• Love Lifted Me from the Street

    For a young man who was born in a slum by very poor parents, access to basic necessities of life were luxuries to him; even education. To him, comfortable living was meant for a particular class of people, of which, he believed his family was far from; given the acute hardship conditions his family was going through.

    This book is a memoir of the Author’s street life as a teenage school boy, whose major ordeal was to hawk on the street, sleep on the street and virtually live off at the mercy of the street.

    The Author highly attributes his success story to LOVE. “Without love, I have nothing. All throughout my life, many people have in diverse ways shown me love, and that gesture of love has made me who I am today”.

    Readers will uncover the “from grass to grace” success story of the Author, who, is an epitome of inspiration to many youths today.

  • Homeless

    This book is an inspirational true story of a homeless young boy who, out of sheer tenacity, kept his eyes on EDUCATION to unlock his dreams of becoming a lawyer.

    The book contains life changing stories and experiences of the Author, which in essence, emphasizes the importance of EDUCATION in the life of every child, most especially the less-privileged, underprivileged or economically disadvantaged child, whose fortunes of successful living are uncertain.

    HOMELESS has been reviewed and approved by Ghana Education Service (GES) and Conference of Assisted Senior High Schools (GHASS) in Ghana as a supplementary reader for JHS, SHS, Vocational and Technical Institutions and Colleges of Education.


  • Breaking the Seals of Poverty

    The aim of the book is to enlighten believers on the God-life designed by God for us, His children, which is one without poverty (Life in Eden). As such, it is an error for a Christian to walk in poverty. This book will provide you with seven seals of poverty that must be broken from our lives to secure our walk-in prosperity. Most of the time, when “poverty” is heard, many have their attention drawn to poor finances, but it is just an aspect of it. Lack of finances is not the only symptom of poverty, but also bad health, poor academics, unsuccessful marriage, deficient ministry, fruitlessness, and poor relationship with God are all manifestations of poverty.

     It is my prayer that as you flip through the pages and chapters of this book, the Holy Spirit will edify you by granting you a sense of understanding in order to equip you with the right knowledge and skills espoused in this book to deliver you from poverty.

  • The Christian Woman: Secrets to Enjoying Your Marriage

    The alarming rate of divorce and separation in modern marriages have caused many to wonder if it is still possible for one to have a happy and successful marriage. Drawing from her experience as a wife, pastor, career woman and mother, Bishop Mrs. Pat Sappor addresses the marital challenges that the Christian wife deals with on a daily basis and shares vital marital secrets that she’s learnt over the course of her own marriage.

    Written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit in a simple, practical manner, this book combines inspiring scriptures with revelations from the Spirit and places the focus on the relevant and sensitive issues that confront Christian women in their relationship. But aside tackling marital issues and providing spirit led approach to handling them, the book also teaches the Christian wife the proper application of Management, Leadership and Financial principles at home.

    Couples, whether they are at the pre-marital or post-marital stages of their relationships, will find this book very useful even as they strive to deepen their understanding of each other. May the Holy Spirit encourage, inspire and minister to you as you read this Spirit-led Book.

  • Animuonyam The Bully Stopper (Hardcover)

    Three boys in school haunt the feeble Aba. This makes her depressed. They threaten to harm her if she dares report. Her bosom friend, Animuonyam, noticing her plight, decides to take on the bullies with the help of his dog, Bubune.

  • The Side We Choose to See

    This book gives a breathtakingly vivid account of twelve stories of women who are incarcerated in Ghana, West Africa. The narration combines real life stories with a tinge of fiction to keep the reader continuously engaged to the point of falling off their seat, in shock. Each narration is unique with regards to the story line and draws out intricate details of how the crimes were perpetuated by the imprisoned women some of who still profess their innocence. Based on the stories beautifully narrated, relevant thoughts and lessons are drawn out based on the Author’s perspective. The reader is also given an opportunity to make judgements for themselves after immersing themselves into a particular story. The stories are different yet they are interwoven by one theme: Crime.
  • Chicken Soup for your Soul: Poems and More

    In a deeply captivated form, this masterpiece of creative writing transcends the truly diverse life experiences of an African heroine. Irrespective of stage one’s stage, this unique collection of artistic inscriptions is to be savoured by all, for being highly uplifted, deeply inspired, continually intriguing, and delightfully entertaining. The book is a manifestation of the quest between the Author and her peers, towards not just the youth, but to the benefit of all who are still traveling along the intricating winding of life.

  • Fynnba Nsem: A Treasury of Poems

    This Treasury contains forty (40) poems which were written to reflect our humanity. The poems take the readers through a contemplation of our earthly habitation and the profound value of what we possess, the beauty around us as well as within us, our potential, responsibilities, personality and human relations. They further solicit a lively introspection on the journey of our lives.

    The treasury also celebrates the lives of great men who have gone ahead of us, to spur us on to live out the greatness within us. Readers will definitely enjoy this book and will be inspired, motivated and challenged.

  • Secrets of Scandals

    It is not every day that one is transported into the social settings of 100 years ago. Add the intrigues of illicit affairs within inner family circles and one has in hand a historical high-society thriller that hooks the reader from page one. Set in the British colony of the Gold Coast, the novel drips with nostalgia and is richly flavoured with African customs of the Ga tradition.

    In the world of this fast-paced book, patriarchs run the family like a corporate. At the heart of affairs is how the professions and indigenous businesses tapped into colonial connections. Secrets of Scandals is an expedition into the genesis of how the nation’s movers and shakers built their national fortunes and brokered their private shame.

  • Where’d You Go?

    Where’d You Go? is a collection of short stories about terrorism in Northern Nigeria. From Captain Shola and his men who are ambushed by killer herdsmen while on patrol, and need to hold their ground; to a retired Special Forces officer who leads his men to protect his village and its environs from killer herdsmen; to Lieutenant Colonel Abel whose team had to extend their tour by two days to escort the Senate President’s daughter to an IDP Camp and then wait out an assault by Boko Haram insurgents; to Kunle Pierce who is a CIA operative, but comes to avenge the murder of his brother-in-law by the Boko Haram sect; to the Corps members caught in a post-election violence and fight back; and then there is Halima, an abducted girl from Chibok who suffers from Stockholm syndrome, and tries to settle down to normalcy after her release with some other girls.

     The stories are action-packed, depicting loss, justice, vengeance, bravery, courage under fire, sacrifice and patriotism.

  • Essential New Foundation English for Junior High Schools

    This book, New Foundation English, covers all aspects of the English Language programme at Junior High School level.

    It treats all the essential items of the English Language course that the student needs to know and study.

    The book is designed to give the student the opportunity and material he needs to prepare adequately for the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) in the areas of Essay Writing, Comprehension, the Objective Test and Literature.

    There is a step-by-step discussion of the essential components of the BECE English Language Paper. The Literature Section especially has been given great emphasis.

    The book also contains a number of questions for trial in all the sections. The Essential New Foundation English is user-friendly as it has been written in a language that is easy to understand. The student will therefore find the book very useful.

    Note: The Pronoun ‘He’ has been used in this book as the Universal Gender to refer to both male and female students.

  • Boy and Going Solo (Roald Dahl)

    Age Range: 7 – 11  years

    Boy and Going Solo is the whole of Roald Dahl’s extraordinary autobiography in one volume.

    Reissued in the exciting new Roald Dahl branding.

    Roald Dahl wasn’t always a writer. Once he was just a schoolboy. Have you ever wondered what he was like growing up?
    In BOY you’ll find out why he and his friends took revenge on the beastly Mrs Pratchett who ran the sweet shop. He remembers what it was like taste-testing chocolate for Cadbury’s and he even reveals how his nose was nearly sliced off.

    Then in GOING SOLO you’ll read stories of whizzing through the air in a Tiger Moth Plane, encounters with hungry lions, and the terrible crash that led him to storytelling.

    Roald Dahl tells his story in his own words – and it’s all TRUE.

  • Ghana Our Heritage

    Age Range: 8 years and above

    A comprehensive book that introduces both young and old to Ghana, its history, culture, traditional systems, languages, people, food and more!

    This book provides basic education about Ghanaian history, cultural practices and heritage for the Ghanaian child. Though it is useful for every Ghanaian (as well as non-Ghanaians), it was specifically designed to educate the Ghanaian child in the diaspora.

    The book gives a foundation of Ghanaian history and cultural practices to enable readers understand and appreciate Ghanaian heritage.

  • G is for Ghana (Hardcover)

    Age Range: 5+ years

    This ABC book is written with beautiful memories of Ghana in mind. I wanted to showcase the rich cultures in my native land and to relive the nostalgic feelings of my youth.

    Ghana is a West African country nestled among Burkina Faso in the north, the Gulf of Guinea in the south, Togo in the east and Ivory Coast in the west. It is made up of an amazing blend of varied cultures and tribal influences, with great tribes such as the Dagombas, Frafras, Kusasis, Walas and the Gonjas from the north and the Ashantis, Akyems, Fantis, Ewes and the Gas in the south!

    I hope this book does portray the beautiful and most friendly country, Ghana.


  • A Bit of Me

    A powerful, motivational and uplifting book by Oheneyere Gifty Anti. A Bit of Me inspires readers to be the best version of themselves.

    Oheneyere Gifty Anti, CEO of GDA Media shares nuggets about overcoming life’s struggles.

    “A Bit of Me is too much of somebody’s life on open display for everyone to benefit from. The greatest treasures on earth are the stories of people’s lives which they generously share to encourage, warn and bless others. Reading A Bit of Me will transform and translate you to a higher level. This book simply says if I am alive and moving, you can also make it.” — Rev. Eastwood Anaba

    Oheneyere is a multiple award-winning broadcast journalist and a well-respected motivational speaker in Africa and around the world. A proud product of Mfantsiman Girls Secondary School, she holds a Diploma in Journalism from the Ghana Institute of Journalism and a Masters Degree in International Journalism from City University, London. Oheneyere is the President and founder of the Girl in Need Foundation and the Awo Dansoa Reading Project. She is married to Nana Ansah Kwao IV, Chief of Akwamu Adumasa. She is a woman of crazy super faith.

    A Bit of Me


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