• Nuggets for Victorious Living

    “In however manner the reader intends using this book — whether as a quickie devotional, supplementary devotional, last word before falling asleep or a quick reference inspirational source at odd times of the day — one is assured of an educative and uplifting wealth of insight into the contemplation on and application of the Word of God. I trust that these nuggets will aid in enlightening one’s path on this lifelong journey of the Christian Pilgrim, and Victorious Living.” — Justice Sophia Abena Boafoa Akuffo

  • They Touched Us for Good

    “The author gives a succinct exposé of some pillars of life that are critical for good living and personal development. Those who yearn for leadership influence cannot afford not to read this book.” — Kwabena Boadu Oku-Afari, Executive Director, African Development Bank


  • Wisdom, Faith and a Song

    “This book is a life guide that will help you to make the most of every single day gifted to you by God. This is a must have and read book.” — Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi (Apostle), General Secretary, The Church of Pentecost


  • Stories to Warm Your Heart

    “There is a wealth of knowledge in these stories. Whether you slouch on a sofa, or lie in your bed, reading these stories will refresh your mind as they warm your heart.” Matilda Amissah-Arthur (Mrs), Wife of the Vice President of Ghana


  • Excel! A Practical Guide to Studying and Passing Examinations

    Do you want to pass your examinations with distinction? This book teaches and recommends a simple, straight-to-the-point practical approach on studying, revising and writing examinations successfully.

    Read this book and you will learn:

    • How to study and revise effectively for an examination
    • How to identify ineffective study and revision habits
    • Useful, practical study and revision techniques
    • How to form an effective and efficient study group
    • How to apply effective studying, revision and examination techniques
    • The meaning of some key instructive words used in examinations

    It is written for students of Secondary/High School level and upwards. There are innumerable examples and illustrations that interweave the art of studying, preparing and writing an examination in a very appealing way. The facts in this book have been presented in a manner that Inform, Instruct and Educate students in the art of Studying, Revising and Writing an Examination Successfully.

    Excel! is practical, easy to understand and apply.

  • You Are Unstoppable: Reach Your Goals in Spite of Obstacles

    Rita Siaw faced various challenges growing up including taking responsibility for herself and her younger siblings at a tender age. In this book, she outlines her story of refusing to settle for “No” as an answer and being called a failure. She rose through multiple failure of examination, hardship and rejection to become an award-winning teacher, a Radio Show Host, Mandela Washington Fellow and Founder of Feminine Star Africa, a non-profit that provides skills training and scholarships for girls and support the re-entry of teen mothers to school.

    Through her painful experiences, she has developed life principles based on values such as perseverance, determination and sacrifice. She has shared, in this book, priceless life lessons to inspire and ginger young people to harness their inner power for greatness.

    Proceeds from the sales of this book goes into providing scholarships for girls to further their education.

  • The Journey to the Place of Abundance

    The Journey to the Place of Abundance is a book that draws from the Exodus of Israel from Egypt into the Promised Land. In this journey, Israel was confronted with many challenges that could have prevented them from moving into their promised land. From the military might of the Egyptians, to the challenges of water and food shortages, to even in fighting among them, the people of Israel demonstrated key behavioral attitudes that either helped them, or slowed down their progress. This book highlights the key attitudes that we also need if we are to get into our place of abundance.

  • Key to True and Lasting Success: A Practical Guide to Successful Living

    Looking for a book with power to jump-start your life? Look no further. Ankrah’s key to true and lasting success will be your strategic partner to get you to your prophetic place in life. You will learn more ideas, concepts, principles and methods used by successful people in the world. You will immediately become self-confident and begin to think that success is not the preserve for the special people.

    The step-by-step approach for successful living presented in this book include proven concepts drawn from business, religion, economics, psychology and everyday life. These concepts are combined in a fast-moving, informative series of steps that will lead you to greater success than you ever imagine possible. They can improve your human relationship, health and financial situation.

  • Finding Meaning in Life: A Modern Fable Which Reveals the True Meaning of Life

    Joseph Kyei Ankrah has long been a surefooted guide to those desiring to better themselves. Finding Meaning In Life will provide you with the ultimate tool to discover the true meaning of life. We find ourselves fighting battles we never declared and carrying burdens for reasons we do not understand. It is not the normal demands of life that break us: it is the painful surprises. When life hands us these painful surprises we begin to ask questions.

    This book seeks to provide answers to these nagging questions. Finding Meaning In Life provides a rare key to help you discover your destiny and leave a lasting legacy behind.

  • “IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH” The Grail Message

    The three-volume work “In the Light of Truth – The Grail Message” by Abd-ru-shin mediates the knowledge of the structure of creation, and its laws. On this basis it provides clear and comprehensible answers to the most important questions of life:

    • Where do I come from?
    • Who am I?
    • Where am I going?

    Gradually an all-encompassing picture of the entire creation unfolds before the reader of the “Grail Message”, and he recognizes the connections of cause and effect in world events in the past, present and future.

    The knowledge mediated in the “Grail Message” is also a valuable aid for self-help. For the knowledge of the connections allows us to find solutions to the big problems of our time, regardless of whether it is about issues concerning marriage and family, about psychic crises or fateful events.

  • Guidelines for Christian Theology in Africa (Theological Perspectives in Africa #5)

    Professor Imasogie argues that the lack of total commitment of the average African Christian to Christ is due to the lack of “fit” between Christian Theological and African life. This is, in turn, due to the failure of Western orthodox theologians to take Africa world views into consideration in their theological formulations. If Christian theology is to be relevant for the African, his world view and self- understanding must be taken into serious account.

  • The Theological Task of the Church in Africa (Theological Perspectives in Africa #1)

    ‘How shall we, African evangelicals, recapture the initiative? This, to my mind, should be the most important question we ask ourselves when we plan a theological strategy. Such a strategy should be characterized with two words: Positive theology. Evangelicals need to develop a positive theology for Africa. For too long, we have been on a defensive! For too long, we have been content to criticize! For too long, our theology has been a reactionary theology!’

    In this new edition, the author has revised the first three chapters and replaced the fourth. He surveys the theological scene in Africa, highlights some of the main issues, and suggests some steps forward.

  • Simple Reasons To Say Thank You

    If we knew what a grateful heart does for us and the people around us, we will be more inclined to adopt a lifestyle of gratitude. Unfortunately, the expression of gratitude as a courtesy is often taken for granted even without meaning to do so. This book is intended to awaken in the reader’s mind the importance of demonstrating and expressing gratitude in a relevant manner. It provides practical examples of why and where gratitude needs to be expressed, and the opportunities we miss out on when we fail to appreciate what is given to us or done for us.

  • It’s Time To See Again

    This is a book for people who desire to walk in discernment according to the word of God. It’s for people who are tired of living in a fool’s paradise and being deceived by the people they love and trust. This book tries to draw attention to the importance of seeking and discovering God’s truth for yourself in order to overcome self-deception and other forms of deception in various areas of your life.

  • Fulfilling Your Purpose

    Your purpose is your unique identification in life. You are defined by your purpose and not your career or social status. The essence of your life is embedded in your purpose. Your career is not your purpose and it does not define your purpose either. Your purpose is rather supposed to define your career. Your career is  supposed to be the means through which you will be able to fulfill your purpose. Your career must reflect your purpose and you ought to use it to fulfill your purpose in life.

    Your career path must be influenced by your purpose in life and so therefore, the discovery of your purpose is essential. Being a doctor, or a pastor, or a teacher, or any other profession is not one’s purpose but a vocation. Whatever field of work you find yourself, you must identify and understand how that will help you to fulfill your purpose. The fulfillment of your purpose is principal and you cannot overlook it. Failure to discover in order to fulfill your purpose means you have failed in life regardless of how prosperous you may be.

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