• The Minister’s Daughter

    A highly pampered little girl from an affluent home loses everything one dark morning. With her dear father gone forever, she must now struggle for survival. Not helping with the situation are an austere and depressing village setting and two feuding women – an aggrieved and bad-tempered nurse and a fashionable teacher with high dreams in a questionable relationship.

    In the village school, there is the head teacher who hates this minister’s daughter because of her father. Not even Akuluksi, the one-eyed boy, spares her with deeply hurting teases that breaks her heart. But the minister’s daughter must survive her childhood days.

  • Stories Auntie Serwah Told

    Auntie Serwah loves to tell stories. In this book, Auntie Serwah highlights everyday issues children face all around the world. Don’t forget to pray after reading a story. Don’t forget to pray at bedtime.

  • Executive Hallucination

    The Ultimate Crime: Ghana’s hard-won reputation as the bedrock of democracy in a sub-region gone mad is threatened by a hallucinatory Chief of Staff who holds the ultimate hostage – the President of the Republic of Ghana. The entire security apparatus is helpless – unless they found someone with the requisite experience to infiltrate the heavily guarded Castle, thwart the dreaded 4th Battalion of Infantry, and break a sick President out.

    The Ultimate Madness: West Africa had gone mad again. Coups and counter-coups prevailed from North to South. Civil wars ran like wild fire from East to West. Everywhere was a bloody abattoir. In Liberia, the foolishness was perhaps, even more so. In the thick of that madness, a young medical student, seemingly not smart enough to comprehend the extent of the danger, arrive from Ghana. His one motive is the rescue of his twin – and anyone else smart enough to come along. Moving against time itself, bloodthirsty cannibals and the invasion of Libyan-trained rebels, he finds his family but there is no sister.

    The Ultimate Score: Dr. Alexander J. Cattrall wants no part in the fracas between Ghana’s National Security Agency and a Chief of Staff who has suddenly declared himself President. But he takes extraordinary exception to the abduction of his twin sister. It is now time to settle a 23-year old score and help the country fulfil its vow to resist oppressors’ rule.

  • Blood Invasion

    Cudjo completes his nursing training and internship in a city hospital and is delighted to be posted to his hometown to serve his people. But, after only a few years of dedicated service, he is confronted by a devastating disease that stigmatises and destroys without mercy.

    He weeps in silence for his friend Babio and lives in perpetual shock over Adam and Akuvi, two companions who forgot one basic principle of staying alive in risky times.

    So daring is the invading virus that not even Cudjo himself, the passionate campaigner, is spared. Now what will happen to him and Arabe, his fiancée, when no cure has been found for this bloody ailment?

    Blood Invasion is an unforgettable tale, the disturbing saga of a deadly disease that puts family, friendship, and love on trial…a powerful reminder that living must be done more carefully.

    Blood Invasion

  • Nii Noi the Sanitation Officer

    Age Range: 6 – 15 years

    This book is a thought-provoking piece of a fairly peaceful community that wakes up to the incessant complaints of 13-year-old Nii Noi. Like the dawn of teenage, he becomes, somewhat, shocked by the deplorable sanitary conditions in his neighbourhood.

    Fuming at the apathy of everyone around him towards better sanitation practice, Nii Noi becomes a crusader for hygienic living. But as a prophet without honour in his community, it takes the tragedy of a flood to get the community to appreciate the crusade by Nii, and what he desires to achieve: a hygienic, clean and joyful community. The writer, through the voice and eyes of a boy, reveals the innocent naivety and obvious apathy of society, and the power of camaraderie and community to cause change.

  • A Painful Decision (Drama on Female Circumcision)

    Age Range: 6 – 12 years

    Africans have many customary practices. Sometime ago, these customs certainly had some advantages. With the passage of time, however, some of these practices have outlived their usefulness, not to mention the aim they are often associated with. Hence, there is the need for us to either modify these customary practices or abandon them altogether.

    It will be discovered, in this play, the great pain and suffering that female circumcision brings to our women.

    We do not dispute the fact that it is one of the legacies bequeathed to us by our forebears. Nonetheless, what prevents us from abandoning it since there is nothing to gain from it now or in future? The time has come for us to become selective in the practice of our customs so that only what brings progress to us is maintained.

  • Afua and the Magic Calabash

    Age Range: 5 – 8 years

    Afua and the Magic Calabash tells a story of a maltreated orphan girl who has a magic calabash.
  • Ayorkor

    Ayorkor’s beauty was fortified with a good character ingrained by her parents. She had great dreams for the future and was also bent on making her parents proud come what may.

    However, her father’s misfortune at his workplace almost derailed her plans. As a JHS Three student, her Basic School final exam was now on the line as her family began to face financial difficulties. Eventually, fate made it necessary for her to relocate to live with her uncle and his wife in another town.

    At her new place, Ayorkor made a friend at school who lured her into a very tempting situation. The tough test of Ayorkor’s character and her resolve would then unfold.


  • Tears of a Mother and Other Stories

    If you were Mother Mary, and if your first-born son – the Teacher – was so brutally maltreated and led away to be crucified, what would you do? Cry? Weep? Wail? What would you do?
    In this storybook, Mother Mary tells her own story: the sword that pierced her own heart when she saw what the soldiers did to her son. In tears, she stood by and watched, for what could she do?

    Other stories in this book, narrated by those who met the Teacher personally, reveal great truths and lessons for everyday life. Enjoy  the stories of-

    1.The cockcrow at dawn during the denials
    2.The troubled dreams of the governor 3 wife
    3.Why the governor washed his hands before judgement
    4.The man from Libya who was forced to carry his cross
    5. The reflections of the beam used for the crucifixion
    6.The brutal execution of the 1eacher
    7.The seven last statements of the Teacher

    These are great stories for your reading adventure. The lessons and the truths the narrators learnt are yours for your everyday experience.

  • The Triangle

    Poor Ackarm seems to have been born on the wrong side of fate. Pawned at a tender age due to his parent’s inability to repay a money-lender, Ackarm finds himself in the wicked hands of destiny.
    In that evil society, a pawn is the property of his owner. Thus, Ackarm has to endure all sorts of bad treatment meted out to him until a kind man bails him out of his predicament. But like falling from the frying pan into the fire, Ackarm once again finds himself in a wicked web of the Triangle. Something must intervene, or the poor boy’s blood will be shed. In this haunting tale of evil, the ills of the modern day Sakawa networks are revealed.

    The Triangle

  • Missions Accomplished

    Kwamena is in trouble. The mosquitoes have multiplied in the town in which he lives, and there is the threat of malaria outbreak. How did the parents of Kwamena react when they came back from their travel to find their son in serious trouble? Enjoy Kwamena’s adventure and other short stories in this book.

  • Norty Norty: The Naughty Boy

    Everyone called him “Norty Norty,” and he would respond accordingly.
    Norty Norty lives out his naughty name. He runs away from home and goes to stay with a man in a far-away town. While there he continues his naughty behaviour. It is only when he decides to return home that a sudden change comes upon him.

  • A Husband for Esi Ellua

    Dramatic and Haunting…this is the story of the consuming bravery of a man over whose love for a woman falls the shadow of imminent disaster.

    It is set in the Second World War in shattered Gold Coast (now Ghana) where husbands torn from their wives and children found themselves in places undreamt of only a few months before. Amid the gaiety and clatter of Army life, the man and woman play out dramas with perilous intensity to the final moment of disaster.

    Filled with brilliance and fascination.

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