• Steps for the Progress of the Black Race: Guides for Black Man’s Redemption (Hardcover)

    The book talks about Black history and traces it to when Blacks were successful. The author shows how the current difficult condition of Blacks in the world is surmountable if they will do the right thing. That right thing is Blacks changing their behaviour for the better. The author believes that everybody’s condition in which he/she finds himself or herself can be changed if the necessary conduct is applied. The book encourages Blacks not to give up in the quest to make their conditions better.

    The narrative concludes with the biographies, inventions and achievements of some prominent Blacks across the ages and across the world.

  • Mastering Digital

    “Exact source of knowledge: it points out the power we have sitting in our pockets and our hands to turn around our fortunes and increase visibility.” – Samuel Twum, Software Engineer, South African Radio Astronomy Observatory, South Africa

    “Digitization, automation, optimization, disintermediation and robotization is now happening in all industries. Mastering Digital highlights some important facts.” – Kwame A. Opoku, CEO, Reset Global People, Ghana

    “A great recommendation for all seeking to grow in this era of rapidly advancing technology.” – Isaac Ashong, Pastor and Businessman, USA

    “A rejoinder for us all!” – Amaka Okoye, Award-Winning Broadcast Journalist, Nigeria

    “The blueprint every individual and or business needs as a fundamental in growing their personal and professional brands on the digital space.” – Lucas Escalada, Fashion Designer, Equatorial Guinea

    “Outlines in simple terms the power of understanding and leveraging insights from various social media platforms to deliver bespoke products and services to clients.” – Derrydean Dadzie, Ghana Chamber of Communications, Ghana

    “A good primer on how to start and grow your digital footprints.” – Tito Magero, Data Engineer, Kenya

    “A light onto our path in the digital journey.” – TRIGMATIC, Renowned Musician, Ghana

  • Judgement Day: The Story of Ghana’s 2020 Election Petition from the Diary of a Journalist

    Throughout the 2020 Election Petition hearing in Ghana, the evidence, facts and theories were played out in a kind of ‘theatre’, with its own characters, costumes and settings.

    The judges, the lawyers, the witnesses and the political party supporters all strove to play their parts in the quest to establish the validity or otherwise of the petition. Judgement Day is a book that also presents the behind-the-scenes and out-of-courtroom events that had some bearing on the substantive matter in court.

    This book reproduces the story of the 2020 Presidential Election Petition in an ‘as it happened’ manner. The author also perceptibly recounts portions of the story of the 2012 Presidential Election Petition that were relevant to the 2020 Presidential Election Petition in a language that is straightforward, easy to read and easy to understand.

  • Understanding Political Institutions (AsanteBrako Political Series)

    Understanding Political Institutions comprehensively addresses both the theoretical and practical aspects of institutions in governance and politics. Written in an accessible style, the text is designed to introduce readers to political institutions and how they function to ensure sustainable peace and stability in the state.

    The focus of the text is on meanings, origins, features, structures, principles, theories and functions of both formal and informal political institutions, including the legislature, executive and judiciary, as well as civil society organizations, such as political parties, interest groups and the media. Other institutional processes and principles like separation of powers, checks and balances, rule of law, electoral processes and systems and constitutions are discussed.

    Each chapter features the key issues discussed, a summary of contents and sample examination questions. Understanding Political Institutions is indeed an essential reader and a must-read for anyone who is interested in gaining adequate knowledge about how both formal and informal political institutions function in a state.

  • La Maitrise Du Digital

    “Je recommanderai ce livre à tout le monde.Ce livre contient une telle collection d’instructions et montre de voies éprouvées pour construire les marques personnelles et professionnelles.  Une œuvre d’art, simplement phénoménale”.  –Lilian Yvonne KARIKARI Esq -Avocate,Ghana

    “En tant que praticienne dans l’espace RH, je trouve ce livre comme un kit de départ qui me fournit le bon type d’information et d’éthique nécessaires pour rendre mes engagements sur les réseaux sociaux beaucoup plus rentables”.- Kokovi Rose Lawson-Balagbo, Assistante des Ressources Humaines, Togo

    “Pour les startups et les marques mondiales, c’est ce que nous attendions.Soyez au top de votre jeu, laissez ce chef-d’œuvre être votre dévotion”. – KEDOTE Elisabeth. Chef de projet, Benin

    “Je n’aurais pas pensé que lire un ouvrage sur le numérique pouvait être si captivant. L’auteur a su présenter des conseils pratiques adaptés à notre ère ajoutés à une touche d’humour ça et là”. –Dominique Ngoma Nkenzo , Congo

    “La réflexion sur la construction de la marque converge vers le numérique. Ce chef- d’œuvre vous fournit des indicateurs pertinents dont vous avez besoin pour valoriser votre marque personnelle et celle de votre entreprise  pour des résultats probants”. –  Cynthia Clive. Assistante de Direction Bilingue, Ghana

  • Investigative Journalism in Africa: A Practical Manual

    “Few African investigative journalists I know are as invested in principled investigative journalism as Manasseh Azure Awuni. That trait has always come through in his exhaustive, impactful stories (some of which have featured in GIJN’s monthly and annual picks of top investigative stories from Africa). It is also abundantly evident in his new book, Investigative Journalism in Africa: A Practical Manual. In his own distinct, matter-of-fact style, Manasseh crafts a book that borrows from his own experiences to map a path for journalists who want to follow in his footsteps or learn from his unique experiences. By doing so, Manasseh has laid a crucial brick towards building African literature on investigative journalism on the continent. Most of the watchdog journalism study materials available in Africa come from the West. Manasseh’s effort is a commendable and timely step in the right direction, which I hope other investigative journalists across Africa can aspire to emulate.” − Benon Herbert Oluka, Africa Editor of Global Investigative Journalism Network (GIJN)

    “Manasseh Azure Awuni makes investigative journalism so practical in this manual. He dissects the thorny and hidden issues that you would not get in your average classroom. This book crafts the very basis of my intellectual thinking of what investigative journalism should be about. It is a must- read for every student who wants to achieve greater heights in investigative journalism across the world.” − Anas Aremeyaw Anas, Award-winning Ghanaian investigative journalist

    “This book is rich with practical and theoretical knowledge from one of the foremost investigative journalists in Africa. An invaluable resource for both professionals and students.” − Prof. Audrey Gadzekpo, former Dean of the School of Information and Communication Studies, University of Ghana

    “Students with a dream to pursue public interest and accountability journalism will find exceptional value here, but practitioners will do themselves a world of great value if they also keep a copy on the reading table.” − Dapo Olorunyomi, Publisher of Premium Times, Nigeria  

  • Politics in Ghana: From the Earliest Times to the Eve of the Fourth Republic

    Politics in Ghana: From the Earliest Times to the Eve of the Fourth Republic has been introduced to equip political science students and avid readers interested in the subject as well as both budding and seasoned politicians with effective tools that give them a firm understanding of Ghana’s political development.

    The book provides a bird’s eyes view and a penetrating insight into controversial issues that shaped events and developments of the country from the pre-colonial times through the struggle for independence to the post-independence era.

    In an accessible and engaging writing style, the book effectively analyses the nexus between the geographical features of the country, particularly the ethnic and regional distributions of the people and how they impacted on the political development during the period under review. It also traverses the constitutional development and other factors that triggered political action from the late 1800s to the eve of the Fourth Republic. Ghana witnessed three republics each of which was truncated by military juntas that provided interim administration to fill the hiatuses before the eventual transition to democratic rule for the fourth time. Factors that occasioned the interruptions and the subsequent return to constitutional rule together with the performances of the various regimes and their ramifications are incisively analysed.

    Politics in Ghana: From the Earliest Times to the Eve of the Fourth Republic is an authentic reference document for any person who is thirsty for a better understanding of political events that preceded the final return to constitutional rule in 1993.

  • The Lady in Boots: Memoirs of Ghana’s First Female Major General

    Available from 11th September, 2023
    The book is Major General Constance Edjeani-Afenu’s remarkable memoir. It chronicles her 43-year extraordinary journey in the Ghana Armed Forces.
    She was the first female Commanding Officer, and the first female Major General. Her story is a testimony to dedication, leadership, and resilience.

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