• Commercial Law

    Commercial Law (23)

  • Administrative Law

    Administrative Law (499)

  • Human Rights

    Human Rights (498)

  • Unfinished Journey: The Life and Times of VCRAC Crabbe

    Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, Asantehene, says this about the book:

    “The Life of Justice Crabbe has surely not been all rosy. He has suffered painfully from people who envied and misunderstood him. But through it all, he came out better, fearless and incurably optimistic. We learn from some of his painful experiences recounted in this book that misfortune is only a missed-fortune. We should always believe as individuals and as a nation that the best is yet to come! Clearly, part of his secret for aging so gracefully is being content with the lot that life grants him and not to carry any negative emotions in his body.”

  • My Life in Law and Politics: Memoirs & Biography of B.J. da Rocha

    This book chronicles the life of B.J. da Rocha as a lawyer and politician. B. J., as he was popularly known, was a legal luminary and politician extraordinaire. Born on May 16th 1927, he devoted the entire course of his professional life to entrenching the rule of law, development of legal education, and in the defence of human rights till his death on the 23rd of February 2010.

    He was noted for forthrightness, integrity and principled stance on issues on the rule of law and national development.

    He played various prominent roles in Law and Politics as a lawyer, director of legal education, law lecturer and first Chairman of the New Patriotic Party.

    This account is related by B.J. himself in Part 1, followed by an Epilogue based on interviews B.J. conducted with Mr. Dei, a student of history, for his dissertation.

    This book is an exciting read for students of political history in Ghana and is an insightful commentary on Ghana’s chequered political history.

    “Here was a man, when comes such another” — Shakespeare, Julius Caesar

  • Corporate Governance: The Boardroom, The Bottom Line & Beyond (Hardcover)

    Foreword by Sam Esson Jonah KBE, OSG

    “This book…provides key explanations …to enlighten practising directors and corporate lawyers on modern and international trends in their…work. I personally admire how the author skillfully and seamlessly combines three broad subject areas: law, finance and history to make a strong case for modern corporate lawyers to be specialists in finance; for boards of directors to be knowledgeable in finance and law; and for students to be futuristic in their career planning…[T]his publication has all the necessary ingredients to support the central bank’s agenda to strengthen corporate governance structures and practices across all segments of the banking industry in Ghana.” — Dr. Ernest Addison, Governor of the Bank of Ghana; in-coming 2020 Chair of the Board of Governors of the Bretton Woods Institutions

    “A superb, masterful and much-needed contribution to a critically important subject. Robert Nii Arday Clegg’s meticulously researched and expertly delivered work is groundbreaking in the Ghanaian context. It is a must-read for any professional who is serious about truly understanding the nuances inherent in the concept of corporate governance and the principal elements of a director’s fiduciary duties. Corporate Governance: The Boardroom, The Bottom Line & Beyond could not have been written at a more propitious time. It inspires an enlightened perspective that will produce corporate governance cognoscenti in the classrooms and boardrooms of Ghana for a very long time.” — Kwabena Osei-Boateng, Chairman, IC Asset Managers (Ghana) Limited; Member, Oxford University Alumni Board

    “An absolute masterpiece…well-researched and provides deep insights into an area where many who believe they understand barely scratch the surface. Corporate governance is particularly relevant in many facets of developing economies like ours and I daresay this book will educate many beyond the borders of this country. I have read many books on the subject and this ranks right up there with the best of them. Much as I expected a great job, I must say that Clegg managed to exceed that expectation. Well done for providing living water to our thirsty land.” — Antoinette Kwofie, Executive Director, Finance, Barclays Bank Ghana (Part of the Absa Family)

    “This book will give its readers a strong intellectual basis to appreciate the concepts currently shaping corporate governance practices. It is a brilliant toolkit on how to become an effective supervisor. A required reading for a person making rules on corporate policy, currently operating in a boardroom or aspiring to operate from one soon.” —  Winston Nelson Jr., Member, Governing Council, Ghana Fixed Income Market; Former Director, Ghana Stock Exchange

    “A very powerful and thought-provoking read on one of the biggest topics of our time. Corporate governance shapes our society to a greater extent than many of us might think and Clegg does an excellent job of introducing the topic with its attendant objectives and underpinning philosophies.” — Fridrik Arsælsson, Partner, Rettur-Adalsteinsson & Partners; Alternate Board Member, Financial Supervisory Authority of Iceland; Adjunct Professor, The Faculty of Law, University of Iceland

  • Joy: A Biography of Henrietta Mensa-Bonsu

    “At just 18 months of age, in 1959, Henrietta overcame the first of a lifetime of recurring challenges. One day she was rushed to a private hospital in Kumasi by her mother, feverish and weak. Her pulse was faint and everyone was scared. The doctor scolded Elizabeth for waiting for so long before bringing Henrietta to the hospital.

    “This is a hopeless case,” the doctor said to the distraught mother and asked back home with her child. Even after being dismissed from the hospital, Mama Elizabeth still remained on the premises, imploring; her arms firmly around her sick baby. Evidently out of pity, the doctor said, ‘Okay, I’m going to cut you a deal. Go home with the child. If tomorrow morning comes and she is still alive, bring her for treatment.’”

    This biography vividly captures how that 18-month-old baby survived, persevered and rose to become a Justice of the Supreme Court of Ghana.

    Joy is a captivating account of three generations committed to the pursuit of excellence community and public service. It is the testimony of the nurturing powers of education. It is the testimony of a woman whose life epitomises fairness, family and faith.

    “This book offers a lot more than a record of scholarly excellence and legal brilliance. In elegant prose, the author succeeds in combining these illuminating historical essays with a perceptive sociological case study of the ‘middle class’ in Ghana. On all counts. Prof. Henrietta Mensa-Bonsu’s biography is a literary treasure.” − Nana Prof. SKB Asante, Omanhene of Asante Asokore and Past President of Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences

  • Concise Text On The Law Of Contract in Ghana (Hardcover)

    This book is strictly designed for undergraduates who have followed a course of lectures based on standard works on contract law. It is intended to supplement your course materials, lectures and textbooks; it is a guide to revision rather than a substitute for the amount of reading that you need to do in order to succeed. Contract law is a vast subject as evidenced by the volume of material contained in standard works on the subject. It follows that a revision work cannot cover all the depth and detail that the student needs to know, and it does not set out to do so. The aim is to provide a concise overall picture of the key areas for revision.

  • In the Eye of the Storm: Autobiography of Justice Emile Francis Short (Hardcover)

    This book recounts my upbringing, narrating the role my father played in inculcating in me the values of honesty, integrity and hard work. The book describes my life from secondary school through University and the twist and turns of my career. The main object in writing the book is to inspire public officials to discharge their functions “without fear or favour, ill will or affection.” It also seeks to encourage the youth to pursue hard work and do the right thing at all times. It hopes to discourage the youth from engaging in unethical practices like 419, sakawa, satanic or occultic practices to get rich quickly. Honesty does pay in the long run. The idea of sitting down to write about myself especially at age 70 was not an attractive proposition. However, I received encouragement from a number of persons who impressed upon me the need to describe how I navigated the journey as Ghana’s first Commissioner for the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice and the challenges I encountered. My faith in Christ and how it has shaped my career are well articulated in the book.
    Justice Emile Francis Short

    Justice Emile Short’s memoir contains a powerful account of the life of a man whose local and international standing has generally beclouded a rich and fulfilling life history immersed in family, friends, community, and faith. Adopting a fluent narrative tinged with humor and transitional pauses and asides, this memoir presents a profound excursion into his life marked by detailed narrative of his experiences growing up in Ghana and abroad, education, love life, and professional development, and these will afford any reader a rare insight into the life of one of Africa’s, and certainly Ghana’s greatest sons. While many will find the chronology of his life’s story easy to identify with, his meticulous narration is truly a testament to the memoire’s overall richness and the depth of the author’s encounters and world views. Few memoirs open a window into an author’s life like this piece and the brazen frankness of his accounts illuminates the author and his lived experiences in the many episodes and phases of his years. The reader will find the book a lively and highly engaging read–one which piqued my own interest till the very end. I have hardly read any autobiography this revealing!
    Prof. E. Kofi Abotsi
    Dean, UPSA Law School

    A very well told life story. Lovely in its brevity, but that seems to come at the expense of some of the important episodes narrated in the book, particularly the “Damascan” transformation from being a successful conventional elite professional Cape Coast lawyer and hustling in the UK (on the one hand); to becoming a “born again”/charismatic Christian, occupying high level state positions/public office, “speaking truth” to powerful politicians/slaying political tigers, and liberating the enslaved.
    Prof. Gyimah Boadi

  • Ghanaian Law of Copyright

    Andrew Amegatcher has been an authority on the law of copyright in Ghana for many years. This second edition of the Ghanaian Law of Copyright is not only an academic treatise on the law of copyright generally and as it applies in Ghana, but is an excellent tool for disseminating knowledge of copyright law.

    Since publication of the first edition a major piece of legislation, PNDC Law 110 1985 on Copyright has been replaced by another, the Copyright Act 2005, Act 690. The second edition includes new topics and a chapter on international copyright, including TRIPS, the Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights.

  • Critical and Biographical Essays of Nana Dr. S.K.B. Asante: From an African Village to the Global Village and Back (Hardcover)

    Few Ghanaians of any generation have had a career as long, as varied, and as consequential as Nana S.K.B. Asante’s: government attorney; law teacher; international public servant; constitution framer; adviser to sovereign parties; commercial arbitrator; public intellectual; traditional monarch. Just as impressive is the fact that, in each of these substantial roles, Nana has left a trail of writings. My own first encounter with Nana’s scholarship happened during my time at Yale Law School, his alma mater. As an editor on the law review, I was curious to know whether any Ghanaian had been published by the prestigious journal. My search led me to a fascinating article on Ghanaian property and customary law written by Samuel K.B. Asante in the 1965 volume of the journal. At the time of my discovery, his was the only article by a Ghanaian published in the 100-year history of the journal. I would later discover many more of his academic writings, some of which I assigned to my class in my years as a law teacher.

    This book collects in one volume some of Nana’s mostly “non-academic” writings. The essays tell, in characteristically fine prose rich in biography and history, the story of an intellectual-technocrat keen to use his wealth of knowledge to address contemporary problems of development and to put that expertise in the service of his country–and of the developing world at large. The publication of this selection of Nana S.K.B. Asante’s writings, in the 90th year of his life, is a monumental accomplishment and a befitting capstone of a long and distinguished career.

    Executive Director of Ghana Center for Democratic Development


    The incredibly rich collection of writings by the eminent international lawyer, scholar, respected global development expert and prominent traditional ruler, Nana S.K.B Asante, takes the reader on a remarkable journey of nearly seven decades of illumination. His vivid experiences, enormous achievements and witty recollections reveal the remarkable growth of a curious mind and a disciplined intellectual dedicated ultimately to the service of humanity from his native village to the global village. In characteristic modesty, Nana claims not to be a historian, but this book is a historical gold mine filled with nuggets of analysis on the evolution of education, law, science, social policy, public service, constitutional development, nation building and chieftaincy in Ghana, enriched with valuable insights into the solid contributions of illustrious men and women. His penetrating and critical analyses of international development cooperation in the fields of investments, energy, water and natural resources in Asia and Africa must be lessons for all developing countries. This rich resource book is highly recommended.

    Former Social Policy Adviser, UN Economic Commission for Africa


    This masterpiece by Nana SKB Asante which narrates his life journey from his hometown at Asokore to Achimota, academia, diplomacy and finally back home is unique, inspiring and educative. The Book covers a broad spectrum of academic disciplines including constitutional law, commercial law, criminal law, international law, chieftaincy, leadership and governance, sociology, history and religions. It provides a vivid account of the constitutional history of Ghana from the author’s personal knowledge. The author who had the singular honour to chair the Committee of Experts which gave birth to Ghana’s 1992 Constitution also held the positions of Solicitor-General and Deputy Attorney-General under different democratic and military governments. Nana SKB Asante has used simple diction to convey his wealth of knowledge, experience and wisdom, acquired from both local and international levels in different capacities to inculcate in his audience the spirit of patriotism. The book is a must read!

    Justice of The Court of Appeal

  • Introduction to the Law of Torts in Ghana (Hardcover)

    This book attempts to state the Law of Torts as it should apply in the Ghana legal stem. Article I I of the 1992 Constitution recognises the common law principles as they were received from the Anglo-American common law tradition as part of the Laws of Ghana. Section 54 of the Courts Act, 1993 (Act 459) provides that our courts may in the determination of any issue arising from the common law, adopt, develop and apply remedies from any other legal system based on the Anglo-American legal tradition.

    In many contemporary common law countries, for example the UK and the USA, however, there has been an explosion of statutory interventions in the common law. This is reflected in the discussions of the common law principles in the recent editions of textbooks written in those countries. Unfortunately, these statutes are not “statutes of general application,” as this phrase is used and understood in the Ghana legal system. The admixture of these statutes and the common law in these countries makes the isolation of the parts of those books,  which are helpful to our causes in Ghana, a major challenge.

    This book attempts to isolate what is usable from what is not. The hope of the author and the publishers is that the reader, whether a practitioner or student, will find the principles of torts law, as stated in the book, devoid of the statutory contaminations.

  • Commercial Law in Ghana: Sourcebook (Hardcover)

    Commercial Law in Ghana: Sourcebook is written as a primary text for the study and practice of commercial law in Ghana. The book prioritises Ghanaian judicial decisions in the discussion of the various topics and legal concepts in commercial law. The book covers topics such as Law of Agency, Sale of Goods, Hire Purchase, Negotiable Instruments, Banking, as well as commercial litigation and arbitration. The book contains a lucid reader-friendly analysis of topics in commercial law in the light of relevant Ghanaian case law and legislation. The book will serve the needs of students of the law by providing them with legal analysis backed by Ghanaian sources. It would also serve as a practical guide to practitioners of commercial law.

  • Seven Stories and More: Family, Ethnicity and Politics in the Life of an African Lawyer – A Memoir

    Seven Stories is a memoir by Azanne Kofi Akainyah broken into interwoven stories that constitute a life defined by a combination of grit, determination, hope and adversity all ground together into a most memorable tale. It is a book full of dramatic turns and twists. As with all good biographies, Seven Stories enlightens the reader about the context and milieu of the time and times in which the actions take place and their ramifications. Some of the passages in the book have a dramatic and cinematic quality. The reader is transported into the story. Many of the characters mentioned are drawn with such skill that the reader is left with the feeling that he also knows them. This is writing of the highest quality and distinction.

    Nana Kwasi Gyan-Appenteng
    Former Chairman of National Media Commission, Ghana

    The ability of the author to keep the reader immersed in the narration is impressive. Lawyers should find his insights relating to the interplay between law and politics especially beneficial.

    Bobby Banson Esq., FCIArb. Lecturer,
    Ghana School of Law

    A fascinating set of stories, providing unique insights into life during the transition from the Gold Coast, one of the British Empire’s West African gems, to the modern Republic of Ghana, and the extensive interactions with the UK and the rest of the world. They are based on a wealth of well referenced contemporaneous material. These memoirs chronicle the forces at play in the complex and multi-layered process of self-determination and emerging nationhood, which wrought a dreadful toll on the lives of individuals as cultures and ideologies, egos and aspirations collided. Refreshingly candid, humorous and witty in parts, Azanne Akainyah shares recollections of his life, warts and all, laced with provocative and challenging reflections on universal issues. A must read!

    Christiana Hyde MA (Cantab), Retired Employment Judge, England and Wales

    A must-read book for those interested in “the African story”. It brings to life important aspects of this story from a unique and personal angle that grips the reader from beginning to end. It covers significant events in Ghana before and after the overthrow of Nkrumah and also the unfortunate happenings in Liberia, Sierra Leone and the Gambia. It portrays how familial, ethnic and parochial interests have played major roles in these events. Akainyah sets the pace in revealing another side of the African story.

    Ivan Addae-Mensah PhD (Cantab.) FGA
    (Emeritus Professor of Chemistry, Former Vice Chancellor
    of the University of Ghana and former General Secretary of the
    Peoples National Party under President Dr Hilla Limann)

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