• Prepare! 10 Studies to Help You Build a Secure and Happy Marriage

    Prepare! Is here to help you do just what it says: to prepare you for a happy and secure marriage. It contains counselling notes based on Dr John Kpikpi’s book, “The Marriage House”. Within Prepare! You will find notes, ideas and thoughts that will equip you to build a transformed marriage- one which exceeds all your hopes and dreams.

    Prepare is also designed to make readily available to marriage counsellors the resources they will need to assist couples. It can be used as a marriage preparation course for couples-to-be or as a refresher or rebuilding material for already married couples.

  • The Marriage House: God’s Blueprint for a Secure and Happy Marriage

    The Marriage House covers love, sex, culture, God, money, work and conflict and is a definitive resource on how to build a happy and secure marriage. Taking a comprehensive and scripture-based approach, weighty matters are tackled in an easy-to-read style, lightly peppered with humor. The chapters are packed full of practical advice, personal experience, radical suggestions and helpful stories.

    The Marriage house reveals God’s blueprint for marriage, making it a must-read for men and women of all ages. Whether you are married, preparing for marriage, searching for a spouse or a supporter of marriage, this powerful book will unlock the secrets of a successful “Marriage House”.

  • The Marriage Vows: What Are We Getting Into Here?

    In this thought-provoking book, Dr John Kpikpi opens up the subject of vows. What are vows and what is the significance of their inclusion in Christian wedding ceremonies? Starting from Scripture, Dr John Kpikpi shows the sacred nature and importance of marriage vows. He makes a strong case that, given the weight and gravity of a vow, every person should be given the opportunity to learn about vows- well before they arrive at the point of actually making one.

    As you read through this fast-paced book, prepare to be challenged to revise your views about the marriage vows and the covenants they bring about. You will also find very useful counsel on choosing the right location for a marriage ceremony and whether it is appropriate to write one’s own vows.

  • In Pursuit of True Love

    This book is about how to get your marriage off on the right start or correct the foundational errors if already married. It is possible to avoid an unending drama of pain and stress that can be acted out before your very eyes by the same person professing love, promises passion and fidelity, and perhaps moved heaven and earth just to get you to marry him/her. Do not come to a place where you have to choose divorce because a celebrity says it is ok. It’s not a walk in the park but more like living the rest of your life being followed by a dead body that refuses to be buried. However, it is better to be unmarried than suffer a slow agonizing death at the hands of a lover because it’s ‘till death do us part’.

    There are men who were willing to pay more than what was being requested as their lady’s bride price, even now after 20 years of marriage, likewise women who find it worth submitting themselves under their man’s leadership, and it’s all because right from the start, there was evidence of progress attributable to their partner’s efforts. You too can experience same if only you choose to elevate the conversation beyond the façade, the sex hype and the imaginary competition you wish to win or is being forced into. Focus rather on the true purpose of and your motive for marriage, give attention to your individual worth, life direction, capacity to endure inevitable trials and openness to adjustments.

    So before you initiate the relationship or take a step into marriage, take the time to first establish a solid reason for choosing that particular person over others, because the kind of person you marry is the evidence of how much you love yourself.

  • Lover of Her Sole: A West African Cinderella Story

    Agyapomaa Agyemang is a woman on the cusp of success. With a thriving business in Ibadan and an adoring fiancé by her side, she’s living the fairytale she had always hoped for. Her charmed life seems certain and sure, until her fantasy is taken apart brick-by-brick by hatred and betrayal.

    Wounded, she returns to Kumasi to heal and seek solace in her family. What Pomaa finds instead is wahala: phantoms from her past, a madman chasing her through the streets, and the steadfast adulation of Akoto – a shoemaker whose affections leave her confounded. Suddenly, she’s confronted with a new set of choices she never counted on.

    Resolving her circumstances might be easier if not for her best friend, Frema, and her constant reminders about ‘Ashanti Aristocrat’ codes and expectations. Pomaa must decide if she’s bold enough to reciprocate Akoto’s affection, or remain content to settle with what is familiar and acceptable. Can Pomaa still choose her prince, knowing that he’s a pauper?

    Lover of Her Sole is a page-turning ‘Cinderella story’ that dares to question whether love alone has the power to cross the lines of class and color in our society. Fraught with electrifying action, intense romance and no small measure of heartbreak, it’s a nouveau fairytale, served with a sprinkle of West African heat!

  • Everyday in Love

    Every day in love — right words that breathe fire and wield electrifying romance. After you say “I do” you have to keep doing to spice up your life while evoking passion.


  • I am Married but I am Single: The Other Side of Spousal Migration

    A wife’s migration to the United States physically separates a couple seven months after their wedding. The anticipated brief period of separation between the couple extended unexpectedly for six years. I Am Married But I Am Single: The Other Side of Spousal Migration captures the intricate dynamics of the couple’s married but single life and how they bounced back from a near marital wreck to a happy life together

  • Dare to Be Different

    Fornication typically refers to consensual sexual intercourse between individuals who are not legally married. In 2 Timothy 2:22, the Bible advises, “Flee also youthful lust, but pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.”

    This book offers valuable tips and insights on how to maintain purity and avoid fornication. It provides practical guidance for those already involved in such behavior, offering a pathway to overcome it. Tailored to real-life situations, this book is highly recommended for young individuals in Junior High School, Senior High School, and universities, as well as for those who are unmarried. The content is equally relevant and beneficial for married individuals seeking to uphold purity and values in their relationships.


  • What God Cannot Do Does Not Exist

    This book is a real eye-opener for both Christians and non-Christians. It has lots of examples and instances from both the Bible and daily life matters. Throughout the book, Mrs. Doris Aidoo calls on all to serve God with their whole heart. It’s also a clarion call for all Christians to take life seriously. As you read through each chapter, you will be enlightened and encouraged to always reach out and help someone.
    Today, it is very common to hear all sorts of sarcastic criticisms or jokes made about the Church and by extension, Christians.
    I believe a walk through some of the topics outlined in this anointed book will prove helpful for all who read it. “But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, with men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.”
    Whatever God determines to do, either in heaven or on this planet earth, must come to pass. He is in perfect control of everything going on in the earth and in heaven (Matthew 19:26 – 27).
    Everything was spoken into existence, giving credence to the magnificence of the power of God who holds the whole world in His hands.
    I believe the impossibilities of men are possibilities with God. In the earthly realm, God uses human beings to execute projects that are beneficial to men. Ordinarily, men cannot execute any work requiring the unction of the Spirit to fulfill, but when empowered by God, they can do exploits. Elijah was an ordinary man like us, but because of God’s anointing on him, he performed many humanly impossible things.
    The reason why “what God can not do doesn’t exist” is that there is no situation, no matter how hopeless or irredeemable it seems, that God can’t change for the better. The only things God can’t do…is to lie or break His promise, because He is a covenant-keeping God…He can’t deny Himself.
    This is the basis upon which this book is written.

  • The Great Revelation (Vol.1)

    THE GREAT REVELATION is the complete image of the [over] 1,900 detailed Bible lessons prepared by the author: It explicitly discusses all [major] theories pertaining to the Kingdom of God (Heaven and the Church), Revelation, Daniel, Biblical Prophecies, Biblical Eschatology (Preterism, Idealism, Historicism, and Futurism), the A.D 70

    Kingism, Methods of Bible Interpretation, etc.

    The book is meant to teach, instruct, inform, secure the Christian faith, and spread the true doctrine of Christ with respect to the subjects discussed, across the globe.

    It’s the prayer of the author that this book reaches every Christian and the world at large, to cling to the human heart and mind, soul and spirit -to prepare all saints for the revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ.



  • The Altar

    Understanding that altars have the power to speak in our lives gives believers the will to fight and remain firm in our walk with God. It is interesting to know that aside from altars that destroy destinies, the Bible highlights some good altars that were raised by men to activate and maintain covenants between themselves and God. This book highlights the power of altars and the need to build holy altars as Christians.

    The Altar

  • Woman, the Battle Lines are Drawn

    In a world filled with distractions and adversities, the call for Christian women to rise as empowered warriors is more profound than ever. This book is a compelling guide that emboldens women to embrace their God-given purpose, resist the subtle deceptions of

    Satan, and navigate life’s challenges with unwavering resolve.

    This book reveals the secret to unlocking your inner strength and finding your purpose in God’s grand design. As a woman, it is time to embrace your calling and embark on a transformative journey towards empowerment and spiritual fulfilment.

  • A Walking Rainbow

    Love is set ablaze in the heart of savvy Mathematics student Calyx, who sporadically
    finds himself entangled in a love circus with talented Psychology student, Nadine,
    who had coaxed him to join a liberating creative writing group. As a nerd-herd, Calyx fumbles with what he is not ready to handle and the aftermath of making a decision based on his emotions. As college life unfolds, will Calyx and Nadine be able to guard what they deem dear to their hearts to the detriment of their academic work? Come along for the journey in this poetic and surreal creative piece!


  • Thunder Protocol

    Thunder Protocol is a mid-career oeuvre of lively and impressive poems that examine issues ranging from the personal to the global. The diversity of themes in this poetry collection is both refreshing and startling, with language that is sometimes witty and inventive, and other times reflective and simple. This collection, which seems like an uncovering of the poet, may be considered a bearer of a collective understanding on the workings of the world.

  • For Broken Men Who Cross Often

    Efe Paul Azino’s spoken word performances have received critical acclaim from listeners over the years. This book is therefore an expected result of a heightened expectation from many of his fans. For Broken Men Who Cross Often, is a refreshing and brilliant bond of the written and the oral, as it invents aesthetic devices to connect the two mediums which have constantly generated wide debate: spoken word and poetry-on-the-page. The author, in his writing, resonates through his themes of advocacy, love, loss, identity and history, the need for a revisit of the inner self. In Efe Paul Azino, we will always listen to tradition in present-day voice.

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