• How to Secure Your Financial Freedom: Spend After Saving, Don’t Save After Spending

    What is your financial situation today? Does your income exceed your expenses regularly, and that you are looking for investment opportunities? Does your income exactly meet your expenses and that you cannot save at all to meet any emergency? Does your income fall short of your expenses and always looking for a loan to survive? Do you not earn any income at all and are therefore financially depressed and it is even affecting your relationship? Which of the above scenarios can you associate yourself with?

    Worry no more. Ankrah’s How To Secure Your Financial Freedom will guide you to achieve whatever financial targets you have set for yourself. Your financial life is in your own No matter where you are now, no matter what has happened to you for the past, you can consciously make a decision to change your financial situation. There is no such thing as hopeless financial situation. Every financial situation can change.

    You don’t change your financial situation by just increasing your income. You do so by delaying gratification. The book provides a road map to financial recovery driven by a realistic, deliverable promise for a better life. It shows you how to master essentials to get your money under control and prepare financially for the rest of your life.

  • Maximizing Your Potential: Die Empty

    Ankrah has the rare talent of writing books that are fun to read yet truly life changing. Maximize Your Potential will move you at the deepest level and show you how to have the life you have always wished you could have.

    This book will lift your spirits and inspire you to make the changes in your life that will get you back on track, not only professionally but personally. The book provides a rare key to unlock your potential.

  • Managing the Pressure of Success and Time

    If you are struggling with the management of your success, time and suffering from leadership challenges, read this book and then do what it says. A powerful and inspiring book that you will want to read again and again. Managing the pressure of success and time is a treasure trove on principles, methods, concepts, tips, techniques and ideas that will change your life. Whatever other self-help books you may read in your lifetime, make this one your top priority. A tremendous book packed with infinite wisdom.This book is a clear, simple road map that shows you how to focus on the vital few, rather than trivial many.

  • Why You Are Not Rich As You Should Be

    Finally, the ground-breaking book on personal finance is out. The aim of the book is to elevate the financial well-being of humanity and to bring financial education to the doorstep of everyone who has the desire to be rich. With this book in your hand, you no longer have an excuse to remain in poverty. If you are born poor, it is not your fault but if you die poor it is your fault.

    The person who earns twenty times more than you is not smarter or more productive than you. The difference is that he is armed with information that you do not have. The different between the rich and the poor is information. It is your responsibility to look for that information and that unique information is what this book seeks to provide. Financial success has a formula. Once you get it, it is very easy to become rich but if you do not get the formula, poverty is inevitable.

  • Key to True and Lasting Success: A Practical Guide to Successful Living

    Looking for a book with power to jump-start your life? Look no further. Ankrah’s key to true and lasting success will be your strategic partner to get you to your prophetic place in life. You will learn more ideas, concepts, principles and methods used by successful people in the world. You will immediately become self-confident and begin to think that success is not the preserve for the special people.

    The step-by-step approach for successful living presented in this book include proven concepts drawn from business, religion, economics, psychology and everyday life. These concepts are combined in a fast-moving, informative series of steps that will lead you to greater success than you ever imagine possible. They can improve your human relationship, health and financial situation.

  • Finding Meaning in Life: A Modern Fable Which Reveals the True Meaning of Life

    Joseph Kyei Ankrah has long been a surefooted guide to those desiring to better themselves. Finding Meaning In Life will provide you with the ultimate tool to discover the true meaning of life. We find ourselves fighting battles we never declared and carrying burdens for reasons we do not understand. It is not the normal demands of life that break us: it is the painful surprises. When life hands us these painful surprises we begin to ask questions.

    This book seeks to provide answers to these nagging questions. Finding Meaning In Life provides a rare key to help you discover your destiny and leave a lasting legacy behind.

  • How To Start Small: Financial Skills For Business Success

    How To Start Small reveals gripping real-life entrepreneurial strategies, lessons and insight which continue to elude business start-ups the world over. It presents an easy step by step approach to guide readers of all ages on well-tailored proven success methods on access to capital, human resource management, marketing and sales, business growth strategies as well as top business management practices.

    Are you interested in starting your own business? Are you a business owner looking for new ways to expand your business? Do you want to take a jump from employee to business owner? This book is as easy as reading the alphabets.


  • Securing that Dream Job: A Smart Guide to a Successful Interview

    In today’s competitive employment environment, it is important that a job applicant has a head start over his/her competitors on the job market. However, there is a general absence of information that would give applicants a bright chance of success at interviews.

    Securing that Dream Job: A Smart Guide to a Successful Interview provides an enlightened guide or a road map to job applicants on excelling at job interviews. The book guides readers through the preliminary steps to an interview, such as writing a concise and persuasive application letter and curriculum vitae. It discusses the mistakes to avoid and also provides useful guidelines to portray oneself in the best possible light by maximizing one’s strengths and minimizing one’s shortfalls or perceived weaknesses.

    The burden of the book discusses recent trends in conducting interviews, physical appearance, courtesies to observe at the interview, composure and attitude. Critically, the book discusses some questions to expect and the approach to answering them. The book does not seek to provide an exhaustive list of possible questions but seeks to mark out the contours on which interviews are generally conducted . This in intended to give the applicant fore knowledge of what to expect; the slippery and tricky areas the applicant must watch out for and how best to meander one’s way through.

    The book concludes with a brief discussion on factors to consider before accepting a new job offer.

  • How To Use Crowdfunding (How To: Academy Book 8)

    Crowdfunding is the springboard your project needs. From theatre to virtual reality headsets, small businesses to international corporations, crowdfunding has helped entrepreneurs and project leaders across the world to raise money, build their customer bases and prove that there is a market for their product.

    How to Use Crowdfunding gives you the guidance and advice you need, taking you step by step all the way from planning your crowdfunding campaign to getting the money in the bank. Entrepreneur Julian Costley shares key tips to make your campaign a roaring success, and includes the essential facts on company and regulatory law, tax and risk.

  • Marketing with Influencers: How SMEs can Maximise Sales

    From the traditional ways of marketing to new and emerging marketing methods, you’ve got all bases covered. But have you ever thought of leveraging influencers in your marketing strategy? Get into the now!

    Marketing with Influencers is a guide that will help you understand how combining influencer marketing strategies with other approaches gives you an edge over your competitors. This book covers everything from what influencers are, why they’re important to your business, and how to effectively reach them.

    Whether you are looking for ways to grow your brand or want to make data-driven decisions about your advertising spend, this book has answers for every question you might have about using influencers in your marketing strategy.

    In this technology fast-paced driven world, questions on how to use the internet for your advantage, more especially through brand influencers have been tackled in this book.

    If you have a start-up business, an SME, or a company, a read through this book is a cause to take action on moving your business to the next level using brand influencers.

  • Kuenyehia on Entrepreneurship: A Textbook on Ghanaian Entrepreneurship with Real Life Success Stories

    Kuenyehia on Entrepreneurship is a ground-breaking resource for students of Entrepreneurship, focusing on local content from Ghana, one of the World’s fastest growing economies.

    Part textbook, part reference book for enthusiasts of entrepreneurship, it adopts a multi-disciplinary approach, covering an amalgam of business subjects including human resource management, organizational behaviour, operations management, strategy, marketing, finance and law. Assuming no prior knowledge of business, it illustrates fundamental concepts with practical examples drawn from research conducted in Ghana, occasionally supplemented by anecdotes from global companies such as Apple and Google.

    Key to its uniqueness is a wide-ranging collection of profiles of successful Ghanaian entrepreneurs as well as sections on particular challenges for prospective investors in Ghana – local content which makes this Ghanaian textbook on entrepreneurship a must-read for both Ghanaian students of entrepreneurship and investors with an interest in the Ghanaian economic renaissance.
  • My Testimony

    The tale of Blue Rose Limited—a journey from the rural landscapes of Ghana to pioneering the construction industry and earning global recognition—an enigma forged from one person’s ambition to serve humanity by solving accommodation woes. Across the globe, people seek a place to call home, a sanctuary for their families. Through integrity, innovation, diligence, and grace, Blue Rose fulfilled that need.

    Yet, the saga of Blue Rose didn’t leap effortlessly into prominence—no true success story ever does. It navigated through phases of adversity, turmoil, and challenges, as you might expect.

    Within these pages lies a spark to ignite a flame within you—a flame that fuels dormant dreams, urging you to realize your full potential, to accomplish a unique assignment only you can fulfill. Regardless of your origins, experiences, or current challenges, there’s a “blue rose” within you waiting to bloom. Embrace the possibility that the blue rose story can resonate with your own journey, perhaps even surpassing it.

    Enjoy the read.


    My Testimony

  • My Footprints in Ghana’s Black Gold

    This memoir — part historical and part autobiographical — traces the author’s involvement with the final phase of petroleum exploration in Ghana, a journey that took over a century, beginning with the first onshore well in 1896. It has been a most interesting journey, with many twists and turns.

    In the early days of the existence of the Ghana National Petroleum Corporation, there were various myths and half-truths about the presence or absence of commercial quantities of oil and gas in the basins of the Ghana.

    • Nigeria was draining Ghana’s oil and that all that was required was for Ghana to buy powerful machines and begin to pump and drain her own
    • Ghana would never find oil until the gods of Nzemaland and the Volta Region had been pacified
    • The GNPC Model Production Sharing Agreement was too stringent on contractors

    A major seismic interpretation of the Cape Three Points sub-basin of the Western Region, in 1992, would turn out to be the watershed of this new brave phase of exploration in Ghana.

    The book was finally launched in Ghana in April 2022.

    Hopefully, going to the heart of the matter should help future generations of ordinary Ghanaians, politicians and explorationists understand what it took to make Ghana a petroleum producing country, just in case the country was afflicted by the “Dutch disease.”

  • Sand, Sun & Surprises: A Nigerian Expatriate in the Middle East – A Memoir

    Sand, Sun & Surprises is a personal story told by a Nigerian Professor about his experiences and observations working in, and visiting countries in the Middle East over 23 years. 

    The 316-page memoir includes descriptions of the social life, leisure and religious practices in the region. It captures a snapshot of the socio-economic landscape of Nigeria reeling from the economic depression of the late 1980s and the surprising contrasts with Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, societies adjusting to dramatically improved standards of living as a result of their massive oil wealth.

    This book is a compelling read for those who intend to visit or work in the Middle East, or indeed pursue careers outside their countries.

  • Failing To Win: Hard-Earned Lessons from a Purpose-Driven Startup

    In 2009, Canadian entrepreneur Mike Quinn packed his backpack and moved to Lusaka, Zambia on a mission to find African entrepreneurs building scalable, high-impact businesses. There he stumbled across two South African brothers who had founded a business to help unbanked smallholder farmers receive mobile payments in a market where cash was king. After convincing his retired parents to mortgage their house and lend him $100,000, Mike joined as a co-founder of Zoona and became CEO for nine of the next ten years.

    With his partners, Mike built a network of more than 3,000 entrepreneur agents across Zambia and Malawi that enabled millions of unbanked consumers to send and receive $2.5-billion in money transfers and remittances. Headquartered in Cape Town, South Africa, Zoona raised over $35-million of venture investment and operated on the leading edge of Africa’s emerging fintech ecosystem.

    Mike’s remarkable story gives a rare and honest glimpse into the workings of a pioneering African startup through the lens of a purpose-driven entrepreneur who went “all in”. Zoona faced tremendous adversity along the way: currency crises, investment round collapses, ruthless pushback from the major mobile network operators, and a continuous internal struggle to discover and execute a growth strategy that matched the company’s billion-dollar ambition. It was by failing to win that Mike learned what entrepreneurship is all about, and it was what motivated him to double down and try again.

    “This raw, honest account is a must-read for anyone thinking about starting a company and for every entrepreneur who feels alone in the journey.” — Elizabeth Yin, Co-Founder & General Partner of Hustle Fund

    “Startups are hard. Most people understand this. However, most people don’t understand why. Mike’s story is a rare glimpse into how challenges present themselves — and ultimately how to overcome.” — Matt Flannery, Co-Founder of Kiva & Branch

    “In a rare look behind the scenes, Mike shares a vivid picture of the other side of leadership we don’t talk about enough. As he aptly describes ‘founding, failing and winning’, this book highlights the risk of taking that all-important first step, embracing failure and ensuring you learn the transformative lessons critical to success as an entrepreneurial leader.” — Fred Swaniker, Founder of African Leadership Group

    “This story is a gift for entrepreneurs and indeed anyone wanting to learn about the first generation of African fintechs that paved the way for future companies to thrive.” — Katlego Maphai, Co-Founder & CEO of Yoco

    “Mike’s humility, resilience and depth of knowledge of how to build a pan-African business are unique, and his testimony of experience is an important short history of the fintech boom on the continent.” — Elizabeth Rossiello, Founder & CEO of AZA

    “Failing To Win is a captivating account of an incredibly talented and unusually forthright entrepreneur who built an ambitious purpose-led company that started in Zambia. At Oxford I have taught the Zoona case study to countless MBA students to show how fundamental principles of entrepreneurship can be meaningfully applied in a novel context. It just takes courageous and smart individuals who are not afraid of failing (in order) to win.” — Thomas Hellmann, DP World Professor of Entrepreneurship & Innovation at Oxford’s Saïd Business School

    “Innovation has gone global, and is transforming people’s lives around the world. But startups are risky. Sometimes they scale and sometimes they fail. In Failing To Win, Mike shares insightful lessons from his journey at Zoona about what it takes to operate with integrity, impact and inspiration in the new Frontier of Innovation.” — Alex Lazarow, Author of Out-Innovate: How global entrepreneurs – from Delhi to Detroit – are rewriting the rules of Silicon Valley


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