• Aging

    Aging (3)

  • Applied Psychology

    Applied Psychology (4)

  • Mental Health

    Mental Health (10)

  • Mood Disorders

    Mood Disorders (1)

  • Post-traumatic Stress Disorder

    Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (1)

  • Psychology & Counseling

    Psychology & Counseling (16)

  • Schools of Thought

    Schools of Thought (1)

  • HELP (What it Means, How to Offer, How to Receive) -PreOrder

    Available from April 23rd, 2025

    In this maiden edition, Michael Sarfo-Kantanka discusses Help; a fundamental and sensitive issue, paramount to human coexistence so often misconstrued and misapplied.

    “What is Help? How can Help be offered? How can Help be received? Who can Help?”

    These questions form a framework of thought patterns that allow for a thorough review of the all important human phenomenon. If really nobody can exist out here without Help, Michael convinces us with this piece, that we must pay a lot more earnest heed to understanding the intricate elements around the concept of Help. The book sets the tone for healthy and beneficial relationships amongst all manner of people while we sojourn!


  • Bed 27: Mental Strength and Healing

    How did we get here? Beri is in extreme pain and the confused doctors staring at her just makes it even worse. She has been hospitalized for 8 months, had multiple surgeries and lost 4.8meters of her small intestines and now her family is being told that she can’t survive without the ileum because that’s where food is absorbed. Almost every week of the 8 months have been one bad news to another. Things happening to her which she has never heard of before and to think that we have been told that when you are a dedicated Christian, nothing bad can happen to you. Eventually, she was given 3 weeks to live but heyy, things turned around and she is alive 7 years later telling her story. You will love to know how that happened.

  • My Lay Diabetes Doctor

    Diabetes mellitus, hypertension is among the leading causes of death globally. Diabetes is a complex disease both in aetiology and management that requires sustained lifestyle changes and adherence to medications. This book is timely and would serve as an educational tool to assist patients manage their condition optimally.
    The book outlines practical insights to help patients and lay persons understand this complex disease and how to live healthily with the condition. The book covers important aspects of diabetes such as diagnosis, understanding the types of diabetes, medications and how they work, diabetes in children and adolescents, myths about the disease, complications and how to prevent them.
    It will serve as a companion for persons living with diabetes and for lay people in understanding this complex disease. In our peculiar health care setting, where multiple barriers exit in accessing timely and quality health care, such tools and guides written in plain language for use at the population level, is most invaluable.
    This book is written in simple language that makes reading enjoyable and it is highly recommended.

  • Woman: What The Bible Really Says about Her-Story and Human Dignity

    WOMAN interrogates the different layers in the two creation stories of the Bible, its impact on gender relations, the personhood, womanhood and dignity of women.

    “WOMAN takes a focused approach, and Edem’s ability to delve into the multiple layers of the Genesis narrative is truly captivating.


    Rather than simply reciting existing beliefs, Edem guides readers towards nuanced interpretations, which underpins the core themes of the book.


    Through its thought-provoking pages, Woman invites us to re-examine our long-held beliefs, assumptions, and prejudices, and to consider God’s intention.

    The Genesis account in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) provides two different creation stories.


    The first, the Priestly (Elohim) story (Genesis 1:1-2:4a), emphasizes that God created humans as both male and female at the same time (en masse). The second, the Yahwist story (Genesis 2:4b-25) describes the creation of man and woman separately, with the woman being created as a companion for the man….

    Woman stimulates contemplation about God’s purpose for humanity, particularly women, womanhood, human dignity, marriage, and its origins…” -Excerpt from FOREWORD by Prof. Mercy Amba Oduyoye, First African Woman Theologian, Educator and Poet

  • She: The Feminine Enigma

    SHE is a groundbreaking book with important contributions to the ongoing conversation about gender relations, equality, and human dignity.

    This book explores the complex issues emanating from the relations between males and females, and the place of the woman in society, from a fresh perspective that is informed by research, nuance, and illumination.

    The author’s critical, provocative, and spiritually awakening writing calls for shift in Beliefs, challenging readers to unlearn unhealthy narratives about women that are often attributed to the Bible. Ultimately, this book aims to liberate people to fully realise their human potential and to create healthy space for all persons to fulfil their God-given Purpose.


    “For many Christians who have grappled with trying to understand issues of equality, complementarity, hierarchy, and subordination in relations between men and women, husbands and wives, you may well find answers from this book that decisively settle your questions.” – Excerpts from FOREWORD by Angela Dwamena-Aboagye, PhD, Christian Lawyer, Theologian and Counsellor


  • Psst…Just Saying: Musings of an Exasperated Woman

    In Psst…Just Saying, Obafunke draws readers out of their comfort zone into her orbit without apologising for her viewpoint. Her central argument is that cultural norms evolve and exist for reasons that ensure their survival in the Zeitgeist.

    These deeply personal and emotional poignant essays present the writer’s concerns about modernism, culture, respect and life. They make for a read that is in turns deadly serious, outrageously funny and profoundly honest.

  • Revealed! The Storm is Over

    If you feel entrapped in the wilderness of being abused as a child, the loss of a loved one, and have reached the end of the road in your abusive marriage, and you cannot find the words to speak your truth boldly or how to find the peace you yearn for, this book is for you.

    The book chronicles the author’s experiences to help parents discover how children go through the trauma of sexual abuse, and to overcome it. The book also talks about marital abuse and divorce, how to identify the traits, when to walk out when necessary, and the loss of a loved one and how the grief can be handled. Note that your greatest gift lies next to your deepest wound.

  • Moringa Species: A Potential Source Of New Drugs

    A comprehensive study of all 13 species of the remarkable plant family Moringaceae, including Moringa oleifera the most widespread member of the species. Rich in phytochemicals, these plants are of immense importance where they occur and for many people their only form of curative medicine. Particular attention is paid to known traditional medicinal uses, chemical compounds identified and pharmacological investigations conducted to confirm the rationale for their traditional use.

  • Shining Ever Brighter: From Nothing to Something

    Born into a family of seven children to two semi-literate parents, life was not perpetually smooth, but somewhat cushioned by the perks and safety net of her father’s employment ina multinational mining conglomerate. At age 14, her world was thrown into a free-falling spiral arising from the voluntary retrenchment taken by her father, throwing the family of 9 into an unforeseen instability and untold hardships over the next decade. With an unremitting desire for education and a deep faith in God instilled in them by their mother, Asantewaa and her six siblings fought to stay in school, find a suitable place to lay their head at night and food to put on the table.

    This is the story of Asantewaa’s journey from a life of poverty and need in Accra, Ghana all the way to the miracle of a scholarship to pursue a PhD in Canada. This is a story of hardship and persistence, of hunger and kindness, of disappointments and triumph, and an unending trust in God.

  • 12 Dates with Autism and the Holy Spirit

    This book is a collection of experiences and lessons that demonstrate that in an uncertain world we can still know that God is in control. The Bible assures us that because God cares for and suffers our pains with us, He will not fail in executing His promises of deliverance and a perfect life for us in the end.

    The narratives herein point to the need for an understanding and appreciation of scriptures in everyday situations. Believers can obey the scriptures as God’s reliable guidance for living by faith, and this book encourages all persons who by reason of certain physical and or psychological disabilities feel beaten down, weary and discouraged to know that they are not alone. There is assurance in the Bible and in the reality of living with the Holy Spirit, that you can weather the storm and move ahead with a smile of victory. This book will help you learn those lessons and live that life.

  • Contemporary Issues in Ageing in Ghana: A Multidisciplinary Approach

    The rise in population of the aged (also known as elderly, older persons, old adults, senior citizens) across the universe has become a global concern given the associated demographic, social and economic implications for the well-being of the aged. This increase has implications for future generations as well as the social and economic development of the country.

    This book, being the first from the Centre for Ageing Studies at the University of Ghana advocates for the study of ageing in many facets from health, science, and socioeconomic perspectives.

    It is our hope that the book provokes dialogue and serves as the beginning of many more avenues for academic discourse to embrace diverse views and science as the way forward. At the very least, this should motivate others to focus on ageing issues than ever before.

    Given the numerous challenges associated with ageing and the neglect of the welfare of the aged in Ghana, it is imperative that we pay attention to the plight of the elderly in our African societies. There is an argument to extend ageing issues to the larger population. It is hoped that Ghana would once again be the beacon of hope for research in ageing in sub–Saharan Africa with the Centre for Ageing Studies at the University of Ghana leading the way.

  • A Doctor for the People: Memoirs of a Village Doctor in a Forgotten District

    This book is not just about experiences of a medical officer in a rural district of Ghana but provides useful insight into the life and character of Dr Anthony Ofosu and what drives him in his work as a public health physician. In a profession where many people will shy away from working in remote and deprived districts of the country, Dr Ofosu has provided useful insights through his pioneering work in a remote district, for young and upcoming medical and other practitioners to emulate. The ingredients for such successful transition from an urban to a rural setting have been highlighted, including overall vision of his profession, commitment to his God, openness to suggestions, supportive superiors and above all understanding family support.

  • Let’s Talk Diabetes

    Diabetes education is integral in the management of diabetes. This handy book is packed with information needed by all diabetes patients, discussing diabetes, its complications and management.

    Using pictures and illustrations, diet, correct use of glucose meters, foot care, insulin storage and injection are explained amongst others. Finally, frequently asked questions are answered.

    Health workers who manage diabetes patients will also find this very book useful as it simplifies diabetes education.

    If you have diabetes, have a relative with diabetes, manage patients with diabetes or want to prevent diabetes, this book is for you.

  • My Home, My Hell: Should I Stay or Should I Go?

    Within three weeks of the 2020 UK pandemic lockdown, an unprecedented number of women – sixteen – were reported to have died. This figure does not take into account unreported deaths across the globe. Domestic violence is a global crisis which cannot be ignored. My Home My Hell is an insightful read for anyone about to get into a relationship, in a relationship, in a position to influence couples and not only the victims of domestic violence and abuse.

    Nana explores relationships in her straightforward writing style and catalogues the kinds of abuse that can manifest within these circumstances. She highlights the warning signs of abusive relationships and marriages and through the lens of real examples, she encourages the reader to reflect on their own lived experiences. By offering practical advice on how to safely exit a toxic relationship, she hopes that readers within such situations will be motivated to make informed choices and avoid becoming a statistic.

  • 90 & Grateful: An Autobiography (Hardcover)

    The author of this fine autobiography, Mrs Lucy Effah, a nonagenarian who has shown that it is never too late for any personal endeavour once you set your mind to it. Born a royal of Asante Bekwai, she grew up to become a top nurse-midwife professional in the pre and immediate post independent eras of Ghana. Her life has demonstrated a genetic leadership trait inherent in her character.  She exemplified such faith and commitment that may be compared to the dedication of globally acknowledged and timeless personalities like Florence Nightingale, Mother Teresa and Mary Seacole.

    The book includes many glowing tributes – including a Foreword from the former President of Ghana, His Excellency John Agyekum Kufuor attributing her trailblazing qualities in nursing education to her leadership qualities. The former President said she has always had an aura of care and compassion about her in both her public and private life. In this respect, she has made immense contributions to the process of transformation in Ghana.

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