• Julia’s Dance (Peggy Oppong Novel)

    In the small town where she grew up everyone expects Julia, the beautiful intelligent and well-brought up young girl, to marry her childhood sweetheart, Michael.

    All is going on well till Jude Barimah, Julia’s ex lover, and the only person who is aware of the wild, rebellious spirit lying behind her ladylike exterior, appears on the scene asking for reconciliation.

    He convinces her to marry him against her parents’ opposition. Soon after their open antagonism against him, Julia’s mother dies under mysterious circumstances while her father narrowly escapes death.

    When Julia later discovers that behind the glamour, glitter and wealth of Jude Barimah lay blood-curdling secrets, he is determined to silence her forever.

  • Adventures of Cleopas (Peggy Oppong Novel)

    When Cleopas Onini was born, he had two front teeth and drank a big cup of porridge. At his naming ceremony, his uncle who had lived on top of a tree for 30 years climbed down to witness the occasion. As the family argued about the appropriate name for the baby, eight-day-old Cleopas sat up in his bed and clapped his tiny hands to show his preference for the name his uncle Ofutu announced. Everybody, including the catechist, took to their heels as they witnessed the strange scene. At three months, he could sit up, crawl and talk.

  • The Housemaid (African Writers Series)

    A dead baby and bloodstained clothes are discovered near a small village. Everyone is ready to comment on the likely story behind the abandoned infant. The men have one opinion, the women another. As the story rapidly unfolds it becomes clear that seven different women played their part in the drama. All of them are caught in a web of superstition, ignorance, greed and corruption.

  • A Woman in Her Prime (African Writers Series, AWS40)

    A young woman makes that all-important rite of passage from adolescence to adulthood. However, her early adult life is marred by childlessness in a society that places a great premium on children and motherhood as the ultimate mark of womanhood.
  • The Mystery of the Haunted House

    This book was awarded a Burt Award for African Literature, Ghana 2010. The Burt Award for African Literature is a new literary prize that the recognizes excellence in young adult fiction from Africa.

    “He continued reading about the different methods of grafting, about how to cut and store and protect scions and what the best time for planting was. The light from the torch began to grow dim. Koku checked the time. It was almost midnight, he had been reading for almost two hours. He had to sleep now or he would never wake up on time in the morning for his lessons. He switched off his torch and turned unto his side still excited. He was dozing off when he heard a sound and sat up. He couldn’t exactly say what it was but heard it. He got out of bed and tiptoed down to the hall. A light glowed dimly from the family room. Was it TV? His parents forbade them from watching late night movies but occasionally he and Sena disobeyed them and sneaked downstairs anyway. But if it was TV how come there was no sound? He stuck his head round the wall. Sena was behind the computer, her fingers pecking at the keyboard quickly. What was she doing? And who was she chatting with?”

  • My Strong Tower: The Genesis

    My Strong Tower: The Genesis is an exciting novel, based on the everyday life of the average Ghanaian Christian. Ewuresi, Akosua, Ayele and Kumi are young adults battling with the daily temptations that young Christians are bound to face.

    Ewuresi is a teenager who has completed her secondary school education together with her best friend, Akosua. Although they both portray different personalities, they manage to go through tough times together and still maintain a close relationship. Kumi, their male friend, gets entangled between the two ladies through his witty and sociable attitude. Ayele, the eldest of the lot, provides the spiritual support to get the youth on the right path with their relationship with God.

    Each character represents the different levels of faith that can be seen among the lifestyles of the youth today, as they struggle to maintain a relationship with Jesus Christ. Enjoy this wonderful story as you study the scriptures to get yourself better acquainted with the Lord Almighty.

  • Jennifer

    Due to difficult circumstances beyond her control, Jennifer Hayfron has no other choice than to share the same hotel with Dr Martin when the train on which she is travelling back to school suddenly breaks down at a late hour.

    By a fatal coincidence, Jennifer’s foster father comes around from nowhere and sees her daughter and Dr Martin coming out from the hotel and are about to get aboard a parked vehicle. Mr Hayfron’s hasty conclusion is obvious. There is verbal explosion on the spot, as well as a series of interesting drama in the ensuing days.

    The story, written for young people has been written in simple readable English.


  • Bambulu’s School Days

    Bambulu’s School Days, first serialised in The Mirror, Ghana’s most popular weekly, is the memoir of a Ghanaian School child who had a very uncongenial and difficult childhood because his parents were separated shortly after his birth. He, however, got over that initial puerile traumatic experience; which was, mostly, triggered by his father and stepmother.

    Little Paul, later known as Bambulu, really had a tough and rugged beginning but with a little twist in fortune he, eventually, reconciled with his mother.

    Thanks to his mother’s determination, complimented by an uncle’s generosity, Paul was able to gain admission to the Senior Secondary School. Nonetheless, bullying by senior students, strange teaching methods by some teachers and others do not make life in the Senior Secondary School as attractive as Bambulu would have expected.

    The novel is a rich discovery of the Ghanaian Senior Secondary School system in the 1970s as seen through the unbiased eyes of an innocent school boy.

  • Pastor Kwesi: Trials and Triumphs in Domeabra

    Domeabra, which when translated from the Ghanaian local dialect, Twi, means “if you love me you will come” is the humble ministerial station of Pastor Kwesi Saka.

    Pastor Kwesi, a graduate from Bible School, is faced with two options − further his education or proceed into ministry. He chooses the latter at the expense of increased opportunities for a more comfortable life.

    The trying circumstances associated with his village ministry − a life of deprivation and frugality, a dilapidated chapel and residence, a tight-fisted congregation − do not deter him from literally laying down his life for his congregation and community.

    Read about how this faithfulness is rewarded by divine interventions in his ministry and in the life of his family members to strengthen your own faith to brace life’s challenges.

  • Crossroads at Ankobea

    John Blankson has just finished his studies at the university. Towards the end of his course he had come to a turning point in his life: he had decided to live from that time on under the direction of Jesus.

    When he leaves the campus for Ankobea, he has no idea that he is to be the next chief; but his uncle, Nana Kwesi Mensah III, had died and John discovers he has been chosen to succeed him.

    How would this university graduate, a young Christian, fare as a traditional chief? How would the demands of traditional customary practices affect his Christian faith? Crossroads at Ankobea illustrates the struggles entailed in any effort to wipe out superstition from an African society.

  • Murder in the Interest of the Church

    The Revd Dr Denis M’Passou was an Anglican minister in the Republic of Malawi who worked in the field of Christian Communication for a considerable number of years. He was an editor of several magazines and the author of a number of works of both fiction and non-fiction.

    In this book, Dr M’Passou draws on his vast experience to tell a vivid story which highlights the problem of unconfessed sin. The protagonist, the Revd Chuma, finds himself in circumstances which necessitate saving his reputation and that of the church by any means, fair or foul. The reader is compelled to read on to find how far Mr Chuma’s clever intrigues could take him.

    This is a thought-provoking book which must be read by anyone who cares for the reputation of the church.

  • No Vengeance

    Age Range: 13+ years

    Colonel Barlow had cheated death many years back. He had been forced into exile by the man who had wanted him dead at the time of the uprising. He is back and must meet his adversary. He has returned with his son Kit, a battle tested soldier.

    Why does Sonday refuse to meet him face to face? Does he fear reprisal? And what is the cause of his nightmares? Meanwhile where is the blue diamond ring?

    No Vengeance

  • Unexpected Joy at Dawn

    Unexpected Joy at Dawn received a commendation in the Best First Book Prize, Africa Region, of the Commonweath Writers Prize.

    ‘Fifteen years ago’, Mama said, starting her story, ‘I came to Lagos from Ghana. I came to Nigeria because I was considered an alien in that country. The government of Ghana passed a law asking all aliens without resident permits to regularise their stay in the country. You see, my great, great grandparents had migrated to Ghana several years before, and regarded Ghana as their home…as for the reason possibly, it was because the opposition party then had hyped to monstrous heights that aliens were ruining the country; or the government of the time…blamed their failure to do things right on us ‘alien’ scapegoats… It was difficult to start life all over again, and even more difficult to learn that we were unwanted in a country we had come to regard as our own.’

    This story of migration, identities and lives undermined by cynical and xenophobic politics pushed to its logical and terrible conclusion pertains to the Ghanaian orders of ‘alien compliance’ issued in 1970-1971, which was designed to force all non-ethnic Ghanaians, so called illegal immigrants, to return to their – so stipulated – ‘home’. the novel thus touches on concerns of deeper relevance to the politics of race and migration in the twenty first century.

  • Against the Odds: A Novel

    Young Kwaku Obeng, falsely accused of a crime, comes to Accra to seek his fortune and find a means of clearing his name.

    Homeless and penniless, virtually alone in the world, he strives against the odds in a world that owes him no favours. Will he be able to achieve his dream of becoming a medical doctor? Will his tarnished image be restored?

    Will he ever be able to go home again?

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