• Moringa Species: A Potential Source Of New Drugs

    A comprehensive study of all 13 species of the remarkable plant family Moringaceae, including Moringa oleifera the most widespread member of the species. Rich in phytochemicals, these plants are of immense importance where they occur and for many people their only form of curative medicine. Particular attention is paid to known traditional medicinal uses, chemical compounds identified and pharmacological investigations conducted to confirm the rationale for their traditional use.

  • Confidence: The Surprising Truth about How Much You Need – And How to Get It

    We’re told that the key to success in life and business is confidence: believe in yourself, and the world is your oyster. But building confidence can be a challenging task. And, as leading psychologist Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic argues confidence can actually get in the way of achievement – self-esteem is nothing without the competence, the core skills, to back it up. Confidence is feeling capable. Competence is being capable. None of the figures whose success is put down to supreme self-belief – Barack Obama, Madonna, Muhammad Ali – could have achieved their goals without the hard-won skills (and years of training) behind the confidence mask. Successful people are confident because of their success, and not the other way around. Whether you want to improve your social skills, get a promotion or that all-important first job, this game-changing exploration of how to build success, in the mould of Robert Cialdini’s Influence, Susan Cain’s Quiet and Steven Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, will change the way you think about achievement

  • The Role of Public Medical Knowledge in Disease Prevention and Treatment

    Why get sick, (by surprise) when you have a choice to prevent or block sicknesses? Just like death, all around us like trees in the woods, many don’t think of it or hate to think of it. And so we get shocked when it bears its ugly fruits. The same can be said of sicknesses/diseases in our bodies.

    Sicknesses or diseases are no respecters of person or status. Both the rich and the poor visit hospitals daily. The only difference is those who are health conscious enough to block/ prevent or get rid of diseases at the earliest stage. One can only prevent what he/she knows correctly.

    This book contains more than thirty commonest disease conditions one can easily find in health facilities across the country, (Hypertension, Intestinal Obstruction, Kidney Failure, Diabetes, Cancers, Pneumonia, Sickle Cell Disease, HIV/AIDS, etc.). Emphasis placed most on how anybody at all can effectively prevent these diseases without a pill/herbs. I believe Prevention of Diseases depends 99% on the public rather than clinicians, while treatment of diseases depends 95% on clinicians more than the public.

    This book contains medical knowledge, made extremely simple for even a child’s understanding. Medical jargons explained to the barest; including rationales for medical facts for easy understanding and practice.

    Note: Many preventable diseases — Hypertension, Diabetes, Stroke, etc. — cannot be cured or eliminated from the body, especially in chronic state; they can only be managed. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER; get empowered on health related issues.

  • Shining Ever Brighter: From Nothing to Something

    Born into a family of seven children to two semi-literate parents, life was not perpetually smooth, but somewhat cushioned by the perks and safety net of her father’s employment ina multinational mining conglomerate. At age 14, her world was thrown into a free-falling spiral arising from the voluntary retrenchment taken by her father, throwing the family of 9 into an unforeseen instability and untold hardships over the next decade. With an unremitting desire for education and a deep faith in God instilled in them by their mother, Asantewaa and her six siblings fought to stay in school, find a suitable place to lay their head at night and food to put on the table.

    This is the story of Asantewaa’s journey from a life of poverty and need in Accra, Ghana all the way to the miracle of a scholarship to pursue a PhD in Canada. This is a story of hardship and persistence, of hunger and kindness, of disappointments and triumph, and an unending trust in God.

  • New Scientist: The Origin of (almost) Everything

    Introduction by Professor Stephen Hawking.

    When Edwin Hubble looked into his telescope in the 1920s, he was shocked to find that nearly all of the galaxies he could see through it were flying away from one another. If these galaxies had always been travelling, he reasoned, then they must, at some point, have been on top of one another. This discovery transformed the debate about one of the most fundamental questions of human existence – how did the universe begin?

    Every society has stories about the origin of the cosmos and its inhabitants, but now, with the power to peer into the early universe and deploy the knowledge gleaned from archaeology, geology, evolutionary biology and cosmology, we are closer than ever to understanding where it all came from. In The Origin of (almost) EverythingNew Scientist explores the modern origin stories of everything from the Big Bang, meteorites and dark energy, to dinosaurs, civilisation, timekeeping, belly-button fluff and beyond.

    From how complex life evolved on Earth, to the first written language, to how humans conquered space, The Origin of (almost) Everything offers a unique history of the past, present and future of our universe.

  • Agriculture Economics and Contemporary Issues in Ghana

    A collection of review and empirical articles on agricultural economics by the Department of Agricultural Economics. It provides a good illustration of the key themes, concepts and methodologies of Agricultural Economics, Agribusiness and Agricultural Administration and demonstrates the basic concerns of the discipline.

  • Perspectives from the World of Nutrition and Food Science

    The University of Ghana Readers volume from the Department of Nutrition and Food Science provides standpoints that are backed with research into processing technologies of Ghanaian traditional foods and some nutrition situations across the life stages of humans. This Reader volume is an important resource for researchers, students, health workers, social work professionals and the general population to get a better understanding of Food Science and Nutrition issues that are pertinent to general well being and health.

  • Heartbeats of Grace

    In this true account, a great physician puts a 33-year sterling career on the line for someone he’s never met, risking sanction and possible suspension from the medical establishments in both his native and adopted homelands. Another great physician cuts short his business trip in India and races back home to Ghana to open the only currently operational Catheterization laboratory in town just in time to make the emergency intervention possible on a Sunday.

    A true friend suspends his own busy life for 48 hours in order to bring the two physicians together in Accra with barely enough time to save his old school mate’s life.

    A young wife and mother of three incredibly adorable kids doggedly fights a myopic health delivery system, refusing to let anyone tell her that she is a walking widow.

    “…what a racy, scary, magical, joyful story he has survived to tell! And what a fantastic story-teller!” — Kwaku Sakyi Addo

  • Joy Comes in the Morning

    Coping with the loss of a loved one can be devastating. In this authentic account, the author describes the various stages in dealing with the loss of a loved one. In addition, she addresses countless trials that are bound to take place during the period of loss, the highs and lows of grieving and how to start the process of healing.

    Her encounter with people from all walks of life going through the same ordeal encompassed with her personal experience ignited the flame within her to share her story and her journey.

    You don’t have to languish in uncertainty. You can shake off the dust and move on to accomplish your life’s purpose and set goals. You will be energized to move on, and chart a new future through the darkness and uncertainties until you finally wake up to the truest, purest joy that comes in the morning which only God can give.

  • The Phoenix of Love


    “The book The Phœnix of Love has been written… to answer the coyly defiant questions as to what love means and entails: Nature and activity of love, love of fellow creature, of God, of country, of social causes, self-love, dynamics of love…? Great and capable minds such as Thomas Aquinas, Erich Fromm, Jesuit Fr. Pedro Arrupe, C. S. Lewis and Irving Singer have, over the years, sought to unravel the meaning of the idea or concept of love, yet understanding love appears to be a discursive journey that is set to continue for a while longer…. The Phœnix of Love is, to my mind, one of the unimaginably giant steps in the unfolding discourse on the nature and activity of love and what it entails….

    The young, brilliant and gifted author Anthony Gyening-Yeboah ingeniously employs philosophical, theological, scientific, psychological and sociological ideas to present his understanding of the concept of love in an intellectual and conversational manner that illuminates as much as it enriches the concept of love and the activity of loving.”


    –Justice Yeboah, author of ‘The Alchemy of Social Justice’ & ‘Rights in Action’ 

  • Positive Health: Health Beyond Pills

    You don’t exist on earth with the main purpose of fighting disease or illness yet much focus of today’s health and healthcare is on how to take people out of negative health (disease and illness). Positive health however emphasises you as a healthy person with health assets for survival. In this book we discuss what those health assets are, that if you discover, cultivate or maintain you will ensure a healthy, happy and long life. In addition, we emphasise wellness as being spiritually, mentally, emotionally, socially and physically healthy, and we show you how to achieve this kind of holistic health.

  • Basic Manners And What Every Child Should Know

    Age Range: 2 – 8  years

    The early years in a child’s life is critical. Character formation should begin in a child’s early years. The child’s future choices and wellbeing depend on the quality of guidance and training in the early years.

    Basic Manners and What Every Child Should Know is strongly recommended as a guide to help parents and teachers to produce disciplined children.

  • Peri-menopause: The Trip of a Woman!!

    Perimenopause is a very trying period in a woman’s life. Its effects and challenges affects today’s woman Socially, Physically, Emotionally and Sexually.

    In this practical  and succinct book, Pastor Anita has distilled key facts and information that teaches women and men on how to handle these difficult menopausal challenges and go on to live happier enjoyable lives.

  • The Right Treatment for the Right Disease

    Most people are confused about choosing between Alternative and Orthodox medicine. They are not certain about what to go in for: traditional medicine, herbal treatment, homeopathy, food supplements, divine (faith) healing or the doctor’s treatments (orthodox medicine). This book is written to clear these doubts and help you to make the right decision in those crucial moments in order not to be shortchanged. All the various options of healthcare available to you have been addressed in this material, and enough information has been provided to help you make the best of health choices towards living a healthy, long and satisfying life

  • What You Need to Know About Medical Checkup

    There are limitations of healthcare that fight our health and longevity. This is why everyone should have an ongoing relationship with health knowledge and healthcare through a health maintenance programme, whether sick or not, to avoid surprises. In this book, we discuss the commonest causes of hospital visits and death, and ways to prevent them. An example of an ideal evidence-based medical checkup guide for adults and children has also been included for use with your health provider. Some people believe that the main work of health professionals is to show up only when someone is sick or about to die. However, healthcare is a preventive practice largely, with the intention of preventing death ultimately. This book will challenge what you already know about preventive services or medical checkup.

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