• Ogyakrom: The Missing Pages of June 4th (Fireman Series) – Paperback

    Kwesi Yankah is currently the Minister of State for Tertiary Education in Ghana. Until April 2017, he was Vice Chancellor of Central University, Ghana, and was previously Professor of Linguistics and Pro-Vice Chancellor at the University of Ghana. Yankah, an inimitable satirist, is a proud product of Winneba Secondary School, University of Ghana and Indiana University, USA, where he did his doctorate. Well known in literary and academic circles, Professor Yankah has been a Public Intellectual since the late 1970s when, at 27, he started an anonymous column in The Catholic Standard newspaper, under the pseudonym Abonsam Fireman. The credit for the column, in a suppressive political environment, was often mistakenly given to the two great luminaries PAV Ansah and Adu Boahen.

    Later in 1986, when Yankah returned from doctoral work at Indiana University, he introduced another weekly column, Woes of the Kwatriot, this time in The Mirror which he sustained for a period of ten years. In 1996, the Ghana Journalists Association honoured him for ‘the longest running column in the history of Ghanaian journalism.’ His writings, both literary and academic, have won for Yankah various awards including the WEB Du Bois Award (GAW), the Zora Hurston Award (GAW), the Ghana Book Development Award (GBDC) and the Gold Book Award given by the Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences.

    The present volume represents landmarks within 22 months of Yankah’s weekly column in The Catholic Standard, from January 1979 to March 1980. It is inspired by topical issues in two military regimes (General F Akuffo’s SMC 2, Rawlings’ June 4th Revolution) and one civilian government (Hilla Limann’s PNP). This compilation altogether allows a veiled peep into the most turbulent period in Ghana’s political history, Rawlings’ June 4th Revolution, including preceding events and the aftermath of the Revolution. In the words of Dr Anthony Bonnah Koomson, Editor of The Catholic Standard at the time of Yankah’s celebrated column: “The book captures a momentous era in Ghana’s immediate political history, reminiscences of which the author has sough to recreate and preserve with phenomenal linguistic skill. It presents, through satire, an accurate heartbeat of a people under intense political paralysis.”

    This book makes compelling, even if hilarious, reading on Ghana’s enigmatic June 4th Revolution.

  • The Enemy of the State and Other Stories

    Set in the fictional African country of Ghaspata, a country a bit too suspiciously like Ghana, these eleven short stories hinge on themes of identity, violence, love and cruelty, fear, desperation, and man’s search for happiness and meaning.

    Adolika Nenah Sowah’s quirky imagination produces an oddly familiar world, laced with bolts of striking new realities that the author weaves into her stories – a teacher strangled by the very trees whose branches he uses to cane children, and a mysterious okro plying the skies of Ghaspata.

    Compelling, ironic, bizarre, and immensely humorous, The Enemy of the State and Other Stories is sure to leave readers highly entertained.

  • The Imported Ghanaian

    With her rose tinted glasses firmly in place, the Imported Ghanaian deluded herself, believing that she could simply waltz into Kotoka International Airport with a grin like the winning ticket in the national lottery, and the band would strike up whilst the jubilant nation screamed, “Akwaaba-o, akwaaba, our sister has returned back to us.” She returned home thinking she was as Ghanaian as any other and that she would fit in snugly with the skills of a chameleon. The reality proved otherwise as she plunged headfirst into the endurance test of living in Ghana, where nothing is ever what it seems. Layer by layer, as if peeling an onion, each ‘coming back home’ cultural reality weaves her through a world where you can never be too sure, where an invitation is not exactly an invitation, where you have to die to find out how popular you are, and where being a Ghanaian and being Ghanaian are often two opposing concepts.

  • Sebitically Speaking

    Sebitically Speaking is an uplifting elixir that courses through the hearts and minds of readers and awakens their consciousness regarding how to improve themselves and their country. In confronting the complicated issues that perpetually frustrate Ghanaians, Damoah’s style was not to depress or provoke insanity, but to deftly inspire readers with a view to affecting positive change.

    For someone who has written four great books, Sebitically Speaking is an incontrovertible confirmation of Damoah’s literary genius. His uncanny ability to transform debilitating and chaotic socio-political topics into an exhilarating literary rollercoaster, using a perfect blend of wit and humour, and inducing a mixture of laughter and tears from readers, is especially evident in this book.

    Sebitically Speaking is an irresistible literary tiger nut that every lover of Ghana must chew.

  • …Power to the People: Reflections on Retrogressive Politics

    Published in 1984…Power to the People is a doctor’s medicine for Ghana’s ills. The pill is occasionally bitter, but is coated with a generous layer of therapeutic laughter, to help its message slide gently into the appropriate organs of the national digestive system.

    Presented in the form of prose, poetry and cartoons, the first part of the book, subtitled The Past, covers the Nkrumah, Kotoka, Afrifa & Ankrah, Busia, Acheampong & Akuffo, Rawlings 1979 and Limann eras. The second part, subtitled The Present, covers the first three years of the second coming of Rawlings.

    In a satirical treatment of our history over almost 30 years, this book sheds a great light onto the paths that Ghana traversed in those heady years, in a form that is easy to read, reflect on and learn.

    In the author’s own words, “in recording these…my hope is that others would be induced to ponder over and question loudly some of those short-comings, lapses and omissions in our national character and situation which are stifling our growth and retarding the country’s progress. If our questions get loud and irritating enough to cause discomfiture in our policy makers, then the reader wouldn’t have been bored for nothing.”

  • Sebiticals Chapter X

    For eons, the character of the neglected wise observer has captured imaginations. Be they the community trickster, clown, gossip or drunkard, they have always been a thorn in the flesh of social miscreants. There is no one name for them, as they tend to be many things to many folks. Every society has their version. Audiences love them, hate them and love them again. These fellows have no allies. Their allegiance is to all. Their knife cuts both ways, as does their tongue. Oh, yeah. Ever the custodians of spicy, social secrets, they issue forth the most acidic insults. But, abuse them? Naaah, these characters are insult-proof!

    In this salacious new collection, Nana Awere Damoah has consummated the essences of this conceptual character. More than that, the author has effected their relevance in the national body politic. In Sebiticals Chapter X, Wofa Kapokyikyi the social commentator entertains, informs and pricks the conscience – as does his anecdotal nephew.

    Episode after episode, the reader cannot help but conclude that if there is a time the nation needs a voice of conscience, that time is not tomorrow. Bottomline? A Kapokyikyi is an institution that keeps the morals of society in check.

  • Voices of Ghana: Literary Contributions to the Ghana Broadcasting System, 1955-57 (Second Edition)

    Ghana’s first radio programme of original literature, Singing Net, began in 1955 as part of the development of a national radio station in the years leading to independence in 1957. Its centralaim was to bring Ghanaian writers to the forefront of cultural programming as part of the Africanisation of radio in Ghana. It was a critical cultural expression of the radical changes that were unfolding across the colonial world. The programme successfully introduced listeners to a series of pioneering Ghanaian authors who would go on to become significant figures of Anglophone West African literature in the early postcolonial decades: Efua Sutherland, Frank Parkes, Amu Djoleto, Geormbeeyi Adali-Mortty, Albert Kayper-Mensah, Kwesi Brew, Cameron Duodu, J.H. Nketia and many others.

    The anthology, Voices of Ghana (1958) is a collection of the poetry, short stories, play scripts and critical discussions that were aired on the Gold Coast (later Ghana) Broadcasting System (1954-1958).Both Singing Net and Voices of Ghana were edited by the BBC producer, Henry Swanzy.

    The context of Ghana’s independence, the singularity of the anthology’s history, and the significance of many of the writers all contribute to the importance of this text. This second edition is a timely intervention into recent debates within postcolonial studies and world literature on the importance of broadcast culture in the dissemination of “new literatures” from the colonial world. It includes an unabridged version of the 1958 text, a new introduction and footnoted annotations,which draw on extensive research undertaken in Ghana and Britain. It will appeal to a general readership with an interest in Ghanaian literature, 1950s broadcast culture, the figure of Dr Kwame Nkrumah and the making of a national literature in the era of decolonisation, as well as engaging scholars. The new edition presents a deeply insightful and engaging history of Voices of Ghana and reintroduces the original works on the occasion of the anthology’s 60th anniversary.

    Victoria Ellen Smith is a Lecturer in the Department of History, University of Ghana, Legon

  • The Secrets of Romance: Ingredients of Love – Chemistry Alert

    Well, the Secrets of Romance aims to restore life and passion for marriage and relationships which are failing or floundering. It’s a book that reminds and helps you, to see that, it’s alright to be yourself; feel comfortable and safe in the arms of your sexual partner. The Secret of Romance guides readers on how to update their sexual fantasies. This book is more than just a guidebook for standard lovers and dating partners. The Secrets of Romance will arouse your thinking into intimacy. It is also a powerful and profound treasury of Wisdom.

    The Secrets of Romance is deep, unique and ultimately beneficial for all relationships. It helps better your understanding and awareness of romance and related matters. This book will surely turn you on, to seek romance and love in the right order.

  • Madness & Tea

    Fans of the ‘Madness’ category on the blog Mind of Malaka, rejoice! This book contains pages and pages of just that: absolute insanity, frivolity and utterly unusable information. If you’re ever in need a break from reality; or a little something take your mind off the woes of the world; or if you haven’t found the strength to find humor in your own sorrow, I offer the my angst – and that of half a dozen other willing victims as well – as a panacea for those problems.

    Lose yourself in the misadventures of Butt Crack Man or imagine yourself as a victorious troll-capturing woman in rural Tennessee. Fun, fun, fun for everyone!

    Warning: May cause mild offense to just about everyone.

    Madness & Tea

  • Confessions of an African Christian

    If you are reading this blurb because you are looking for salacious scandals or rants against God and the church, sorry to disappoint you but this book doesn’t have what you are looking for.

    But if you are interested in reading about an odd encounter with a prophet, a child led rebellion, quite a number of self deprecating revelations, some honest self-assessment and embarrassing situations experienced by a young woman in her journey to get closer to God, and understand better what it means to be a Christian, this might just be the book for you.

  • Lady Chatterley’s Lover

    What happens when a cultured bohemian feels stifled in a sexless marriage to her invalid husband?

    She takes on a lover…

    Constance Chatterley, the wife of Clifford Chatterley, finds herself trapped in a loveless and lifeless marriage. When her husband urges her to have a liaison with someone from their own class, Constance gets attracted to a man from the working class instead– an Oliver Mellors who is her husband’s gamekeeper– and takes him as her lover.

    Ina  society that reveres class difference, will an aristocrat woman be allowed her torrid love affair with a lowly man?

    A novel notorious for being pornographic and way ahead of its time, Lady Chatterley’s Lover brewed up quite a controversy when it was first published in 1928. It was only decades later, in 1960, that its unexpurgated edition could be openly published in the UK.

    Lady Chatterley’s Lover

  • A Walking Rainbow

    Love is set ablaze in the heart of savvy Mathematics student Calyx, who sporadically
    finds himself entangled in a love circus with talented Psychology student, Nadine,
    who had coaxed him to join a liberating creative writing group. As a nerd-herd, Calyx fumbles with what he is not ready to handle and the aftermath of making a decision based on his emotions. As college life unfolds, will Calyx and Nadine be able to guard what they deem dear to their hearts to the detriment of their academic work? Come along for the journey in this poetic and surreal creative piece!


  • Unwavering Faith, Confident Patience

    Faith is the substance of the things we expect, or hope for, and is what the just are supposed to live by.

    The Word we believe produces faith in us. The mixture of these two forces becomes the fuel for the corresponding actions which provoke the manifestation of the supernatural in impossible situations.

    As he narrates this spellbinding and awesome account of how God delivered him from his deathbed, Charles uses real illustrations to encourage the believer to deploy their faith and take possession of their own inheritance of divine health.

  • The Smooth Illusion

    Age: 18+

    Set in the city of Accra , a young, beautiful and sensual woman is discharged from a hospital where she was brought in unconscious with blunt force trauma to her head. Alone and penniless on the streets of Accra, she resorts to selling herself to men, oblivious to the fact that dangerous people are out looking for her.

    Illustrations available in Black and White

  • Love Quote, Oxygen for Life

    What do you know about love? How do you picture it? Can you describe it in a sentence? Never mind ! Love Quotes provides answers,  Refresh your memory, and update your love tank. The word and action of love is what frees us of all the pain of life. Love must be painted well as the hero who holds us from falling but rather captivate us to fall for it which is the safest place to fall.
    Falling in love is the best feelings you can ever feel when you fall but sometimes unable to explain. Love Quotes will give you the words,  the ways to Express love without missing the aroma of excitement. Try Love Quotes today and see love in a new light.

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