• Scholastic Pocket Thesaurus

    Age Range: 8+ years

    The Scholastic Pocket Thesaurus is an innovative, easy-to-use title created for the many kids who get frustrated when they try to use a thesaurus. If they look up a word and “it’s not there,” many students will give up rather than turn to the indexes in the back of their books to redirect their searches. The Scholastic Pocket Thesaurus’s innovative same-page index solves this problem.

  • Baebolo (Nzema Bible)

    The Holy Bible translated in Nzema has a Vinyl cover material with pictorial illustrations. •

  • Traditional And Religious Plants in West Africa

    The book is a comprehensive coverage of the Traditional and Religious Plants of West Africa. Readers will be fascinated by the information captured in this masterpiece, authored by an academic gem who is well-known in the botany field.

  • Oxford Spanish Mini Dictionary

    Suitable for: 7-11 years, Years 3-6, parents, teachers

    This is the reissued Oxford Spanish Mini Dictionary – now in an attractive new format.

    This small dictionary offers the most accurate and up-to-date coverage of essential, everyday vocabulary with over 40,000 words and phrases and 60,000 translations. Easy-to-use color design and a center section of useful words and expressions listed by topic make this dictionary ideal for travel and quick reference.

  • Raising Effective Learners: Tips for Nurturing Academic Success

    Irrespective of their disposition or innate ability, every learner can develop the right skills and attitudes that can propel them to achieve high academic success. Raising Effective Learners: Tips for Nurturing Academic Success abounds with Dr. Gideon Sappor’s expertise and enthusiasm for seeing every learner achieve their possible best. This captivating book is organized into six chapters − each a gem, concerned with providing appropriate support to parents and carers who desire to support their children develop essentially authentic Self-Regulated Learning (SRL).
    Each strategy is packed with practical advice on the role of the parent and carer, and what they can do to support their child. Ultimately, this readable and well-organised book combines research-based evidence and clear, practical, and concise advice on how to harness the development of SRL skills in children.
    Raising Effective Learners: Tips for Nurturing Academic Success therefore serves to inspire, sensitise, and equip parents and carers with the real opportunities that foster the development of their children.

  • Parasites: The Sly and Sneaky Enemies Inside You (Hardcover)

    Watch Out!! Parasites, invaders from the human environment, ages and ages ago, penetrated the world inside human beings. Since then, they have lived inside generations of human beings of all ages, in all parts of the world. Sly and sneaky in their dealings with human beings and totally dishonorable, parasites use underhand methods to enter the human body.
    Aware of people’s natural inhibitions to parasites, PARASITES INSIDE YOU presents scientific information on parasites and their clever life cycles in an illustrated, non-technical, easy-to-understand style in order to emphasize simple precautions to take to avoid parasitic infections.
  • The Economist Style Guide: A Concise Guide for All Your Business Communications

    An authoritative reference on clear, concise writing

    Witty, concise, and enlightening, The Economist Style Guide is an authoritative resource for all your written communications. Based on the style guide used by the writers for the renowned international business journal acclaimed for its crisp, clear writing, this practical guide offers unerring guidance on grammar, usage, and style in business communications.

    Providing sage advice on writing in general (“Use the language of everyday speech”; “Long paragraphs, like long sentences, confuse the reader”; “Don’t overdo the use of don’t, isn’t, can’t, won’t, etc.”), the Guide clarifies such perpetual questions as: compare with (emphasizes differences) and compare to (similarities) different — used with from, not to or than affect (to have an influence on) and effect (to accomplish).

    There’s also invaluable information on international business terms and abbreviations, political and geographical facts, units of measurement, currencies, trade classifications, differences between American and British English, and much more.

    In today’s high-speed business environment, the ability to communicate clearly, accurately, and concisely is essential to professional success. The Economist Style Guide has become the reference of choice for business people everywhere who need practical, authoritative advice on how to improve their written communications.

    Developed from the style guide used by those who work for The Economist—the international business journal renowned for its writing excellence—this handy resource provides easily accessible answers to the numerous questions of usage, grammar, and style that frequently arise in the course of a business day.

    Offering invaluable guidance on the principles of good writing, The Economist Style Guide defines commonly misused words and expressions, and explains the correct use of punctuation, abbreviations, capital letters, and more —all illustrated with an abundance of amusing examples.

    As an aid to those engaged in international business, the Guide supplies a wealth of handy reference material on such areas as units of measurement, political and geographical terms, currencies, trade classifications, differences between American and British English, and much more.

    Whether you are dashing off a quick e-mail message or preparing a formal report, The Economist Style Guide will help you hone your language skills and sharpen all your business communications. It is an indispensable aid to clarity and precision that will prove its value again and again as the reference book you’ll keep within reach whenever you write.

  • Unwritten Laws: The Unofficial Rules Of Life As Handed Down By Murphy And Other Sages – Hardcover

    CAPONE’S LAW. You can get a lot more done with a kind word and a gun than with a kind word alone.

    LANCE’S LAW. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

    MILLER’S LAW. The quality of food in restaurants is in inverse proportion to the number of signed celebrity photographs on the wall.

    WALPOLE’S LAW. Every man has his price.

    Unwritten Laws is a wonderfully entertaining treasury of more than five hundred rules, strategies, and ironical insights, with many amendments and corollaries, all associated with particular individuals.

    Organized alphabetically, from Lady Astor (“All women marry beneath them.”) to Zeno (“The goal of life is living in agreement with nature.”), from Woody Allen (“Eighty percent of success is showing up.”) to Oscar Wilde (“There are two tragedies in life. One is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it.”), Unwritten Laws contains a generous sampling of the collective wisdom of humankind.

    Hugh Rawson not only gives sources and dates for the laws, but annotates them with fascinating details. For example, Alfred Lord Tennyson’s widely accepted “In the spring a young man’s fancy turns lightly to thoughts of love” turns out to be a mistake, recent research showing that male testosterone levels are actually higher in the fall!

    This delightful book is as wonderful for browsing as it is for providing guidance over the rocks and shoals of life.

  • Millionaire Writer

    Takes us on a journey many have silently wished to gain guidance on.
    Kobby Kyei
    Blogger & Philanthropist


    A notch into the world of rediscovery where creativity meets monetary value.
    Ameyaw Debrah
    Ghanaian Entertainment & Lifestyle Blogger


    Revelations are twined with actions.
    Caleb Kudah
    Broadcast Journalist


    Provides valuable insights toward growth.
    Cwesi Oteng
    International Gospel Musician & Songwriter


    Treasure trove of wisdom and inspiration for those who are passionate about writing.
    Prince Akpah
    Founder- Avance Media


    Argues that all writers can benefit from the business side of their craft.
    Esther Wepia Kopiah
    Writer & Content Creator

  • Nyakyusa-English-Swahili & English-Nyakyusa Dictionary

    Unhappy with the policy of using English as the medium of instruction in secondary schools in Tanzania which left his students bewildered, a Norwegian volunteer teacher in Ipinda, Tukuyu, south western region of Tanzania decided that his students would probably cope with the foreign language only after they were grounded first in the structure of their own languages — Nyakyusa and Swahili. As a trilingual dictionary was not available, he set out to compile one and this well-produced dictionary is the product. Words, examples and usages are included.

  • Waning Strength of Government: Essays on Nigerian Governance

    In Waning Strength of Government, Obaze draws on twenty-three of his various speeches, policy briefs, lectures and op-eds, to render exploratory essays that dissect some common patterns and trajectories that point anthetically to factors and conducts, which ought to constitute the strength of government, but don’t.  In so doing, he unmasks the prevailing weaknesses and waning strength of government – the attendant consequences, and their prevalence and implications for Nigeria.

    Such developments, with the attendant reversals, some nondescript and some dramatic, but replete with absence of resilience, leads the author to assert that democracy, “once characterized as probably the greatest expansion of freedom,” has come under assault from within its ranks, as shifts in geopolitics combine with ascendancy of non-state actors to undercut democracy.  Cognizant of the suggestion that the democratic system as conceptualized, has not just worked as expected, but is rather dysfunctional, the author asserts that nowhere is this consideration more evident and concrete than in Africa, Nigeria included.

    Waning Strength of Government piggybacks on the assertion that Nigeria’s “democracy is in reverse gear” and “the story is that of regrets and missteps.” Obaze employs an inquiry and excursion model using the flipside of McGeorge Bundy’s 1968 seminal book, The Strength of Government, to analyze leadership, political and governance challenges that continue to dog Nigeria’s nascent democracy.  The essays in this volume, which are clustered into four groupings; democratic imperatives; domestic development challenges; foreign policy dimensions and leadership and governance, explore some Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT), as well as general challenges and uncertain aspects of Nigeria’s affected democracy.

    In this very important work on Nigerian contemporary politics, leadership and dilemmas confronting the nation, the point is made severally, and vehemently too, that the strength of government is not about military capacity or use of force; but about the upholding the rule of law, consolidating democratic institutions and entrenching the social contract between the government and the governed.

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