• The Journalist (Work People Do Series)

    Work People Do is a series of story books for children. They all tell interesting ways people do their work.

  • The Dressmaker (Work People Do Series)

    Work People Do is a series of story books for children. They all tell interesting ways people do their work.

  • The Trader (Work People Do Series)

    Work People Do is a series of story books for children. They all tell interesting ways people do their work.

  • The Pastor (Work People Do Series)

    This is a story book for children. As part of the Work People Do series, this book tells interesting ways about how pastors do their work

  • Kayim’s Quest for Good Fortune: Coins of Gold

    Age Range: 5 – 10 years

    Kayim can’t wait to find his fortune to become a rich man!

    While on holiday, Kayim’s mom sends him off to Bangiba where he goes in search of his good fortune. Let’s find out how Paa Paying, Yaro and Uncle Kweku all help him find good fortune.

  • God Bless Our Homeland Ghana: Understanding, Appreciating and Living by the Principles of Our National Anthem

    The school prefect stood straight before his mates and gave a simple command. At once, like the eruption of thunder, the students began to sing: God Bless Our Homeland Ghana … and they sang it religiously.

    This ritual is repeated throughout the country routinely-in schools, at conferences, on soccer pitches, at durbars, on radio and television, and even as caller-tunes. But what does the national anthem really mean? What role does it play on our national psyche?

    The author shows how relevant the national anthem is to us. He believes that it evokes patriotism and fellow-feeling, but it also tests our words and actions.

    In his down-to-earth manner of writing, the author invites you to journey with him along the poetic phrases and lines of all three stanzas of the Ghana National Anthem. Enjoy this literary-style exposition and commentary, the hidden meanings and implications of the anthem, and their links to certain sacred songs of the land such as the national pledge.

  • The Diary of a Missionary Wife

    In a time where Sacrifice is no longer a much talked about subject preached in Christian circles, the average believer is tempted to forget those who have left their comfort zones to go fulfill the Great Commission in foreign lands.

    This book was written to remind us that there are some workers in the body who have been forgotten and need to be strengthened. However, as a compilation of testimonies and personal experiences, the author seeks to exalt God and His miraculous involvement in the life of anyone who dedicates to serve Him and fulfill this mission calling.

    It will empower missionaries to continue believing and trusting a God who is ever present and it will remind believers of the forgotten ones.

  • The Experience of Politics: A Manual for Ghanaian and African Politicians

    P.K.K. Quaidoo was educated at St. Augustine’s College, Cape Coast, Achimota College and the University of Bristol where he graduated in Mathematics, Philosophy and Latin, Magna cum laude. He was later elected to Parliament (1954-56; 1957-61) where he established himself as a debater with outstanding courage, thus earning the nickname ‘Asem Yi Di Ka’ (say it and be damned!).

    He held several portfolios as a Cabinet Minister: Trade and Labour (1957-58), Communications (1958) and Social Welfare (1960-61). He travelled widely: to Europe, the USA, Canada and the Far East and within Africa. He was decorated by the late Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia as a Knight Companion of the Lion of Juda.

    Mr. Quaidoo often contributed articles to the Catholic Standard. He got married and had two sons and four daughters.


    • Preliminary requirements
    • Field discipleship and apprenticship
    • Strategies of reform and maintenance
    • Some puzzling questions about Ghanaian society
    • They also serve who only stand and wait
    • Building the support base
    • Inside the political arena
    • Global vision and horizon
    • The field of labour at a glance
    • Relics of the past
    • Priorities, programmes and the timetables.
  • Africa: Poverty in the Midst of Plenty

    This book posits that human beings are the most deceitful, dissimulator and complex creatures on earth. It is a critique of human behaviour, especially the African, and how he/she may be held responsible for his/her own under-development.

    The book also contains some analysis on the West African socio -politico-economic realities to enable us to appraise the sources of imbalance in development between the North and the South and the fact that Africans cannot continue to blame colonialism and neo-colonialism for the uneven development. The solution is at our own doorstep.

    The narratives are done independently but, put together, it is a labyrinth of the nature of the African and Africa. A must read for policy-makers, diplomats and students of Africa political economy.

  • Confessions of an African Christian

    If you are reading this blurb because you are looking for salacious scandals or rants against God and the church, sorry to disappoint you but this book doesn’t have what you are looking for.

    But if you are interested in reading about an odd encounter with a prophet, a child led rebellion, quite a number of self deprecating revelations, some honest self-assessment and embarrassing situations experienced by a young woman in her journey to get closer to God, and understand better what it means to be a Christian, this might just be the book for you.

  • Madam High Heel

    Age Range: 9+ years

    Every knew the mischief and cantankerous behavior of Agyekum at Sir Good Leaf Boys Academy, a school that prides itself for discipline and academic brilliance.

    However, when his deviant behavior becomes anti-social to the point where he causes bodily, harm to the much-liked Ms. Philips, things had to change.

    In comes the new substitute teacher, Ms. Helen Eel and, for once, Agyekum pranks cannot trip her

    One night, the legend of madam high heels hits Sir Goodleaf. The ‘click clacks’ footfalls of the one high heeled, red-gowned ghost appear to scare everyone but Agyekum.

    Will the much-dreaded Madam High Heels be able to reform the stiff-necked Agyekum, or would he meet a grimmer end?


    Madam High Heel

  • Destiny and Politics: A Biography of Hon. Samuel Sallas-Mensah

    From a humble beginning as the son of a farmer in a relatively small town, Hon. Samuel Sallas-Mensah, four terms MP for Upper West Akim would perhaps have ended up as a farmer too. In those days, children took after their parents’ trades. Sallas got the chance to go to America and the entire course of his life changed. After a distinguished career in accountancy in the US and later in Nigeria, destiny led his way once more but this time to the country of his birth, Ghana, where eventually, a new career window opened in his life – politics.

    As a Member of the Consultative Assembly his accounting and financial acumen were in evidence as he actively contributed to the District Assembly Common Fund. And as a Member of Parliament he was instrumental in instituting the live television coverage of the sitting of the Public Accounts Committee – legacies to the nation that survive today.

    In this compelling biography the reader come face-to-face with this influential man of few words who is famed to have friends and access to both sides of the Ghanaian political divide. But what would Sallas be remembered for most, a politician, a chartered accountant or family man? More importantly, where else will destiny lead him to?

    “Crispy-delicious narratives, refreshingly-garnished insights. This fascinating biography of a patriot never finishes astonishing you with the twists and turns. But it is the authoritative revelations about a nation and its people that makes this book destined to be relevant to the politics of Ghana.” ~ Business & Financial Times

  • When God Lost an Election

    • Is leadership a problem in Africa? Perhaps! Is leadership the solution to the problems in Africa? Maybe, maybe not.
    • Is western-style democracy the cause Africa’s developmental challenges? Well, has dictatorship produced sustained development anywhere on the continent?
    • Do we need leaders who don’t care about losing elections? Ah! If a leader loses elections, with what mandate will they implement the good policies they have?
    • Is the voice of the people really the voice of God? Well, the people of Israel once asked God to make way for a human king.

    This seminal work by Terry Mante offers insightful perspectives on governance in Africa and presents a definitive blueprint for creating a functional governance framework for the transformation of the continent.

  • A Little Flame of Hope

    A trail of unpleasant circumstances usher Ryan Hassan Asaba into the world. His resilient mother braces the tides and defies several odds to raise her disabled son. But when he needed her the most, she vanishes mysteriously. Now alone, Ryan is forced to navigate through the harsh realities of society. But an impending danger was fast approaching. Will his mother return to save him, or will the danger be potent enough to consume them both?

  • Swahili Made Easy: A Beginner’s Complete Course

    This handy book is a beginner’s complete course in the Swahili language, designed especially for foreigners. The book is a result of the author’s many years of teaching experience. It is divided into two parts: part one covers pronunciation; Swahili greetings and manners; classification of nouns; adjectives, verbs, adverbs, etc. in twenty-eight lessons and thirty-six exercises. part two includes a study of Swahili usage in specific situations (e.g. at home, in the market, on the road, at the airport, etc.); eleven further lessons and thirteen exercises; the key to the exercises in Parts One and Two; and a Swahili-English vocabulary of words used in the book.

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