• Moringa Species: A Potential Source Of New Drugs

    A comprehensive study of all 13 species of the remarkable plant family Moringaceae, including Moringa oleifera the most widespread member of the species. Rich in phytochemicals, these plants are of immense importance where they occur and for many people their only form of curative medicine. Particular attention is paid to known traditional medicinal uses, chemical compounds identified and pharmacological investigations conducted to confirm the rationale for their traditional use.

  • Between a Rock and a Hard Place

    Life is a trip. We are travellers and we move through diverse seasons, stages, and steps. Drawing from timeless biblical examples and practical wisdom, this book illuminates how our choices shape our destiny. In this book, you’ll find valuable guidance on aligning your decisions with your purpose and values. With actionable advice on planning and breaking down ambitions into achievable steps, this book is a must-read for anyone seeking to navigate life’s complex decisions with clarity and confidence.

  • Gifts That Keep Giving

    Finding your gift is key to finding your place in life. A gift is a notable capacity, talent, endowment, or ability. In a succinct, yet sophisticated manner, this book shows how each of us can unravel and unleash our gifts to make our lives meaningful and impactful. Learn how to identify, develop, use and brand your talent.

  • Motherhood 101: A memoir of my experience as a newlywed juggling pregnancy/motherhood, marriage, work and a social life

    If babies could talk, they would say their mother was God.

    One of the miracles of the human story is positively the nurturing capabilities of mothers. Beyond carrying that pregnancy for nine months and eventually bringing it forth, mothers go through a whole complex regimen every day to sustain the fledgling human life while taking care of themselves and their home. No wonder some allude mystical powers to the process of childbirth.

    But whether supernatural or superwoman, motherhood is an amazing passage that has kept mankind populating Planet Earth. And when one woman steps out to catalogue her own moments of indescribable joy and heart-wrenching pain, the result is this wonderful gift of a book.

    Amma Agyeman-Prempeh’s work is based on a selfless narrative of the most intimate encounters of motherhood set in a cosmopolitan environment. In the midst of all the juggling, the triumphant twins of love and courage rise and rise.

  • Abduction Chronicles

    How does one date bring bittersweet memories in one single thought? That was one of the questions in Folarin’s mind as he narrates his spine-chilling encounter with kidnappers. On a bright Saturday morning of 1st of May 1999, himself and Titi were joined in Holy matrimony. 17 years later, they were forcefully separated, on the same date!

    When Folarin stepped out of his study in the early hours of May 1, 2016, he was sure the sight before him wasn’t real. Unfortunately, this was a reality he couldn’t shake away. Without warning, he was abducted from the comfort of his home. exposed to the elements of nature with little or no food, and in constant terror of a dangerously armed gang, he had to negotiate his freedom, but not before an unexpected twist brought him in a direct, hair-raising confrontation with his abductors.

    Set in he South-South region of Nigeria, Abduction Chronicles is a gripping account of Folarin’s many close shaves with death, with striking details of his journey to and from the abyss.

  • Sosu’s Call (Upgraded Version)

    Age Range: 12+ years

    Sosu’s Call, won the 1999 UNESCO 1st prize for Children’s and Young People’s Literature in the Service of Tolerance. It is listed as one of the top twelve titles of Africa’s 100 Best Books; and has been named an Honor Book for Young Children by the African Studies Association’s Children’s Africana Book Committee, as a contribution to accurate and balanced material on Africa for children.

    Beautifully illustrated, the story tells of Sosu, a young disabled boy who cannot walk. Sosu misses going to school and all the activities of the other children. His village is on a lagoon, and one day when everyone is away fishing, working in the fields or at school, he raises the alarm with his drumming, and saves the village from total destruction by the sea. His heroism is rewarded when a wheelchair is donated and at last he can go to school.

  • Abraham Was Rich: Why Not You? (The Spiritual and Material Blessings of the Fathers, Volume 1)

    A good man leaves an inheritance. – Proverbs 13:22

    He redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus. – Galatians 3:14

    The blessings given to Abraham were not only spiritual but material as well, and they arose from Abraham’s blood covenant relationship with God.

    This book, written in 3 volumes, shows how all the patriarchs or fathers who were the bearers of the Abrahamic covenant became materially rich and passed their prosperity onto the next generation.

    Bishop Kantanka believes that Gentiles Christians, especially in Africa where poverty has become endemic, must claim their full inheritance spiritual and maternal through their covenant relationship with God in Christ as the Galatians passage says.

    “The Poverty Gap is a Technology Gap and the Technology Gap is a Dominion Mandate Gap and that is linked to a people’s exercise of the creative ability of God in man,” Bishop Kantanka declares.

    The book is the first workbook of the Rich Dad Club, a wing of the new ministry founded by the author − The Bishop Kantanka Teaching Ministry (see appendix for details). This book is a must-read for all who believe that African Christians must show the way that will lead to the blessing of our continent, both spiritually and materially.

  • Jacob Was Rich: Why Not You? (The Spiritual and Material Blessings of the Fathers, Volume 3)

    A good man leaves an inheritance. – Proverbs 13:22

    He redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus. – Galatians 3:14

    The blessings given to Abraham were not only spiritual but material as well, and they arose from Abraham’s blood covenant relationship with God.

    This book, written in 3 volumes, shows how all the patriarchs or fathers who were the bearers of the Abrahamic covenant became materially rich and passed their prosperity onto the next generation.

    Bishop Kantanka believes that Gentiles Christians, especially in Africa where poverty has become endemic, must claim their full inheritance spiritual and maternal through their covenant relationship with God in Christ as the Galatians passage says.

    “The Poverty Gap is a Technology Gap and the Technology Gap is a Dominion Mandate Gap and that is linked to a people’s exercise of the creative ability of God in man,” Bishop Kantanka declares.

    The book is the first workbook of the Rich Dad Club, a wing of the new ministry founded by the author − The Bishop Kantanka Teaching Ministry (see appendix for details). This book is a must-read for all who believe that African Christians must show the way that will lead to the blessing of our continent, both spiritually and materially.

  • Reflections in a Ring of Light

    In this fascinating collection of memories, dreams, musings and all that a creative mind can conjure, Nana Dadzie Ghansah takes the reader on a very descriptive journey across time.

    Nana writes across generations and zigzags us across the world from Ghana to Paris, France to Lexington, Kentucky, to Leipzig, Germany and more.

    Whether we meet him sweeping his grandfather’s compound to perfection, admiring nature in the village of Besease, being a doctor in Lexington or in his trusted 1989 VW Golf, there is an energizing outburst of thought and a simultaneously sober reflection on the past, present, and future through multiple lenses.

    If you’re looking to go on a thought-provoking and yet humorous journey that leaves your mind enriched, then this collection is a great pick.

  • Highest Lows, Scattered Peaks

    I have been told by many that I have managed to put into words, things they have only managed to feel. Never express in words.

    This book is to let you know that it is okay to feel negative emotions strongly. It is okay to be confused, angry, sad and just plain old upset with life. But don’t stay negative. Don’t stay upset. Get it all out, and then move again.

    My goal was that after writing this, even if you cannot relate to them all, you will find one piece that is yours. You will find one piece that sounds like it was written just for you.

  • The Journey to True Success

    God’s desire for his children is prosperity and success. But the question is, why are some people  still struggling in life? The reality is success  does not come by words but by works.

    The Journey  to True Success is  written by Phanuel Akorley Bright, to put a smile on the face of those who are desperate  and disappointed in life, persons who have  higher aspirations  and for everyone who is starting-up. This book is biblically elucidated and gospel-centered. It carries detailed explanation of success in conformity with the word of God and how to deal with failure, unsustainable efforts and challenges confronting humanity.

    What makes this book unique is that, it is blended with motivational messages and a life touching experience to keep your dreams alive. When you get a copy, you have the key to drive your dream to a greater heights. I must say this book is a missing key to the door of success now found.

  • Names

    Adwoa (A-joa) comes home from school upset. Mom learns Adwoa’s name was mispronounced again, but this time in front of the entire school. Mom knows it is hard to say some names and even she, has struggled sometimes.

    Mom and Adwoa talk about what to do when someone says her name incorrectly. Thoughtful, kind people in the world will want to practice saying a name because behind that name is a real, breathing, living person.

    All proceeds will be donated to the R&F Foundation Ghana.


  • Revealed! The Storm is Over

    If you feel entrapped in the wilderness of being abused as a child, the loss of a loved one, and have reached the end of the road in your abusive marriage, and you cannot find the words to speak your truth boldly or how to find the peace you yearn for, this book is for you.

    The book chronicles the author’s experiences to help parents discover how children go through the trauma of sexual abuse, and to overcome it. The book also talks about marital abuse and divorce, how to identify the traits, when to walk out when necessary, and the loss of a loved one and how the grief can be handled. Note that your greatest gift lies next to your deepest wound.

  • My Lay Diabetes Doctor

    Diabetes mellitus, hypertension is among the leading causes of death globally. Diabetes is a complex disease both in aetiology and management that requires sustained lifestyle changes and adherence to medications. This book is timely and would serve as an educational tool to assist patients manage their condition optimally.
    The book outlines practical insights to help patients and lay persons understand this complex disease and how to live healthily with the condition. The book covers important aspects of diabetes such as diagnosis, understanding the types of diabetes, medications and how they work, diabetes in children and adolescents, myths about the disease, complications and how to prevent them.
    It will serve as a companion for persons living with diabetes and for lay people in understanding this complex disease. In our peculiar health care setting, where multiple barriers exit in accessing timely and quality health care, such tools and guides written in plain language for use at the population level, is most invaluable.
    This book is written in simple language that makes reading enjoyable and it is highly recommended.

  • Reflections: 50 Lessons at 50

    Available on 25th April, 2024

    This is the story of a woman who after weathering life’s storms, not only found her true self but also a treasure at the end of her personal rainbow. The story is skillfully crafted as a compilation of lessons gained over the five decades of existence. It spans from her earliest days on earth, through her vibrant youth, to the challenging and gloomy periods when she navigated life’s intricacies on her path to becoming the person she is destined to be. You are certain to discover numerous valuable insights you can relate to from the pages of this masterpiece.

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