• Victims of Hope

    She grows up in a village in Ghana. Efia questions the things around her but she must learn to live with the rich but rigid culture.
    When she boards the flight to pursue a law degree at Harvard, little does she know what shocking punches life will throw at her in Boston. She returns home armed with a Law Degree, only to realize there is so much more to life in Africa, than her “book knowledge”.

    Efia falls for Big Joe. He is a great lover but he comes with great trouble. Is he also dating the only daughter of one of the wealthiest men in Ghana, the ruthless Alhaji Yusif?  Alas, Efia is already pregnant.

    Alhaji is not one to forgive… He does not.

    Ansah, Efia’s brother steps in with a plan. His sister does not deserve this.

    The yam that will burn, will burn boiled or roasted.

    Victims of Hope

  • At Long Last

    *Available from 25 March, 2022

    Despite the challenges, Papa Koto and Mma Asibi take the hard decision. The move takes a wrong turn and Neri is forced to flee with his mother. With the family now apart, the future becomes uncertain. What will be the outcome?

    At Long Last

  • Pastor Kwesi: Trials and Triumphs in Domeabra

    Domeabra, which when translated from the Ghanaian local dialect, Twi, means “if you love me you will come” is the humble ministerial station of Pastor Kwesi Saka.

    Pastor Kwesi, a graduate from Bible School, is faced with two options − further his education or proceed into ministry. He chooses the latter at the expense of increased opportunities for a more comfortable life.

    The trying circumstances associated with his village ministry − a life of deprivation and frugality, a dilapidated chapel and residence, a tight-fisted congregation − do not deter him from literally laying down his life for his congregation and community.

    Read about how this faithfulness is rewarded by divine interventions in his ministry and in the life of his family members to strengthen your own faith to brace life’s challenges.

  • Jennifer

    Due to difficult circumstances beyond her control, Jennifer Hayfron has no other choice than to share the same hotel with Dr Martin when the train on which she is travelling back to school suddenly breaks down at a late hour.

    By a fatal coincidence, Jennifer’s foster father comes around from nowhere and sees her daughter and Dr Martin coming out from the hotel and are about to get aboard a parked vehicle. Mr Hayfron’s hasty conclusion is obvious. There is verbal explosion on the spot, as well as a series of interesting drama in the ensuing days.

    The story, written for young people has been written in simple readable English.


  • Revenge from the African Jungle

    When killing others becomes a business, there is no stopping it. Such was the case of Bariki. He killed them without compassion. Out of their agony, he made abundant wealth and fame.

    The pain and the threat of being annihilated by just one man and his dog dominated their daily discourse.

    There seemed to be no survival in this vulnerable situation. Suddenly, the tides turned on one fateful day. They convened in their jungle and mapped out a deadly strategy. It was payback time; it was time for revenge.

    Can Bariki survive?

  • Things Fall Apart (African Writers Series, AWS1)

    Okonkwo is the greatest warrior alive, famous throughout West Africa. But when he accidentally kills a clansman, things begin to fall apart. Then Okonkwo returns from exile to find missionaries and colonial governors have arrived in the village. With his world thrown radically off-balance he can only hurtle towards tragedy.

    Chinua Achebe’s stark novel reshaped both African and world literature. This arresting parable of a proud but powerless man witnessing the ruin of his people begins Achebe’s landmark trilogy of works chronicling the fate of one African community, continued in Arrow of God and No Longer at Ease.

  • Anthills of the Savannah (African Writers Series)

    Chris, Ikem and Beatrice are like-minded friends working under the military regime of His Excellency, the Sandhurst-educated President of Kangan. In the pressurized atmosphere of oppression and intimidation they are simply trying to live and love – and remain friends. But in a world where each day brings a new betrayal, hope is hard to cling on to.

    Anthills of the Savannah (1987), Achebe’s candid vision of contemporary African politics, is a powerful fusion of angry voices. It continues the journey that Achebe began with his earlier novels, tracing the history of modern Africa through colonialism and beyond, and is a work ultimately filled with hope.

  • The Housemaid (African Writers Series)

    A dead baby and bloodstained clothes are discovered near a small village. Everyone is ready to comment on the likely story behind the abandoned infant. The men have one opinion, the women another. As the story rapidly unfolds it becomes clear that seven different women played their part in the drama. All of them are caught in a web of superstition, ignorance, greed and corruption.

  • A Man of the People (African Writers Series, AWS31)

    As Minister for Culture, the Honourable M. A. Nanga is ‘a man of the people’, as cynical as he is charming, and a roguish opportunist. At first, the contrast between Nanga and Odili, a former pupil who is visiting the ministry, appears huge. But in the ‘eat-and-let-eat’ atmosphere, Odili’s idealism soon collides with his lusts – and the two men’s personal and political tauntings threaten to send their country into chaos. Published, prophetically, just days before Nigeria’s first attempted coup in 1966, A Man of the People is an essential part of his body of work dealing with modern African history.

  • Mine Boy (African Writers Series, AWS6)

    When Xuma move to Johannesburg he is a naive country boy, but the impact of harsh city life awakens him to the new ways and values of  radically different world. His vision of a ‘man without colour’, a raceless society, is shattered by the realities of his underprivileged existence.
    First published in 1946, this novel was one of the first books to expose universally the condition of black South Africans under a white regime. Abrahams’ forceful but restrained images of discrimination in the gold mines, the appalling housing and Xuma’s simple, humanitarian act of defiance, struck a chord around the world. Mine Boy has remained a central influence on South African fiction for over fifty years.
  • The Concubine (African Writers Series, AWS25)

    Ihuoma, a beautiful young widow, has the admiration of the entire community in which she lives, and especially of the hunter Ekwueme. Obedient to the expectations of the traditional society they belong to, they forswear their love so that Ekwueme can marry the girl to whom he had been betrothed since birth. But their passion is fated and jealousy, a love potion and the closeness of the spirit world lift this simple tale on to a tragic plane.
  • The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born (African Writers Series, AWS43)

    A railway freight clerk in Ghana attempts to hold out against the pressures that impel him toward corruption in both his family and his country. The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born is the novel that catapulted Ayi Kwei Armah into the limelight. The novel is generally a satirical attack on the Ghanaian society during Kwame Nkrumah’s regime and the period immediately after independence in the 1960s. It is often claimed to rank with Things Fall Apart as one of the high points of post-colonial African Literature.
  • So Long a Letter (African Writers Series)

    Written by award-winning African novelist Mariama Ba and translated from the original French, So Long a Letter has been recognized as one of Africa’s 100 Best Books of the 20th Century. The brief narrative, written as an extended letter, is a sequence of reminiscences—some wistful, some bitter—recounted by recently widowed Senegalese schoolteacher Ramatoulaye Fall. Addressed to a lifelong friend, Aissatou, it is a record of Ramatoulaye’s emotional struggle for survival after her husband betrayed their marriage by taking a second wife. This semi-autobiographical account is a perceptive testimony to the plight of educated and articulate Muslim women. Angered by the traditions that allow polygyny, they inhabit a social milieu dominated by attitudes and values that deny them status equal to men. Ramatoulaye hopes for a world where the best of old customs and new freedom can be combined.Considered a classic of contemporary African women’s literature, So Long a Letter is a must-read for anyone interested in African literature and the passage from colonialism to modernism in a Muslim country.

    Winner of the prestigious Noma Award for Publishing in Africa.

  • Beyond the Horizon (African Writers Series)

    Gazing at her naked body in the mirror, Mara reflects on her transformation from naive Ghanaian village girl into a prostitute in a German brothel. Mara has been deceived by her husband, Akobi, into coming to Europe to find a “paradise,” but, as the truth about Akobi and her new life unfolds, she realizes she is trapped. The expectations of her family in Africa force her to remain, living a lie. As she fights back, she finds the revenge she takes can in no way compensate for her loss of innocence and lifetime exile from her homeland.This is a natural storyteller’s compelling and sobering account of the ruthless exploitation of women in Africa and Europe.

    Amma Darko was born in Tamale, Ghana, and grew up in Accra. After living in Germany, she returned to Ghana. Beyond the Horizon, first published in German, is Amma Darko’s first novel.

  • The Enemy Within (African Writers Series)

    Set in South Africa in the early 1990s, against a backdrop of de Klerk’s rise to power, Steve Jacobs tells the story of Jeremy Spielman, a Jewish junior barrister, and his defense of a Xhosa man accused of murder.

    The murder trial, an Afrikaner girlfriend, and a mother who has tried to keep him from gentiles his whole life, all force Jeremy to confront his own love-hate relationship with the anti-apartheid struggle, South Africa’s almost unconscious racism, anti-Semitism, and his faith in an unjust legal system.

    Steve Jacobs trained as a lawyer but left his legal career to concentrate on writing. He is an active campaigner against cruelty to animals and has worked with squatters at Crossroads and in a local group opposing a nuclear power station.

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