationships.

    You will find the stories in these letters to be highly sensitive and sometimes uncomfortable, but they are unforgettable and deeply touching.

  • Arthur’s Promise (Arthur’s Family Values, #1)- Hardcover

    Age Range: 3+ years

    Arthur makes a promise to D.W. that is almost impossible to keep!

    Arthur and his friends help to reinforce important values with engaging stories in the 18 book series Family Values. Each book is sold separately.

  • Stranger to Innocence – A Play

    Stranger to Innocence is an intriguing short play, which treats the daily motions, frustrations, joys and aspirations of an African priestly family. This is the house where a stranger, Tawa, who has been fleeing from his own sins, seeks to find refuge. In the end, lessons of remorse and forgiveness are yet to be fully understood especially by young minds like Alaba, daughter of the priest.

    The play exhibits the author’s artistic simplicity in the use of dramatic language, which has endeared this play to wide theatre audiences.

    It is not surprising that it is popular among many drama groups and schools in the country.

    Stranger to Innocence is one of Bill Marshall’s early plays, from which a lot of inspiration is drawn.

  • Shadow of An Eagle – A Play

    “Hope and Desire alone have no virtue. It is the fulfilment of our aspirations that brings satisfaction.”

    This quote from the play, Shadow of An Eagle, evidently reveals Bill Marshall’s depth as a playwright.

    The play depicts the lifestyle of an African family in peculiar circumstances in a rural setting. It explores the tension and feeble frustrations, which can occur in a family.

    Being one of the earlier plays of Bill Marshall, which were widely patronized by schools and colleges and broadcast on the BBC African Theatre, Shadow of An Eagle uses the symbolism of the eagle in Ghanaian mythology to highlight the need for the youth to aspire to higher heights.

    Just like the hero who refuses to relapse into degeneration, which he finds at home on his return from his foreign exploits, Bimpo hopes that members of his family would shed their past frustrations, brace themselves up and take to the sky like eagles.

  • Edufa – A Play

    “Ask the town. They know who Edufa is and what he’s worth. They can count you out my value in the houses that eat because I live. They rise in deference from their chairs when they say my name. And can a man allow himself to lose grip on that?”

    Edufa’s obsession with maintaining his position of privilege leads him to barter his wife’s life against loss of prestige.

    Efua T. Sutherland did a great deal to encourage the theatre in Ghana. She began the Ghana Experimental Theatre and the Ghana Drama Studio, and wrote many plays for adults and children, including The Marriage of Anansewa.

  • Koby’s Diaries: First Chronicles

    Koby’s Diaries: First Chronicles is a compilation of four short stories─ all with one main character, Koby Ansah, recounting various episodes of his life. The intriguing and suspenseful diary of this young man evokes some chilling memories that swing the reader from a world of excitement in one breath to a world of fear in another breath!

  • Excess Baggage

    Her mother’s desire to escape the poverty trap means Ablokyiyoe must travel with a human trafficker to La Cote d’Ivoire. At first Ablokyiyoe resists, but a fiasco marriage finally forces her to yield. Ablokyiyoe finds herself in La Cote d’lvoire where she is compelled to engage in an illicit trade.
    The plot of her jealous mistress leads Ablokyiyoe into the house of a murderer. After her miraculous escape, Ablokyiyoe decides to come back to Ghana, her beloved country for good.
    When events don’t go as planned, Ablokyiyoe has to find a way out. Will she be forced to go back to her tormented lifestyle in La Cote d’Ivoire?

    Excess Baggage

  • Mornings by the Rails

    A young girl desperately waits for her father to come back from work. No one knows where her father is, but there are rumours that he may never return. When a strange disease plagues their village, this young girl loses her mother and all her siblings to the pangs of death. The hope that her father may come back for her keeps her going until she realises that she herself has the fatal disease. She eagerly waits for him by the side of the rails, still hoping to see him one last time. Mornings by the Rails is only one story out of this interesting and thought-provoking collection of short stories. These stories inspire intriguing lessons that will open your mind to a world of awareness coupled with some vital principles for everyday life.

  • The Fisher Boy

    Kwaku, always vague about his unusual past, opens up about his beginnings as an orphan and fishing slave that overcomes those difficult circumstances.
    In his life, he encountered the most evil in people but also the good. His indomitable spirit and faith in the Supreme Being allowed him to achieve the impossible. You will experience despair, anger, joy, and inspiration through Kwaku’s story.

    The Fisher Boy

  • The Triangle

    Poor Ackarm seems to have been born on the wrong side of fate. Pawned at a tender age due to his parent’s inability to repay a money-lender, Ackarm finds himself in the wicked hands of destiny.
    In that evil society, a pawn is the property of his owner. Thus, Ackarm has to endure all sorts of bad treatment meted out to him until a kind man bails him out of his predicament. But like falling from the frying pan into the fire, Ackarm once again finds himself in a wicked web of the Triangle. Something must intervene, or the poor boy’s blood will be shed. In this haunting tale of evil, the ills of the modern day Sakawa networks are revealed.

    The Triangle

  • A Bird on the Rose

    “A child must attempt to break a snail, not a tortoise,” the elders have advised. But when Kofi Abbam and Rose Mana meet in inter-schools athletics’ competition, they are eager to defy tradition.

    At a very tender age, and still in school with no means of subsistence, they decide to break a tortoise instead of a snail by engaging in an illicit affair. They drop out of school and get married, and as their children start arriving, their woes keep piling. Lack of subsistence causes these star-crossed lovers to engage in constant fights.

    When Mana can endure it no more, she leaves the marriage with her children and refuses to come back home. Abbam who can’t endure the separation for a long time decides that both of them deserve to live no more.

  • The Rescue: An Anthology

    Abena was a y0ung girl who felt that no one cared about her or loved her. On several occasions, she tried to commit suicide, but the urge to live still remained in her. Finally, she made up her mind to end it all by throwing herself down from the third floor of a school block. But her friend Esther saw her just in time!

    Abo was in his small backyard garden when Mensima, a student he had known for only a few weeks, came by. He turned to look at her in a certain way, but that look was the mistake he made that day.

    “I shouldn’t have turned to look,” he recalls, “for she left a picture on my mind, which became a snare for me.”

    Abo’s fascinating story, told in detail and with suspense, will captivate you and make you wise about how not to be led astray by people you come into contact with.

    These stories and other stories in this book are true-life experiences, and they come to encourage, caution and educate us on many aspects of life. These true events happened in private, but they are presented to you in boldness and in the open just so you will learn the lessons they learnt and escape as they did or didn’t.

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