• To the Thirsty Land: Autobiography of a Patriot by Emmanuel Evans-Anfom

    Emmanuel Evans-Anfom, who passed away in 2021 at the age of 101 years, was considered a living legend in Ghana.

    He was one of the great pioneers of the medical profession in that country, as well as serving as Vice Chancellor for The Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in Kumasi. His memoirs span his lifetime from the end of colonial rule through four and a half decades of independent Ghana. They tell the story of his early upbringing in James Town, the seminal impact of Achimota College on his education and career, and his medical training at Edinburgh University in wartime Britain. At the peak of his professional career, Evans-Anfom was one of the leading surgeons of the country and a renowned educationalist.

  • The Canoe’s Story (Hardcover)

    Age Range: 6 – 12 years

    “But I did not have time yet to stare and wonder. The men wrestled me out of the machine and pushed and towed me across the sand to the shade of coconut palms. The moment I touched the ground, I heard a chorus of voices saying, ‘Akwaaba. Welcome to the coast!’ It was from the group of canoes and I was rather surprised that they spoke my language. But needed not be surprised. I had forgotten that they all came from the same forest in the hitherland where I too had come from.”

    Written by Ghanaian author Meshack Asare, The Canoe’s Story is a children’s book about a tree’s journey from the forest to becoming a canoe sailing the ocean. Told from the tree’s perspective, this richly illustrated story, portrays the strong ties between man and nature.

  • Central Banking in Ghana and the Governors: Institutional Growth and Economic Development (Hardcover)

    A charge of chariots of fire, this is not just a book about the financial history of Ghana in spite of its formative challenges but a centenary work of West Africa – regional monetary evolution and global multilateralism. For devout bankers, intelligentsia, historians and aspirants, this is the one. Elegantly written, it establishes Agyeman-Duah as an unavoidable historian of the Bank of Ghana. — Jewel Howard-Taylor, Vice-President of the Republic of Liberia

    The Bank of Ghana is technically a better institution than it was thirty years ago. Even governments are less inclined towards interventions in its work. It is different from other captured public institutions where economic decision-making is with a political lens. — Prof. Ernest Aryeetey, Former Vice-Chancellor of the University of Ghana and Co-editor of The Economy of Ghana-Analytical Perspectives on Stability, Growth and Poverty

    The Bank of Ghana is leading central banks in the sub-region with regards to the use of technology in the finance service industry … countries in Africa are now learning from Ghana’s digital payment regulations. — Mohammed Sanusi Lamido, Former Governor, Central Bank of Nigeria and the 14th Emir of Kano

    Ghana has in recent years been one of Africa’s more successful economies – from its colonial journey through Heavily Indebted Poor Country (HIPC) to stable modern democracy. Agyeman-Duah has a sound appreciation of the difficulties of transforming a producer of commodities of raw materials into a prosperous mixed economy. Now an oil economy, the test ahead is, will Ghana at last be able to control its own economic destiny; free of obligations to donors and the storms from world commodity markets? — Frances Cairncross, Rector Emeritus, Exeter College, University of Oxford and Former Managing Editor, The Economist

  • Verbal and Logical Reasoning for Primary Schools Book 2

    Age Range: 6 to 12 years

    Verbal and Logical Reasoning for Primary Schools is a six-book activity series written for pupils in the lower and upper primary schools in order to broaden their mastery of verbal and logical reasoning.

    The books have been carefully put together to enhance the verbal and logical reasoning skills of pupils through elementary English facts and concepts of the alphabet, parts of speech, spellings, tenses, synonyms, antonyms, homophones and homographs, jumbled words, anagrams and so on.

    In addition to these, some logical test activities such as Venn diagram, puzzles, ranking and series, patterns, coding and decoding, analogies and sudoku are included in the text.

    This is to help pupils improve on how to reason logically, improve on speed and mental ability, establish logical and analytical relationships and also build their level of confidence.

    The series will afford pupils the ability to understand and comprehend written passages, acquire basic techniques required in solving questions on verbal reasoning with ease, thereby enhancing a better performance in common entrance examination and other competitive examinations.

    This book in the series comprises carefully selected preparatory examination questions. This is to further enhance pupils’ level of preparedness for various examinations.

  • The Calabash and the Box

    Age Range: 6 – 9 years

    Mama Kaday’s favourite calabash floats off when Lamina goes to the stream to wash the dirty dishes. When Lamina finds the calabash, there is a black metal box in it. How did the box get into the calabash and what is in the box?

  • Essential Montessori Numeracy Skills Book 1 – Nursery 1 (Let’s Solve Series, 2020 Edition)

    Suitable for children between 2 and 6 years.

    Montessori Numeracy Skills (Let’s Solve Series) are workbooks designed to provide your ward with engaging exercises and rich activities to encourage the child to use and apply what he/she knows in numeracy to solve problems.

    These books are designed to assist the child acquire, early mathematical ideas through activities designed to arouse his/her interest and enjoyment.

    Children learn by doing with freedom to experiment through their various activities. It is important that even you children at the nursery level (stage) should also have enjoyment and freedom when, working. We, however, encourage involvement of parents, guardians and teachers to inculcate in their wards the love for numeracy so as to make them geniuses in Mathematics.

  • Montessori Bookset: Numeracy, Writing, Reading, Environmental Studies and Natural Science Skills – KG1 (5 books)

    Suitable for children between 2 and 6 years.

    Montessori Skills provides a comprehensive and interesting exercises through the ‘Do it Yourself guides, providing learners with step by step instructions to help them develop new practical skills in writing, numeracy, literacy, environmental studies and nature science skills.

  • Quantitative and Logical Reasoning for Primary Schools Book 2

    Age Range: 6 to 12 years

    Quantitative and Logical Reasoning for Primary Schools is a six-book activity series written for pupils in the lower and upper primary schools.

    The books have been carefully put together to enhance the logical and quantitative reasoning skills of pupils through elementary mathematical facts and concepts of measurement, number series, variables, shapes, algebra and so on.

    This is to help pupils develop their reasoning capabilities, problem-solving techniques, speed, as well as improve their mental understanding and ability to establish logical and analytical, relationships in arriving at the right solutions.

    Presented and rendered in accordance with the Mathematics curriculum as directed by Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council (NERDC), the books will help pupils acquire basic techniques required in solving questions on quantitative reasoning with ease, thereby enabling better performance in the common entrance examination and other competitive examinations.

    This book in the series comprises carefully selected preparatory examination questions. This is to further enhance pupils’ level of preparedness for the examination.

  • Philosophy, Culture and Vision: African Perspectives

    Believing that the intellectual enterprise called philosophy is essentially a part of the cultural as well as historical experience of a people, that the concepts and problems that occupy the attention of philosophers placed in different cultural spaces or historical times generally derive directly from those spaces and times, and that philosophy, in turn, has been most relevant to the development of human cultures, the Ghanaian philosopher Kwame Gyekye gives reflective attention in this book to some of the concepts and problems that in his view feature most prominently in the contemporary African cultural, social, political, and moral experience. Such concepts and problems include the following: political legitimacy, development, culture and the pursuit of science and technology, political corruption, democracy, representation and the politics of inclusion, the status of cultural values in national orientation, understanding globalization, and others. It is these topics that are covered in the essays collected in this book.

    The unrelenting pursuit of the speculative activity by the philosopher in most cases eventuates in normative proposals; these normative proposals often embody a vision-a vision of an ideal human society in terms of its values, politics, and culture. Vision, understood here, has human-not supernatural or divine-origination and involvement and requires action by human beings in order for it to come into reality. A vision may derive from sustained critical evaluation of a culture or some elements of it. Gyekye attempts an articulation of the visions of the essays contained in the book.

    Even though philosophical ideas and concerns are originally inspired by and worked out in a cultural milieu, it does not necessarily follow, Gyekye strongly believes, that the relevance of those ideas and insights is to be tetheed to the cultures that produced them. For, more often than not, the relevance of those ideas, or at least some of them, transcends the confines of their own times and cultures and can be appreciated by other societies, or cultures, or generational epochs. This trans-cultural or trans-epochal or meta-contextual appeal or attraction of philosophical ideas and insights spawned by a particular culture or cluster of cultures or in specific historical times is to be put down to our common human nature-including our basic human desires and aspirations. Thus, most of the essays published here should be of interest to the global community-i.e., to cultures and societies beyond the African.

  • Proceedings of the Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences & The J.B. Danquah Memorial Lecture, Series 3 (Volume VIII, 1970)

    Proceedings, 1970. This issue contains the third series of the J.B. Danquah Memorial Lectures delivered by R.K.A. Gardiner in 1970.


    The Role of Educated Persons in Ghana Society – R.K.A. Gardiner (The J.B. Danquah Memorial Lecture, Series 3)

    Law Reform in Ghana in the 1970s – Justice N.A. Ollennu

    Africa and the European Economic Community – Professor J.C. de Graft-Johnson

    The Dilemma of the Scientist – Professor D.A. Bekoe

    The Intellectual and the Meeting of Disciplines – Dr. Letitia E. Obeng

    The Creative Arts and the Community – Professor J.H. Nketia

    Faith and Reason – Professor K.A. Dickson

    Some Concepts of Medical Education in Ghana – Professor C.O. Easmon

    Training and Employment of Technicians in Ghana – J.G. O’Barka Torto

    Technology and Culture – Professor K.E. de Graft-Johnson

    Some Aspects of Agricultural Research in Ghana – Professor Kankam Twum-Barima

    Social and Educational Factors Relevant to Agricultural Progress in Ghana – S. La-Anyare

    Clinical Research in the Ghana Medical School – Professor E.A. Badoe

    The State of Research in Applied Genetics in Ghana – Professor Ebenezer Laing

  • Some Critical Development Issues Facing Ghana (Proceedings, 2001)

    Proceedings, 2001.

    Papers included are as follows:

    Ideology, Politics, Population and Development – Professor Fred T. Sai

    The Nature and Place of Ideology – Professor Kwasi Agyeman

    Political Power and Development – Professor Kwasi Ansu-Kyeremeh

    Transforming Agriculture – Rev. Kwabena Darko

    Transforming Industry in Ghana – Mr. Kwame Pianim

    Social Transformation: Education, Culture and Human Development – Professor Miranda Greenstreet

    Ensuring a Humane Society – Justice Emile Francis Short

    Promoting Culture and Development in Contemporary Contexts – Professor J.H. Kwabena Nketia

  • Education, Literacy and Governance: A Linguistic Inquiry into Ghana’s Burgeoning Democracy (The J.B. Danquah Memorial Lecture, Series 39; 2006)

    Lectures delivered by Professor Kwesi Yankah. Delivered in March, 2006.

    Lecture 1: Free Speech, Censorship and the Language Dilemma in Public Policy

    Lecture 2: Krobo Edusei and the Paradigm of Street Wisdom in Contemporary Governance

    Lecture 3: The Tongue, The Thumb and The Ballot Box

  • Verbal and Logical Reasoning for Primary Schools Book 1

    Age Range: 6 to 12 years

    Verbal and Logical Reasoning for Primary Schools is a six-book activity series written for pupils in the lower and upper primary schools in order to broaden their mastery of verbal and logical reasoning.

    The books have been carefully put together to enhance the verbal and logical reasoning skills of pupils through elementary English facts and concepts of the alphabet, parts of speech, spellings, tenses, synonyms, antonyms, homophones and homographs, jumbled words, anagrams and so on.

    In addition to these, some logical test activities such as Venn diagram, puzzles, ranking and series, patterns, coding and decoding, analogies and sudoku are included in the text.

    This is to help pupils improve on how to reason logically, improve on speed and mental ability, establish logical and analytical relationships and also build their level of confidence.

    The series will afford pupils the ability to understand and comprehend written passages, acquire basic techniques required in solving questions on verbal reasoning with ease, thereby enhancing a better performance in common entrance examination and other competitive examinations.

    This book in the series comprises carefully selected preparatory examination questions. This is to further enhance pupils’ level of preparedness for various examinations.

  • Rosewood

    Age Range: 8 – 10 years

    In front of Mr Dongo’s house on the hill are two identical tall trees.

    For years, the trees provide shade and protect the house.

    Mata, the youngest girl in the family decides to name the trees, Twin Trees.

    One day, two men from the city meet Mr Dongo and persuade him to sell the trees for a large sum of money. The family agree except Mata…



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