• Complex Variables with Applications (3rd edition)

    The third edition of this unique text remains accessible to students of engineering, physics and applied mathematics with varying mathematical backgrounds. Designed for a one or two-semester course in complex analysis, there is optional review material on elementary calculus.

    • Thorough coverage of applications and motivation of theory.
    • Accessible text with strong engineering applications.
    • A comprehensive solutions manual is available for professors, containing worked-out solutions to every problem in the book.
  • Intermediate Algebra (10th Edition)

    The Bittinger System for SuccessMake it Work for You!

    Building on its reputation for accurate content and a unified system of instruction, the Tenth Edition of the Bittinger paperback series integrates success-building study tools, innovative pedagogy, and a comprehensive instructional support package with time-tested teaching techniques.

  • International Marketing and Export Management (5th Edition)

    “Albaum, Duerr and Strandskov offer a unique focus on export management. The comprehensive coverage provides a wealth of examples and cases with a good spread of academic and non-academic sources. The balance between theory and practice is just right. I highly recommend this text.” – Geraldine Cohen, Lecturer, School of Business and Marketing, Brunel University

    Looking to learn about marketing decisions and management processes needed to develop export operations either in a small to medium size business or in a global corporation? With changing opportunities and challenges in the global environment, International Marketing and Export Management 5th edition provides the most comprehensive and up-to-date coverage on the topic.

    “In my opinion Albaum, Duerr and Strandskov have written an excellent text book on the subject of International Marketing and students will find it both readable and extremely informative.” – David Demick, Senior Lecturer, School of Marketing, Enrepreneurship and Strategy, University of Ulster

    Geared to both undergraduate and postgraduate courses on International Marketing or Export Marketing/International Trade, this book can also be used as a supplementary text on International Business courses and as a useful source of reference to even the most experienced of practitioners.

    New to this edition!

    In response to recent global developments, the authors have increased emphasis on the following:

      • the impact of the Internet, World Wide Web, and e-commerce
      • the increasing use of specialized software to assist in managing marketing functions, increasing efficiency in logistics, and coordinating and controlling enterprises
      • the impact of technological advances on international marketing
      • the changes resulting from China’s rapid, export-led growth and from its entry into the World Trade Organization
      • the growing concerns with respect to social responsibility, and the costs of failure to meet societal expectations.

    Visit www.booksites.net/albaum to access valuable teaching tools, including an Instructor¿s Manual and Power Point Slides.

    Gerald Albaum is Research Professor at the Robert O. Anderson Schools of Management, University of New Mexico and Professor Emeritus of Marketing at the University of Oregon, USA. He is also Senior Research Fellow at the IC2 Institute, University of Texas, Austin, USA. He has been a visiting professor and scholar at universities in Canada, Denmark, New Zealand, Australia, Turkey, France, Finland and Hong Kong.

    Edwin Duerr is a Professor Emeritus of International Business at San Francisco State University, USA. He has been a visiting professor at universities in Japan, Brazil, Germany, Denmark, Sweden and the Netherlands and has extensive consulting business around the globe. Duerr is also Senior Editor of The Journal of International Business and Economy.

    Jesper Strandskov is a Professor of International Business at Aarhus School of Business, Denmark. He has been visiting professor at universities in the USA and Australia. He also acts as an international business consultant to several business companies and public institutions.

  • Investments

    The chapters are very well written, and present even relatively difficult material in a concise and very clear way.

    Thore Johnson, Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration

    To some people, security markets are like casinos in which investing is based on predicting security prices and speculating that those predictions will come true. Investments is here to tell you otherwise.

    You could try to predict security prices by flipping a coin or reading a horoscope, but if you really want to become a better investor then you need a thorough understanding of securities, securities markets and investment strategies. That is exactly what this book provides.

    This topical introduction to investment in security markets discusses in detail the various ways in which you can minimise risk and maximise yields. One of the basic insights that you will obtain from reading this book is that good investments generally do not require forecasting skills. Rather, in many cases, good investments require the matching of the investments with the objectives and constraints of the investor.

    Key Features:

    • Up-to-date coverage of investment practice and academic research
    • Extensive coverage of e-commerce in investments
    • Many real-life case studies taken from recent newspaper articles, in particular the Financial Times
    • Extensive Review Questions and Answers, with additional questions and answers available online

    Investments is suitable for use by intermediate to advanced undergraduate students taking courses in investments as part of accounting, finance, economics and business studies degrees. It is also suitable for postgraduate students on MBA and other programmes covering investments.


  • Who Will Cry When You Die?

    Life Lessons From The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

    Do You Feel that life is slipping by so fast that you might never get the chance to live with the meaning, happiness and joy you know you deserve? If so, then this book will be the guiding light that leads you to a brilliant new way of living.

    In this easy-to-read yet wisdom-rich manual, the author offers 101 simple solutions to life’s most complex problems, ranging from a little-known method for beating stress and worry to a powerful way to enjoy the journey while you create a legacy that lasts.

    “When You Were Born, You Cried While The World Rejoiced. Live Your Life In Such A Way That When You Die, The World Cries While You Rejoice.”
    Ancient Sanskrit Saying

  • Tour Guiding: The Ultimate Guide to Theory and Practice

    **Available from 16 October, 2021

    Guides are tourism professionals who lead their guests through the most interesting parts of their region. It is their task to engage visitors and to help interpret the sights that they visit. They please tourists by telling interesting but relevant narratives and respond in proactive ways to their complaints and requests. Guides are trained to always have enough knowledge and insight about the subject of the tour and ensure the safety and satisfaction of their guests.

    In this handy resource book, two seasoned practitioners have combined their working experience of a lifetime. What makes this book priceless is that it is enriched by over two decades of guide training experience as well as engagements with colleague guides, tourism professionals and a cross-section of tourists.

    “The scope of coverage is vast and will be very useful as a general guidebook for any reader seeking access to our history, geography and our rich cultural heritage.” – Mrs. Stella W. Appenteng, CEO, Apstar Tours Limited

    “Tour guiding is a bridging process around which the tourism experience revolves. This book comes to edify our tour guides on the substance and mechanics of their profession. It comes at a time when the industry has become more dynamic and in need of accurate, adequate, culture-nuanced interpretations.” – Tata Nkunu Akyea, Tourism Consultant & Tour Guide Extraordinaire

  • Leadership in Africa Redefined – Untold Stories

    The story on leadership in Africa is not a good one. It is a story in which the key actors are often corrupt, authoritarian politicians. And yet, this is only one side of the story.

    The untold story is that Africa is also home to leaders who are imaginative, adaptable, ethical, and empowering. These are leaders who are transforming the spaces they serve on this continent. They are redefining leadership in Africa.

    The time has come where we need to stop defining our leadership by the worst of us. We need to learn from the best of us.

    Taaka Awori’s Leadership in Africa Redefined offers concrete principles to guide the practice of this form of leadership. Using the stories and lessons from outstanding leaders on the continent, Taaka Awori illustrates the idea that your leadership reflects who you are as a person. Her hope is that this book will be an inspiration and a practical guide to support each reader in becoming the leader Africa needs and deserves.

  • I Speak of A Better Society

    In this book, I Speak of a Better Society, I argued for a better society in Africa. A better society is coined as one where individuals therein could achieve their full potential. The African with the dream to be like anyone in Europe or North America. The African with a higher loyalty to truth, integrity, values, and good leadership. The African who needs a level-playing field to compete with the rest of the world. And, the African who has passion to change their world because the status-quo is wrong. In a better society, there is a fair play. In creating such society, additional values such as pragmatism, meritocracy, honesty, equity, and putting humanity topmost priority, count and matter.

    The book advances my personal experiences, ideas, arguments, and opinions for creating a better society fair and just for all citizens in Africa. I argued that Africa is not poor and that we could create a better society for the indigenes therein, if we could have the right leadership in place and when we the citizens could change our attitudes as people.

  • Marketing with Influencers: How SMEs can Maximise Sales

    From the traditional ways of marketing to new and emerging marketing methods, you’ve got all bases covered. But have you ever thought of leveraging influencers in your marketing strategy? Get into the now!

    Marketing with Influencers is a guide that will help you understand how combining influencer marketing strategies with other approaches gives you an edge over your competitors. This book covers everything from what influencers are, why they’re important to your business, and how to effectively reach them.

    Whether you are looking for ways to grow your brand or want to make data-driven decisions about your advertising spend, this book has answers for every question you might have about using influencers in your marketing strategy.

    In this technology fast-paced driven world, questions on how to use the internet for your advantage, more especially through brand influencers have been tackled in this book.

    If you have a start-up business, an SME, or a company, a read through this book is a cause to take action on moving your business to the next level using brand influencers.

  • Millionaire Writer

    Takes us on a journey many have silently wished to gain guidance on.
    Kobby Kyei
    Blogger & Philanthropist


    A notch into the world of rediscovery where creativity meets monetary value.
    Ameyaw Debrah
    Ghanaian Entertainment & Lifestyle Blogger


    Revelations are twined with actions.
    Caleb Kudah
    Broadcast Journalist


    Provides valuable insights toward growth.
    Cwesi Oteng
    International Gospel Musician & Songwriter


    Treasure trove of wisdom and inspiration for those who are passionate about writing.
    Prince Akpah
    Founder- Avance Media


    Argues that all writers can benefit from the business side of their craft.
    Esther Wepia Kopiah
    Writer & Content Creator

  • The Great Revelation (Vol.1)

    THE GREAT REVELATION is the complete image of the [over] 1,900 detailed Bible lessons prepared by the author: It explicitly discusses all [major] theories pertaining to the Kingdom of God (Heaven and the Church), Revelation, Daniel, Biblical Prophecies, Biblical Eschatology (Preterism, Idealism, Historicism, and Futurism), the A.D 70

    Kingism, Methods of Bible Interpretation, etc.

    The book is meant to teach, instruct, inform, secure the Christian faith, and spread the true doctrine of Christ with respect to the subjects discussed, across the globe.

    It’s the prayer of the author that this book reaches every Christian and the world at large, to cling to the human heart and mind, soul and spirit -to prepare all saints for the revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ.



  • Fate of System Thinking: Lessons for Decision Optimisation – Stories from UT Bank, Capital Bank and UniBank

    With a history of over a century, the banking industry in Ghana has had periods of financial distress and has had to deal with the persistent problem of lack of financing for indigenous businesses.

    UT Bank developed a business model that sought to solve the problem of lack of finance for the informal sector. The UT approach became a model for many other financial institutions. The liquidation of UT Bank and Capital Bank as well as the appointment of an administrator for uniBank signal significant problems worth exploring. Banking serves as the foundational industry for building an economy, thus the banking challenges unearth a far bigger challenge in the dynamics of our economy. Until we have fully understood what the issues are, we are unlikely to identify what the solutions should be.

    The author is convinced that the world needs to appreciate the causes of the collapse of these institutions so as to stop fiddling with the symptoms and the demonization without knowledge of cause. This book shares the author’s personal experience and lessons from working with both UT Bank and Capital Bank. He is a financial services educator and has a good understanding of indigenous enterprises. The lessons are intended to revolutionize the way businesses are organized and how individuals approach decision making. The book will help organisations build stronger, sustainable, diverse and more effective systems from the ashes of UT Bank, Capital Bank and uniBank.

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