• Santrofi on National Service

    Santrofi on National Service is the story of a young Sixth Form leaver who was posted to the Upper West Region for his National Service. Born and bred in Accra, he had never left the capital, and to be sent 960 kilometers away was a big dilemma for him. His father, who had refused to allow him to take up a career as a professional footballer, asked him to honour the posting as every citizen of the land should. He took it on the chin and went, and was assigned to teach Mathematics and Science at Jawia JSS, a small village some 19 kilometres from Tumu.

    Thrust into a completely new world, he accepted the challenge of serving the people not only in the classroom but also with his many other talents. And as he shone in the village, the people loved him and he in turn loved them. And a new life and future undreamed of just opened before him.

  • Same Elephants

    Marjy Marj’s anticipated follow-up to The Shimmigrant is an enlightening, introspective, heartwarming novel about four friends from diverse backgrounds. Sasha Badu is an immigrant in search of a better life. After meeting Rakiya Muhammad, Jane Taylor and Aviva Schwartz at a political event, the four become fast friends. When Sasha and Rakiya are mistaken for trespassers, the friends embark on a quest to educate their community about the dangers of stereotyping.

    Same Elephants explores everyday relationships, the presumptuous nature of society and the ability to rise above prejudice.

    Same Elephants

  • Between the Generations: An Anthology for Ama Ata Aidoo at 80

    Ama Ata Aidoo, multiple award-winning Ghanaian novelist, poet, playwright and author of the critically acclaimed play, Dilemma of a Ghost, turned 80 in March, 2020. And as part of efforts to celebrate her – the first female African playwright – Between Generations: An Anthology for Ama Ata Aidoo at 80 was released.
    Described by Editor Ivor Agyeman-Duah, as ‘international affairs through fiction’, the 230-page collection tackles wealth and inequality, immigration, sisterhood, love lost and regained and other contemporary issues in Africa and the world.
    Opening with Aleppo by Ama Ata Aidoo, the anthology includes stories by eleven other contemporary African writers: Nigerian novelists, Sefi Atta, Ogochukwu Promise; South African novelist, Njabulo S. Ndebele; Senegalese novelist Boubacar Boris Diop, Ghanaian novelists, Ayesha Haruna Attah, Bisi Adjapon, writers Martin Egblewogbe, and Gheysika Adombire Agambila; Rwandan writer, Louise Umutoni and Cameroonian writer Ray Ndebi.

  • Madam High Heel

    Age Range: 9+ years

    Every knew the mischief and cantankerous behavior of Agyekum at Sir Good Leaf Boys Academy, a school that prides itself for discipline and academic brilliance.

    However, when his deviant behavior becomes anti-social to the point where he causes bodily, harm to the much-liked Ms. Philips, things had to change.

    In comes the new substitute teacher, Ms. Helen Eel and, for once, Agyekum pranks cannot trip her

    One night, the legend of madam high heels hits Sir Goodleaf. The ‘click clacks’ footfalls of the one high heeled, red-gowned ghost appear to scare everyone but Agyekum.

    Will the much-dreaded Madam High Heels be able to reform the stiff-necked Agyekum, or would he meet a grimmer end?


    Madam High Heel

  • The Waiting

    A largely allegorical exploration of the loneliness of an existence based on an alien world-view, Martin Egblewogbe’s The Waiting is a collection rooted in metropolitan Ghana, but its primary territory is the human mind. Juxtaposing his training as a physicist against his curiosity about local myth, he creates a universe that’s both entertaining and erudite. In A Photograph of K & S, Smiling, a completely self-obsessed man, returned home after his father’s death, attempts to explain away his unremarkable life based on one perceived slight from his youth; in The Gonjon Pin (title story for the 2014 Caine Prize anthology) a genius working on a program to predict lottery numbers is stumped by the appearance of an intruder’s disembodied genitals on the wall of his computer engine room; The Making, Rain and Back to the Halls explore futility in different ways, while Atta explores life after death – a theme that reoccurs in a much bleaker guise in The Crwoling Caterpillar. Often Kafkaesque in its isolation of characters and a pervading sense of powerlessness, The Waiting nevertheless maintains a constant hum of humour, nowhere more so than in The Going Down of Pastor Mintumi – in which a pastor who has discovered the pleasures of the flesh late in life overindulges with hilarious consequences. The title story, The Waiting, is judgement day in a twisted mind, filled with the kinds of questions that haunt a life on earth, which, ultimately, is the quest of all art.

    The Waiting

  • Les Cagoulés Du Campus

    Nous vivons tous dans un monde où les réalités menant à notre épanouissement nous sont défavorables. Mais une chose paraît aussi incontestablement sûre et évidente. C’est qu’en réalité, les grandes réalisations de ce monde ont vu le jour grâce à des humains audacieux et les grandes légendes qu’elles soient d’hier ou d’aujourd’hui ont une chose en commun:un début minable. Aucune icône n’est née telle, sans être passée d’abord sous le crible de l’essai, de l’échec et enfin de la persévérance.
  • Tears Fears Sweat & Blood

    The violent death of former Libya’s leader Gaddafi triggered collective brutalities against black African migrants who were often accused of supporting the late ruler. This is the unbelievable story of two innocent migrants who were wrongly accused of being mercenaries and barely lived to tell their stories.

  • Anu Gbaa Ajo Egbe (Igbo)

    Ositadimma Amakeze has been heralded as the modern-day Achebe.

    Anụ Gbaa Ajọ Egbe… (fable)is a contribution towards promotion and preservation of folktales as tradition in Igbo land. Let the title, which at the first looks controversial, not deter you, for where there’s Tortoise they are limitless possibilities. Remember, it was he, who chose to be addressed as “Unu dum” when he joined a flock of birds to a feast in heaven. You better see why he is the Nkpọnkpọ kpọkịrịkpọ, one of a kind that no other animal is capable of begetting but she Tortoise herself!

    The novel documents the adventures of Mbekwu, the tortoise who is regarded as the trickster in Igbo folklore – equivalent to Ananse in Twi lore or the Coyote in Native American lore.

  • Sɛ Ɛbɛwie (Asante Twi)

    Sɛ Ɛbɛwie is a tragi-comic novel which describes how a boy called Ntensere set off to trace his father called Bɛyɛɛdɛn. Bɛyɛɛdɛn had long traveled to an unknown destination in his youthful days. The journeys which Ntensere made to trace his father were full of adventures. At last he found him. They both took to farming. In the course of farming, they luckily dug out a big fortune. After this, they happily returned to their own Pɛwohoyɛsu. There, they did not only live a fulfilled life, but they also gave part of their wealth to help the underprivileged and also to develop their village. Consequently, their village became one of the well established towns in that area.

  • Mmɔfra Nkɔmmɔ Bi (Asante Twi)

    A collection of Plays and interactions among children in Asante-Twi

  • Agbe Nye Nusi Nẽwɔe (Eʋe)

    The story Agbe Nye Nusi Nẽwɔe is about a wedded couple. They had two children, a boy and a girl. The woman divorced the man and married another man. The children were cared for by their father alone. They grew to become important people while their mother grew wretched. Their mother incidentally came to meet them but they did not know each other; not long their mother died.

  • Mina Miyi Ʋɔnudrɔ̃ƒe (Eʋe)

    Mina Miyi Ʋɔnudrɔ̃ƒe (Let us visit the Court) is a crime fiction. It describes and gives some practical demonstrations of the trial of criminals by our law courts. This book is not only interesting but also very exciting indeed.

  • Ɔdi Ye Kɛnlɛma Nzi (Nzema)

    Ɔdi Ye Kɛnlɛma Nzi tells the story of a beautiful girl who marketed her beauty but in so doing cheated a lot on men. As a result she became rich but later lost all her riches and became mad. She died a miserable death.

  • Nyame Bɛkyerɛ (Mfantse)

    A young man was ousted by his twin-brother. He struggled hard with life, won a fortune and returned home to be more respected than his brother.

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