• Diana in Pursuit of Love

    Diana in Pursuit of Love includes previously unpublished details from the Diana-Morton tapes, it is based on wide-ranging research, and new and exclusive interviews. The definitive book on Diana, Pricess of Wales’s last years, by the biographer she herself chose. When Andrew Morton’s world-famous biography, Diana: Her True Story was first published, it caused a media frenzy, severely jolted the royal family and the Palace hierarchy, and shook the British Establishment to its foundations. Later revealed as having been written with the Princess’s full co-operation, this world bestseller is now widely regarded as her official biography. Yet, it was not the full story, nor could it have been, given the circumstances at the time. This is even more apparent in the light of the events that have occurred since her death, which have been played out under the harsh gaze of the media, once again catapulting Diana’s name back into the spotlight. Figures such as her sometime lover James Hewitt, her butler Paul Burrell and Prince Charles’s valet Michael Fawcett have emerged, while intriguing comments that Diana made to Morton in taped conversations, and which have never been published, become extremely important in view of subsequent events. Friends, advisers and colleagues, interviewed now, more than six years after her death, feel a far greater freedom in speaking of her than once they did. In what is bound to be seen as the definitive study of the Princess in the most crucial period of her short life, Diana: In Pursuit of Love provides the last word on one of the best-loved figures of our era.

    Diana in Pursuit of Love

  • My Time My Nation: The Autobiography of Prof. George Benneh

    Professor Benneh’s life story reflects the promise of the country he serves so faithfully. It captures the anticipation of the pre-independence years, the disillusionment of the forays into military rule, and the integrity of the return to civilian rule with many painful lessons learnt. Indeed, as he recalls his early years with his father on the campaign trail, he presents the mixture of excitement, superstition, and euphoria as the Gold Coast transitions into an independent country ad later the Republic of Ghana.

    The author narrates his years of preparation with an impressive roll of mentors and acquaintances—Mr. Gbeho, Professor Steele, Professor Manshard. K.A. Busia, J.B. Danquah, Krobo Edusei, K.A. Gbedemah, Otumfuor Osei Tutu II, Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah.

    Through out the autobiography the reader is conscious that the astute politician is also an astute scholar—lecturer, researcher, administrator. As he brings his analytical acumen to his performance of his responsibilities as Head of Department, Pro Vice-Chancellor and, finally, Vice Chancellor, Professor Benneh demonstrates a unique ability to move seamlessly between two worlds often considered incompatible.

    The autobiography provides a vivid account of an enviable range of experiences from the author’s childhood in Brong-Ahafo region, through conferences in some of the most exotic locations in the world. Yet, he always remains the family man, devoted to his covenant wife, children, grandchildren, wider family and the abiding reliance and trust in his Maker. The autobiography ends with the octogenarian’s tribute to his late father who was his first and best mentor and inspired him reach beyond the sky.

    Professor Benneh presents a career that few can equal and recounts his successes as well as his shortcomings with candour and great courage.

    The history of a great nation is presented by an insider — that could be enough incentive to read this book. Always more than a historical account, the reader sees the life of a great man who continues, even in adversity, to write a story that will inspire people of all ages, political ties and religious faiths.

  • Motherhood 101: A memoir of my experience as a newlywed juggling pregnancy/motherhood, marriage, work and a social life

    If babies could talk, they would say their mother was God.

    One of the miracles of the human story is positively the nurturing capabilities of mothers. Beyond carrying that pregnancy for nine months and eventually bringing it forth, mothers go through a whole complex regimen every day to sustain the fledgling human life while taking care of themselves and their home. No wonder some allude mystical powers to the process of childbirth.

    But whether supernatural or superwoman, motherhood is an amazing passage that has kept mankind populating Planet Earth. And when one woman steps out to catalogue her own moments of indescribable joy and heart-wrenching pain, the result is this wonderful gift of a book.

    Amma Agyeman-Prempeh’s work is based on a selfless narrative of the most intimate encounters of motherhood set in a cosmopolitan environment. In the midst of all the juggling, the triumphant twins of love and courage rise and rise.

  • Closing the Books: Governor Edward Carstensen on Danish Guinea (1842-50)

    Sitting on the terrace of the royal plantation Frederiksgave, his favourite retreat, Governor Edward Carstensen came to see the inevitable: Denmark had to give up her “possessions” in Africa. As fate would have it, he came to be the instrument by which two centuries of Danish involvement on the Gold Coast was terminated, thereby making way for the emergence of the colonial system that developed there.

    After the abolition of the slave trade, Denmark had struggled to find ways and means to legitimate her continued stay at the Coast. At an early stage the Danes initiated a number of attempts to establish experimental plantations to cultivate export crops such as cotton, coffee and sugar. But a transition from slave trade to “legitimate” products required stability and peace, and a need for control, which the rather limited Danish presence was not able to maintain.

    Closing the Books comprises a compilation of the official reports that the last Danish Governor sent home during his term of office at the Gold Coast. The reports reflect his personal views regarding the economic and political situations there, as well as his ideas on the “civilization of Africa”.

  • Voices of Ghana: Literary Contributions to the Ghana Broadcasting System, 1955-57 (Second Edition)

    Ghana’s first radio programme of original literature, Singing Net, began in 1955 as part of the development of a national radio station in the years leading to independence in 1957. Its centralaim was to bring Ghanaian writers to the forefront of cultural programming as part of the Africanisation of radio in Ghana. It was a critical cultural expression of the radical changes that were unfolding across the colonial world. The programme successfully introduced listeners to a series of pioneering Ghanaian authors who would go on to become significant figures of Anglophone West African literature in the early postcolonial decades: Efua Sutherland, Frank Parkes, Amu Djoleto, Geormbeeyi Adali-Mortty, Albert Kayper-Mensah, Kwesi Brew, Cameron Duodu, J.H. Nketia and many others.

    The anthology, Voices of Ghana (1958) is a collection of the poetry, short stories, play scripts and critical discussions that were aired on the Gold Coast (later Ghana) Broadcasting System (1954-1958).Both Singing Net and Voices of Ghana were edited by the BBC producer, Henry Swanzy.

    The context of Ghana’s independence, the singularity of the anthology’s history, and the significance of many of the writers all contribute to the importance of this text. This second edition is a timely intervention into recent debates within postcolonial studies and world literature on the importance of broadcast culture in the dissemination of “new literatures” from the colonial world. It includes an unabridged version of the 1958 text, a new introduction and footnoted annotations,which draw on extensive research undertaken in Ghana and Britain. It will appeal to a general readership with an interest in Ghanaian literature, 1950s broadcast culture, the figure of Dr Kwame Nkrumah and the making of a national literature in the era of decolonisation, as well as engaging scholars. The new edition presents a deeply insightful and engaging history of Voices of Ghana and reintroduces the original works on the occasion of the anthology’s 60th anniversary.

    Victoria Ellen Smith is a Lecturer in the Department of History, University of Ghana, Legon

  • Mma Ayara Atampugre: A Tale of Success Against the Odds

    This book tells the story of an unlettered woman in a harsh patriarchal setting who, with resilience and grit, managed to successfully overcome daunting life challenges and succeeded against the odds.

    It looks at the life of Mma Ayara Atampugre’s early as an orphan, when she became a wife, a mother, a wisdom and her life philosophies that became the pillars of her success in life. So much to learn from how Mma Ayara navigated through life inspite of her daunting life challenges. 

  • Kofi Chokosi Speaks: From Archaeology to Zoology (1985-2015)

    This book provides all connoisseurs of Social Literature with a delightful array of bite-sized vignettes of man as a social animal. Kofi Chokosi’s extensive travels as a soldier have provided us with various perspectives of the enthralling human condition, whether in the military Cantonment of Burma Camp, Ghana, the hot steamy jungles of Cambodia or the lush green meadows of Southern England…next time you buy the Daily Graphic, look out for the musing of Kofi Chokosi – soldier, scholar, teacher and writer.

  • Retirement Musings

    This collection of articles in the author’s personality captured in writing. They show his versatility and depth. General Frimpong’s writing is a model for writing crisp, straight-to-the-opinion pieces for mass circulation newspapers. But that doesn’t mean the pieces are dry. On the contrary, they shine with his sense of humour while retaining the discipline of word economy and sweet crunchy sentences.

    It is especially telling that the General studied and taught at the Department of Philosophy at the University of Ghana, Legon. No subject is off limit and all thoughts are allowed! So, he discusses football, discipline, Kofi Annan, history and airplanes in this breathless book which reads like a single narrative, even though it is a collection of stories.

  • Room 5005

    Media and TV personality Oheneyere Gifty Anti shares her 14-day mandatory quarantine experience. The book serves as an inspirational piece for individuals going through sudden and unexpected life changes.

    Room 5005

  • Broken But Beautiful

  • Fifty Nuggets @ 50

    Sharing priceless lessons, Fifty Nuggets @ 50 is a memoir documenting success, pain, betrayal, faith, fear and a fervent desire for the reader to find strength to live a purposeful life.

  • How to Turn Your Talent into a Successful Career

    Dreams only come alive when we are able to identify who we are and what we are able to do in bettering our lot. From the knowledge stock of a great industry colossus comes yet again another compelling book titled , “How To Turn Your Talent Into A Successful Career”. In a narrative that clearly seeks to inspire young minds on how to maximize their talents, the author sets the stage for individual talents to be utilized by recounting his personal life experiences. The carefully selected words are meant to be thought provoking and serve as a guide. With only six chapters, the language is simple and genuine. Reading should come with a price and that surely would be ‘growth’.

  • Love Lifted Me from the Street

    For a young man who was born in a slum by very poor parents, access to basic necessities of life were luxuries to him; even education. To him, comfortable living was meant for a particular class of people, of which, he believed his family was far from; given the acute hardship conditions his family was going through.

    This book is a memoir of the Author’s street life as a teenage school boy, whose major ordeal was to hawk on the street, sleep on the street and virtually live off at the mercy of the street.

    The Author highly attributes his success story to LOVE. “Without love, I have nothing. All throughout my life, many people have in diverse ways shown me love, and that gesture of love has made me who I am today”.

    Readers will uncover the “from grass to grace” success story of the Author, who, is an epitome of inspiration to many youths today.

  • Homeless

    This book is an inspirational true story of a homeless young boy who, out of sheer tenacity, kept his eyes on EDUCATION to unlock his dreams of becoming a lawyer.

    The book contains life changing stories and experiences of the Author, which in essence, emphasizes the importance of EDUCATION in the life of every child, most especially the less-privileged, underprivileged or economically disadvantaged child, whose fortunes of successful living are uncertain.

    HOMELESS has been reviewed and approved by Ghana Education Service (GES) and Conference of Assisted Senior High Schools (GHASS) in Ghana as a supplementary reader for JHS, SHS, Vocational and Technical Institutions and Colleges of Education.


  • Chicken Soup for your Soul: Poems and More

    In a deeply captivated form, this masterpiece of creative writing transcends the truly diverse life experiences of an African heroine. Irrespective of stage one’s stage, this unique collection of artistic inscriptions is to be savoured by all, for being highly uplifted, deeply inspired, continually intriguing, and delightfully entertaining. The book is a manifestation of the quest between the Author and her peers, towards not just the youth, but to the benefit of all who are still traveling along the intricating winding of life.

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