• A Legacy of Service to Humanity- Brig. Gen. Joseph Nunoo-Mensah

    In the book “A Legacy of Service to Humanity” author Korletey Jorbua Obuadey reveals to the reader the humanitarian activities of Brigadier General Joseph Nunoo-Mensah. The book inspires all especially the youth of Africa to service to our fellow country men and women and to our nation.

  • Swallow

    It is the early 1830s, the countries of the global north are mired in internecine wars and poverty. The British Empire has set themselves up as the world power through the trans-atlantic slave trade and has started its long-term goal of sequestering and colonising the West Coast of Africa ahead of Germany and France. In their designs for Oduduwa nations, independent city-states in the south-west, they had factored in greed and the use of force, but what they hadn’t bargained for was resistance from the powerful women living in these areas.

    These women with intertwined lives will learn of love and betrayal in the fight for survival. Efunsetan Aniwura fights to keep her family’s power. Efunporonye craves a place for herself in a world that is unforgiving to timid women. In trying to make their mark in a society dominated by men and their wars, these women will rise up against the incursions of The British Empire.

    Swallow is a vivid reimagining of ancient Yoruba history that tells a sweeping tale of tradition and culture, family, legacy and love.


  • Revenge from the African Jungle

    When killing others becomes a business, there is no stopping it. Such was the case of Bariki. He killed them without compassion. Out of their agony, he made abundant wealth and fame.

    The pain and the threat of being annihilated by just one man and his dog dominated their daily discourse.

    There seemed to be no survival in this vulnerable situation. Suddenly, the tides turned on one fateful day. They convened in their jungle and mapped out a deadly strategy. It was payback time; it was time for revenge.

    Can Bariki survive?

  • A Play of Giants

    Described by the author as a ‘Fantasia on Aminian theme’, Wole Soyinka’s new play presents a savage portrait of a group of dictatorial African leaders at bay in an embassy in New York. The resemblance between them and recent historical characters is only too pronounced.

  • The Parasitic Mind: How Infectious Ideas Are Killing Common Sense (Hardcover)

    “Read this book, strengthen your resolve, and help us all return to reason.”  JORDAN PETERSON


    There’s a war against truth… and if we don’t win it, intellectual freedom will be a casualty.

    The West’s commitment to freedom, reason, and true liberalism has never been more seriously threatened than it is today by the stifling forces of political correctness.

    Dr. Gad Saad, the host of the enormously popular YouTube show THE SAAD TRUTH, exposes the bad ideas—what he calls “idea pathogens”—that are killing common sense and rational debate. Incubated in our universities and spread through the tyranny of political correctness, these ideas are endangering our most basic freedoms—including freedom of thought and speech.

    The danger is grave, but as Dr. Saad shows, politically correct dogma is riddled with logical fallacies. We have powerful
    weapons to fight back with—if we have the courage to use them.

    A provocative guide to defending reason and intellectual freedom and a battle cry for the preservation of our fundamental rights, The Parasitic Mind will be the most controversial and talked-about book of the year.

  • Ladies Calling The Shots

    The new Nigerian Cinema, Nollywood, owes its global admiration in part to its open-arm attention to gender balance. As talented and beautiful faces won audiences over, many female professionals drew attention to the strength and spectacle that endeared this pivotal industry to audiences around the world.

    Niran Adedokun’s Ladies Calling the Shots has perhaps drawn the most critical attention to the role of female directors in Nollywood. From Lola Fani-Kayode’s pioneering work to Amaka Igwe’s bold narratives, to the work of Mildred Okwo and Tope Oshin. This book is an ode to the Ladies who call the shots in Nigerian film.

  • The Contractor

    For your eyes only.

    A jihadist group in the Middle East teams up with rogue Russian generals to take out a sitting United States president whose policies threaten a major shift in global nuclear power. They must stop him, even if that means assassinating the president and destroying that symbolic edifice of American power, the White House.

    They send in a specialist, Nabil Hamdoon, a.k.a. The Contractor. He has a 100% mission success rate.

    NSA, DHS and the FBI pick up chatter but are clueless in the mad scramble to locate and neutralize the Contractor as he spreads mayhem and death across Illinois, Maryland and the District of Columbia. He looks set to accomplish his mission as an increasingly desperate FBI and Secret Service dog his heels.

    Could one woman stop him?

    The Contractor

  • One Thousand Days in the Sun

    Young Thabo sleeps over in the Chief’s house on an errand for his father. Overnight he gropes the Chief’s extraordinarily beautiful daughter Nefrika. Obsessed with her, he returns to his father’s house convinced that Nefrika is his destiny.

    Five years later, they meet again as young adults. Thabo’s old passions resurface, except that this time Nefrika is on the market at the Wives Exchange and able men must fight other suitors to claim their desired bride. Thabo is considered weak by his tribesmen, and must now muster enough courage to fight an insanely fearsome suitor named Manpower who killed his opponent in a previous wiving fight. Thabo rejects the notion of renouncing Nefrika to avoid Manpower’s legendary ruthlessness. Determined to win the woman he thinks rightfully belongs to him, Thabo must learn the ageless laws of manhood and the forbidden secrets of the women’s Unclean Hut.

  • In the Name of Our Father

    Two men.

    One dictator.

    A country in turmoil.

    Into this mix is thrown a new novel that threatens to expose the rotten underbelly of “a man of God” who has not only bewitched his flock but has sunk is fangs into the head of state.

    In his debut novel, In The Name of Our Father, award winning journalist Olukorede Yishau weaves a mesmerising tale of duty, ambition, greed and hunger for power. It is the story of two men intent on preserving their lives but it is on a larger scale the story of a country fighting to throw off the shackles of a power mad dictator.

     Toni Kan, poet and novelist.

  • The Jungle Book (MacMillan Popular Classics)

    On a warm evening in the Seeonee hills, a family of wolves finds someone at the threshold of their cave–a human child, who knows nothing of the world of men. Adopted by Father Wolf, the man-cub Mowgli grows up with the pack in the Jungle. He begins his journey and learns the law of the Jungle with the help of his new-found friends. Embark on this adventurous journey with Mowgli and many others, as you read the enchanting The Jungle Book.

  • Cat Eyes

    Cat Eyes is the story of Pededoo, a country boy, who struggles to maintain a civil relationship with his father who had just returned home after many years abroad with a family of Cat Eyes. Despite his resentment for his father and the new family, Pededoo is hardly able to resist and truly dislike Melissa-Jane, the amiable and dashing cat-eyed blonde.

    Cat Eyes is a bildungsroman, a book of family, adventure, self-discovery and love that would take readers on a voyage they would hold dear.

    Cat Eyes

  • Viral Load

    Kayode Oguntebi’s Viral Load is a poignant narrative of various discourses, of the simple and predominant things that make up the trajectory of the African post-colonial experience.  Tunde Lewu, a young Nigerian from a rather challenging middle class reaches a breach in his expectations when he realises that he has HIV from forgotten escapades, but this story isn’t only about Tunde Lewu. It is a story that intercepts the realities of military incursion into politics, the involvement of the western powers in contributing to the paragraphs of aid and the establishment of social organisation.

    Lewu is only a character who navigates and engages other characters in the global sphere that are looking for answers to personal, social and economic preponderances. The health of the protagonist in Viral Load is subtly linked to the health of Africa. The health of a family shattered into specks of darkest brilliance props up unpalatable dissatisfaction that transcends the present and morphs into the novel’s future. This makes the author attempt a new proposition for a plot of this nature while retaining a flow from flashbacks and imaginations.

    Kayode Oguntebi’s debut novel is full of promise. His futuristic narrative of what Africa would be when Africa leaders turn their paradigms towards improving the lives of the people. What you will find in the Viral Load is the cosmopolitan Africa capable of engaging the rest of the world as it presents its own cultural solutions packaged in a more acceptable, and verifiable quality.

    Viral Load

  • Heal the Hood

    Hatima Parker is an African-American teenage girl living on the mean streets of South Central Los Angeles. Life in the hood is always tough but life produces more obstacles when an African-American man named Rodney King is beaten by the LAPD and an African-American teenage girl named Latasha Harlins is murdered by a Korean woman.

    Hatima has dreams of becoming a Marine and an Africanist and her goals cause her to question the world she lives in. She’s not sure if she wants to pursue a career with the US Armed Forces as that could easily lead to a career in law enforcement. She also finds herself connecting the teachings of Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, the Black Panthers, Marcus Garvey, Frederick Douglass, Nelson Mandela, and other black leaders to the incidents of racism she witnesses in her world in order to see if their many ways to change the status quo were effective and still are.

    Hatima also starts a relationship with a Korean teenage boy named Joshua Yang. But since racial tensions are high between African-Americans and Korean-Americans, there are many people against the biracial couple being together.

    Hatima learns the world is far from perfect and throughout 1991 and 1992 she learns how to take a stand against a world that often chooses hatred over love.

    Heal the Hood

  • Vaults of Secrets

    In one story, a conscience takes it upon itself to keep prodding its principal until she tells the truth about the paternity of her four children. In another story, a woman cannot live with the result of her promiscuous lifestyle. In the title story, Vault of Secrets, a man has a special gift of walking into places at the most inopportune times. In another story, a woman facing the death penalty relives the story of a friend who has already suffered the same fate. In yet another prison story, a man comes to terms with his complicity in activism gone wrong.

    The stories in this collection flirt with the limits of freedom and bondage, they are a means with which Olukorede Yishau examines the nature of man and his ability to choose; more so man’s ability to live with the choice he has made.

  • Son of Man

    OUR MEN…A university graduate in desperate need of a job. A father’s vengeance for a dead son. A young pragmatic man humbled by the horrors of incarceration. An old man’s dying gift to a generation. A journalist’s courage in a notorious military government. A youth corper’s temperance of religion, love and survival


    From the quiet town of Umuahia to the creeks of Bonny Island, the sweltering plains of Jos to the bustling hub of Lagos, these Nigerian men have a story to tell. Stories of life, love, family, happiness, sorrow, pestilence and death—situations faced every day in their lives. Armed with objectivity, some find peace with their resolutions, while some face dire consequences with prices to pay; with their freedom, or worst yet, their lives.

    Son of Man


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